I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1651: Rebel Frenzy 3

   Chapter 1651 Rebellion Frenzy 3

Looking at each other, Brother Shi was the first to raise the weapon in his hand, desperately trying to think of his brother's face in his mind, trying to use his brother's death to ease the fear in his heart, Guitou Zai and Wu Zhixiong also shot their guns. His mouth was aimed at the "sergeant".

   "Let's die together, anyway, the three of us are not alone on Huangquan Road."



   The three simply exchanged a few words, but how could they simply die at the hands of the fake non-commissioned officer? In the back, they have quietly taken out the destruction they distributed before, with their thumbs on the air valve, as long as the guy on the opposite side dares to come over, they will open it as soon as possible, and die together with this fake non-commissioned officer!

The three of them were ready to die, and everything, just the guy rushed over to launch a violent attack on them, but what was unexpected was that after waiting for a while, but the other party did not see any next move, he Standing quietly ten meters away from them, with the weird smile on his face just now, there was no change, just like a picture was frozen on it.

   "This... what is this Sabie thing going to do?" The three of them were a little messy, and after a while, they heard the ghost head ask: "Hey, that, what are you doing? If you want to kill it, you must hurry up!"

As soon as these words came out, the smile on the fake sergeant's face finally changed a little. He seemed to say something, but the three of them couldn't understand it. It was very hoarse, almost screaming, but after a while, he seemed to have reacted Son, the language that was almost roaring and incomprehensible turned into extremely awkward Chinese.

   "My Lord's eyes are on here... Her sons will faithfully follow her to accomplish a great cause!"

   "We...need more companions, you can join...we...walk with us...with the Lord..."

"It's not complicated...it will be...soon, soon...maybe, you...not yourselves, will be one with us, soon...soon...this will not be painful , your...souls...will enter...heaven of bliss...there will never be pain, and it is for you...the greatest honor! So...join us."

  The fake non-commissioned officer spoke quickly and intermittently, but the three people on the opposite side were stunned for a while, before they managed to figure out what the guy said.

The three of them are adults. Both Guitouzai and Wu Zhixiong are in their thirties. It would be a little difficult for other normal adults to successfully fool them, not to mention that they don't look like this. Too smart fake sergeant?

  What joins them, according to the understanding of the three, isn't it to turn them into zombies?

   If so, what is the difference between this and direct death?

   "Go to your Madd!"

After trying to understand what the fake sergeant said, Guitou Zai said this rudely. Anyway, he died horizontally and vertically, so it would be better to have a good time. After he said these words, the fake sergeant's face The expression on his face was stunned for a moment, then he lowered his head slightly, as if thinking about the meaning of Gui Tou Zai's words, but after a while, he raised his head again, and the smile on his face disappeared.

   He looked at the three of them, and with those dull eyes, the three of them became nervous again, and involuntarily clasped the "Destroyer" in his hand!

"That's really... a pity... you rejected the Lord's invitation... Maybe you couldn't understand... but... it doesn't matter, don't you understand? To reject the Lord... is to blaspheme the Lord... In this case... I You can only be punished...just darlings...it might be a little painful..."


   The faces of the three of them became solemn, their muscles tensed up, the fake non-commissioned officer on the opposite side took a step forward after saying this, followed by the next step, approaching the three of them!

   "Let's die together!" At this time, Brother Shi also roared and rushed over with the "Destroyer" in his hand. The other party also accelerated suddenly and came to Brother Shi in an instant! Before he could open the air valve of the "Destroyer", his neck was pinched by a hand like a pincer, and he was abruptly picked up by the other party!

   "What now?"

   The fake sergeant noticed the "Destroyer" in Brother Shi's hand, with obvious doubts on his face. He had never seen anything before, and he didn't know what it was for.

   "It should be against me...but that's okay...Baby...embracsthepain..."

   I don't know if the guy said anything, but his hands were already straining. Brother Shi quickly made a hoarse voice, his face flushed red, and he looked extremely painful!

   "Let him go!" Guitouzai and Wu Zhixiong rushed over, of which Wu Zhixiong had already opened the "Destroyer" valve with a look of determination!

The fake sergeant just glanced at him. He seemed to be attracted by another existence. He looked up in the air. The two of them wanted to hug this guy directly, but just as they ran in front of them, a huge shadow suddenly enveloped them. With the rolling heat wave!

When    looked up, it turned out to be a mecha passing over their heads, the propeller on the back spurted out several meters of tail flames, the chain sword on the right arm of the mecha was fully opened, and it hit the fake non-commissioned officer straight!

The huge sword edge pressed against his chest, causing the fake sergeant to subconsciously let go of Brother Shi, who was being picked up by him. Just as he was about to resist, the turbine behind the mecha erupted with a brighter and hotter tail flame, a huge propulsive force. Interrupted his movements, pushed him all the way through four or five pillars and smashed into a building!

  [The third rank of the chain sword is damaged, and the intelligent repair will start automatically. 】

  【The environment values ​​are being re-planned, do you want to close? 】

   "Cancel Cancel!"

  【Accessibility has been activated! 】

   "Turn on maximum power to Lao Tzu!"


The blue light flowing outside the mecha slowly changed towards orange, and the sound of "Zizzizi" came from inside the mecha. The three-meter-long chain sword continued to penetrate into the building like a drill until the building collapsed. !

   "Death to Lao Tzu!"

   A man almost gritted his teeth, as if he had a mortal hatred with that fake sergeant!

   "Are you okay?"

Seeing that the fake non-commissioned officer was restrained by the man's mecha, Guitouzai hurriedly ran towards Brother Shi, but the good times didn't last long. There was a sound of something breaking over there. When he looked up, a huge mecha arm flew. In the air, the mecha that helped Brother Shi get out of trouble was lifted up abruptly!

  Comparing a human being with a mecha as high as seven meters, the gap is so huge, but a human who looks weak can lift a mecha weighing thirty tons with one arm!

  The fake sergeant slowly stood up from the ground, his head was covered in ashes, but he couldn't see any embarrassment. Instead, he had a smile on his face, as if he was laughing at the soldiers who controlled the mecha.

   (end of this chapter)

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