I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1656: refuse to hesitate

   Chapter 1656 Refuse to hesitate

At this moment, Brother Shi seemed to have his soul suddenly taken away, standing there blankly with the ghost on his back. If it was before, Wu Zhixiong might have saved himself and the ghost, but now, there will be no It is possible!

In the apocalypse, human nature cannot stand the test the most, and Wu Zhixiong is not a fool. If he chooses to save the two at this time, he will definitely waste some time, and during this time, can he succeed in calling Brother Shi and Guitou Zai to rescue them It's hard to say, it will also affect his escape and let himself be buried here!

Of course, Guitou Zai also realized the current situation, he was silent for a moment, and then said to Brother Shi: "Hey Brother Shi, put me down, I'll stop this guy, you quickly follow the veteran run!"

"What are you talking about on the horse? We are going to die together, and we must live together!" As soon as Guitou Zai spoke, Brother Shi retorted without any hesitation, which made Gui Tou Zai laughed. Know why he laughs.

   "Hurry up, what's the benefit to Lao Tzu when you die?"

   "Fuck Nima, isn't this dead!"

   "Hey... Brother Shi, it's enough for me to know each other in this life, so I will only drag you down, let me down..."

   "What are you two talking about? Hurry up and bring that Sabie vegetative!"

Before Guitouzai's voice could fall, Wu Zhixiong suddenly said such a sentence behind him. Brother Shi looked back and found that the other party had already fallen down and stretched out a hand. The meaning was obvious. He came to catch it. Ghost boy!

   "Uh... well! Hold on tight!"

   Brother Shi reacted quickly, and lifted the ghost head boy on his back, causing the other party to scream again and again, he jumped up, and Wu Zhixiong above also grabbed the ghost head boy and lifted it up!

"Hurry up!"

Putting the ghost head boy away, Wu Zhixiong hurriedly shouted to Brother Shi, and at the same time stretched out one hand, and the fourth-order zombies who found that the three were running away also began to walk into the alley, turning back After a quick glance, he jumped up and grabbed Wu Zhixiong's outstretched arm!


Wu Zhixiong gritted his teeth and pulled Brother Shi up hard, and the zombie that entered the alley also began to run faster, running over the dust, and was about to hit Brother Shi, and at the critical moment, Wu Zhixiong stepped up his efforts. Cooperate with Shi Ge's efforts!


   There was a loud noise, and the fourth-order zombie slammed into the ruins below without paying attention, and then the entire ruins began to collapse down, directly burying the fourth-order zombie underground.


   They didn't dare to relax, Wu Zhixiong was greeted by the ghost head boy to Brother Shi and continued to climb up. Brother Shi followed closely, and climbed to the top of the ruins in three or two times, and then jumped down again.

  The fourth-order buried in the ruins was struggling frantically, trying to get out of it, causing the entire ruins to shake.

"hurry up!"

As soon as    came, the two of them turned left and ran towards the avenue on the right!

   There are chaotic battles between soldiers and zombies everywhere along the way. The roar of zombies and the screams of soldiers killed are endless!

   "This way, this way a little closer!"

   Came to a square, Wu Zhixiong took Brother Shi and went down the stone steps. As soon as he came out, a huge cement boulder flew over and almost hit Wu Zhixiong!

"I go!"

Wu Zhixiong was still in shock. He cautiously stuck his head out and looked to the side. He saw a mecha fighting a sixth-order zombie. The revolving cannons of the mechas on both sides of the mecha kept firing, and a large number of lasers rushed to the six-tiered zombie like a frenzy. The body of the rank zombies, but for the sixth rank zombies that have entered the ranks of the high-rank zombies, there is no problem in resisting these attacks. This machine soon fell down, and the right arm of the mecha that had opened the chain sword was thickened. The arm of the zombie was caught, and along with the deafening roar of the zombie, the arm of the mecha that was full of strength was forcibly torn off, and the wires above were flashed with a lot of arcs, making a "zizizi" sound!


   After finishing everything, the sixth-order zombie roared again, picked up the arm that was torn off by himself, raised it high and smashed it towards the mecha that was fighting against him!


   The steel armor on the arm of the mecha rubbed violently with the body of the mecha, pulling out a series of sparks, and because of this short circuit inside the mecha, the whole mecha was instantly paralyzed, and slumped on the ground with a "bang"!

But even so, the sixth-order zombie still didn't let go of the mecha, and roared again, as if it was a demonstration, and then lay on the mecha, his thick arm grabbed the cabin door, belonging to the huge sixth-order zombie. The power erupted, and the hatch of the mecha was torn open, revealing five soldiers with pale faces inside.


Some sharp laughter came out of the zombie's mouth. It violently stretched out its arm and digged inside the mecha for a while. After a while, a few unlucky soldiers were dragged from the driver's seat by the other party. Towards the air, the huge force ripped apart the bodies of several of them, and the blood was splashed like ink!

Coincidentally, a soldier fell in front of the two of them. At this time, the soldier's lower body was torn apart, dragging his intestines from his stomach, and blood was dragging all over the ground. He looked at Brother Shi and others. , stretched out his arm with difficulty, and said in a begging tone: "Save...Save me...Please, I don't want to die...Save me!"

Brother Shi and the others had time to save him, and they looked at Wu Zhixiong. They gave up the soldier without hesitation. If this was saved, the sixth-order zombies would notice them, and give them that stuff. One hundred lives are not enough to die!

   nodded, just under the soldier's desperate eyes, Wu Zhixiong and Shi Ge, who were carrying the ghost head boy, ran all the way until their figures disappeared in front of the soldier's eyes.

"Do not!"

On the chaotic street, the soldier was full of unwillingness and despair, but this still failed to make Brother Shi and the others go back to save him. They could hear the strong desire to survive in the soldier's voice, which could evoke The most primitive pity of human beings, but this conflicts with people's instinct to survive, causing them to frown and go farther and farther.

The corpse tide that has already entered Sanctuary City is spreading to the whole city, and the sound of artillery fire and zombies is everywhere. The three of them looked towards the center of Sanctuary City, but they found that the battle over there had already started, even worse than where they were now. To be serious, the battle between those high-level powerhouses and high-level zombies caused the ground to vibrate constantly, and cracks have appeared in every street and road, and the bottom line is an abyss that cannot be seen to the end!

   But unfortunately, the three of them can't hold back in place because of this!

   (end of this chapter)

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