I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1650: Rebel Frenzy 2

   Chapter 1650 Rebel Frenzy 2

   The three of them were all numb, the guy was clearly playing tricks on them, but there was nothing they could do!

   "I'm going to die!"

   Guitouzai was anxious for a while, the ghost knew if his life would come to an end in the next second, that soldier's strength was beyond imagination, if he couldn't escape this disaster, it would be really cold!

   At this critical juncture, the three of them saw a figure in front of them, wearing a non-commissioned officer uniform, and looked back and forth between the three of them and the soldier in confusion!

   In this second, Guitouzai seemed to see the savior, his face was gone, and he directly shouted: "Sir, help!"

   This shout seemed to make his non-commissioned officer understand something, and he quickly picked up his weapon and aimed at the soldier who was sprinting on the building. It was a laser!



   The low roar of the zombies, like the grinning whispers of **** demons, the three of them ran up behind him, sighed in relief, and relaxed. The feeling of being chased is really frightening! But compared to their appearance, the non-commissioned officer's expression was much more serious, his brows were frowning like a natural word for Sichuan, and he was the only one at the scene who noticed that the soldier was not simple!

He used his eyesight to the extreme, his eyes swept over everything in front of him, and he refused to let go of even a little detail. Suddenly, a black shadow flashed past, and the next second appeared on the building on the other side. Stuck on the building wall like a spider.

   "Roll!" Following the sergeant's vigorous "Roll" character, his hand and mouth moved in unison, and a laser shot precisely at the opponent!

The loud sound of the explosion filled people's ears, and a gap was blown out of the original intact building, but the soldier's response was not bad. The moment the laser was just shot from the "sky light", he jumped up, and his voice was blocked. Other buildings blocked it and disappeared in the eyes of several people.

   "Did you run away?"


   I don't know what the state of the rebel soldier is now, but the three hope that the other party is afraid of the superior's power and chooses to escape.

   "The three of you, why are you here, and that... what's his situation?"

After calming down, the non-commissioned officer began to ask the three of them questions. Guitouzai and Shi Ge looked at Wu Zhixiong. He was a veteran with more seniority than them. This question should also be answered by him. Wu Zhixiong didn't say anything. Get up and tell what happened.

   "Report, in front of...behind, be careful!"

  But after only uttering five words, Wu Zhixiong changed his face at a very fast speed. He stretched out his finger and pointed to the back. The sergeant turned back, but only saw the punch of the sandbag hitting him! When he panicked, he raised the laser weapon to block it, but with a "click", his heart was half cold.

  The powerful "Sky Light" was directly smashed by this punch! Straight to Huanglong came to his heart!

He wanted to make other movements, but all the power in his body seemed to be sucked away at this moment, he couldn't move, the punches touched his chest, and the huge power he carried made this man who had experienced many battles and brought The face of the man who has lived to this day with countless scars is directly twisted in the past!

Without the slightest sign, he was like a cannonball that had just been unbored, and flew straight out, but before it landed, his body was caught, one grabbed his throat and lifted him down, the same rebel A soldier, the speed he showed was not Tier 4, nor Tier 5 or Tier 6, but Tier 7, which was like a nightmare for low-level new humans!

   From the moment he kicked the sergeant out to the ground, he directly caught the other person's body. During this time, the expressions on the faces of the three of Li Guitou Zai did not change!

   When they reacted, the three saw that the sergeant's body was like plastic placed in a furnace, and it began to melt, turning into a silky red liquid that flowed out into the soldier's body and was absorbed by him!


   Soon, the non-commissioned officer who was picked up by the rebel soldier by the neck disappeared, and the soldier's appearance also changed to that of the non-commissioned officer! Only his weapon, clothing and portable contactor fell to the ground.

   This is not a human ability at all. As long as the three of them are not stupid, they can guess his identity!


   The three did not dare to act rashly, and only listened to the non-commissioned officer, no, now he is the non-commissioned officer!

   Laughter came out of his mouth, but there was no joy in the laughter, it was laughter without any emotion.

The protective cover that was smashed like crazy by the zombies outside, the madness was spreading, but the protective cover was indestructible and could not be shaken. It seemed that he knew what happened to the same kind outside. The contact device that fell on the ground, after opening, he said a foreign language word to the other side, and the three did not understand what it meant, but after the word was uttered from the other party's mouth, a noisy voice sounded from the center of Sanctuary City, The huge machine was running, but it was not on the surface, and people on the ground couldn't see it.

   In the past ten seconds or so, the protective shield covering the entire Sanctuary City was shattered like glass, and the roar of the dense corpse flooded into people's ears at this moment!

   "The shield is closed!"

Guitouzai's face suddenly lost all blood, and the protective cover was closed, but it was not the most serious. Headquarters wouldn't be so sloppy, would they?

   In this battle against the corpse tide, the zombies they faced were royal zombies!

   Someone at the headquarters would not easily agree to an order from a non-commissioned officer, no matter how stupid they are?

No matter what, it requires multiple inquiries and operations, but it is a simple foreign language word, so easy to let the headquarters close the protective cover, and this is Huaxia, everyone speaks Chinese, this time the situation is also It's very special. I haven't counted how many high-level zombies above the seventh rank are in the zombie tide of the royal family. Suddenly someone uses a foreign language and uses a very relaxed tone to make you make a major decision. The first reaction of normal people is Doubt?

   The three of them thought of a very bad situation at the same time, that is, the same mutiny happened here at the headquarters!

  Without the barrier of the protective cover, the direction of the anti-corpse wall is full of the manic and bloodthirsty roars of zombies, and they can already imagine the scene of zombies swarming in their minds.


Guitou Zai tried to communicate with the soldier who turned into a non-commissioned officer, but he didn't even have the right words in his mind. He paused as soon as he said a word, and the other party looked at them with the same smile on their faces before, wanting to eat Like people, approaching slowly walked towards them.

  There is no way to escape, the only thing they can do next is to bite the bullet!

   (end of this chapter)

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