I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1655: The hemp rope is cut at the fine point

   Chapter 1655 The hemp rope is broken at the fine point

   seemed to notice that things were becoming more and more uncontrollable, and suddenly a lightning flashed from the Sanctuary City, pulling out a long white smoke and flying towards the direction of the attack of the corpse tide.

"Those are?"

   "It should be a high-level new human being watching the battle situation at the headquarters..."

   "It's too late now..."

Seeing those "lightnings" disappearing in front of him and others in an instant, Brother Shi shook his head. Although those people were moving very fast, there were only four or five of them, even if they were all eighth-order new human powerhouses. For the monstrous corpse tide that is full of fourth-order evolutionary zombies and above, such a small number of people can't do anything at all.

   "Come on, before the corpse tide overtakes us."

Wu Zhixiong greeted him in front, and took Brother Shi to the center of Sanctuary City, but they underestimated the seriousness of the situation. A man with long hair and a handsome face.

  The two stopped, and the ghost-headed boy on Brother Shi’s back took out the Destroyer, and the man brought him a very serious sense of unease.

"You are……"

Wu Zhixiong's expression became tense, he said hello to the other party, but only two words were spoken, the man on the opposite side crossed his arms, the flesh and blood of his hands began to wriggle, and a large amount of **** grew crazily, and the next second it turned into a pair of twinkling lights. Cold claws!


   In this case, the two of them dared to stay there and turned around and ran back! But how could that man let them go, he chased after him with a kick of his leg, and came behind Wu Zhixiong at once!

"Be careful!" Brother Shi shouted, and Wu Zhixiong was worthy of his battle experience. He instinctively fell on the ground at the moment when Brother Shi's words sounded. Swipe!

  In desperation, Wu Zhixiong raised the "sky light" in his hand, but the next second as the cold light passed by, the weapon in his hand was directly divided into several pieces!

   "It's over!"

   Seeing this scene, Brother Shi secretly said in his heart, but when the opponent's paw was still a few tenths of a millimeter from Wu Zhixiong's chest, he stopped!

   The man turned his head and looked to the other side, as if something caught his attention, Wu Zhixiong and others were naturally put aside by him.

   Wu Zhixiong gasped for breath. It was really uncomfortable to be enveloped by the breath of death at that moment. He finally realized how embarrassed it was to be weak in the last days. This life is not his own at all.

He thought he was dead, so he closed his eyes completely, but when he found that there was no pain, he reopened his eyes and looked up at the handsome man who was going to kill him. Nothing else of note was found.

   "Interesting..." This is, the man murmured, and at the moment he just uttered these two words, a building in the direction he was looking at was smashed by a giant object! A high-level zombie with a height of ten meters, a dark purple body, an extremely exaggerated right arm but a severely atrophied left arm appeared in front of everyone!

   "Fuck!" Wu Zhixiong quickly got up from the ground when he saw this. Fortunately, the man did not continue to attack him, so Wu Zhixiong came to Brother Shi smoothly.

The two sides over there seemed to be hostile. As soon as they met, the big man who broke out of the building roared at the handsome man. The three of them clasped their right arm like a thousand-year-old tree and slammed it on the ground to kill him. come over!

   And the handsome man who confronted it also let out a low roar of zombies, and the clothes on his body burst directly, revealing perfect muscle lines!

   "I haven't bothered you yet, so I'll deliver it to your door first. Well, I'll take care of you first!"

  The man had a gloomy look on his face, his arms bent with force, and then Brother Shi and the three saw silver lines appearing on the man's body, and they spread rapidly! After a while, the man's whole body turned into a dark silver that reflects the luster, and his eyes turned from normal to black, with blood-red eyeballs, exuding a bloodthirsty brilliance!


   "Fuck! Isn't this a Shining Armored Corpse!"

   "How did this thing show up in this place?"

   The man who suddenly transformed made the three of them stunned for a while, and he also **** with the Demonic Zombies. Seeing this, there is a lot of hatred between the Yinjia Zombies and the Demonic Zombies!

Whether it's a demonic zombie or a silver-armored corpse, in a word, this is not the place for them to stay. Although these two guys killed each other, it can be understood from the appearance of the silver-armored corpse that can turn into a normal person. Definitely not a fuel efficient lamp, the farther they escape the better!

Brother Shi and Wu Zhixiong, who were carrying the ghost head boy, turned around and ran to the back, trying to change their way, but the corpse tide spread far faster than they imagined. The rank zombie dragged a soldier and threw it into his mouth, the jagged fangs in his mouth snapped together. Suddenly, the screams were accompanied by blood and flesh and blood, which scared the three of them!

   "Go this way!"

While the zombie didn't notice him and others, Wu Zhixiong took Brother Shi into the side street next to him. As soon as he came out of the corner, a mecha flew out and slammed into the building abruptly, causing the entire building to collapse. The building leans down.


   "Be careful with your head!"

   "This way, keep up!"

   While avoiding the concrete stones falling from his head, he was guarding against zombies that would appear at any time. No matter which type, if one of them was not handled properly, it would directly kill the three of them!

Because the mecha was damaged, the non-commissioned officers who were driving inside had to choose to leave the cabin urgently, but without the protection of the mecha, they were like vulnerable lambs among the wolves outside. The comrades-in-arms wailed on the ground, but the three did not care.

   "Fuck, there's no way!"

In order to minimize the probability of danger, the three chose to reach their destination through a small alley, but at this time, the road was blocked by various broken building materials due to the collapse of the building, listening to the roar of zombies outside, three People looked anxious.

   "Made, climb up!"

Now is not the time for entanglement. Wu Zhixiong took the lead and climbed up to a six-meter-high foothold flexibly. He looked back at Brother Shi, and he also looked at the other side, who was carrying the ghost head boy. Brother Shi could climb up, but It may be a little difficult to carry the burden of the ghost on the back...

   hesitated for a while, and was about to ask Wu Zhixiong to help, but there is a saying that the hemp rope is cut at the fine point, no, here it is.


   The roar of the zombies was very close, Brother Shi turned back, his face turned white with a "swoosh", and a fourth-order zombie passed by and noticed them!

   (end of this chapter)

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