I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1657: this guy can handle

   Chapter 1657 This guy can handle

Wu Zhixiong looked away from a distance and looked at Brother Shi, but Brother Shi was also looking at him. He thought that the center of Sanctuary City was also safe, but now it seems that this is not the case, but without a destination, they should Where to go?

   Zombies on the street with the fourth order up can be seen everywhere, which makes them unable to stay on the street for too long. They are at a loss, their eyes are scanning back and forth, and they don't know what they are thinking.

   Brother Shi looked at the building with a height of more than 100 meters. He wondered if he wanted to run to it? The zombies that entered the Sanctuary City are all zombies above the fourth rank, and the zombies of this level are generally huge, and it is a bit difficult to enter the building, but as human beings, it seems safe for them to enter the building.

Wu Zhixiong looked at his expression, and instantly understood what Brother Shi was thinking, but when the two looked at each other, Brother Shi was silent. For this wave of corpses, entering the building and hiding seemed indeed. It's very safe, but they can't ignore the battles between those high-level zombies and high-level new humans!

Because the battles on both sides have already left Sanctuary City full of holes, and from time to time, buildings in the distance can be seen collapsing due to the impact of the shock waves generated by the explosion of the power of those high-level powerhouses. If they are unlucky, those powerhouses will collapse. The battle between them happens right here, and they will die inexplicably.

   Brother Shi's eyes were a little sad. He now deeply understands what ants are, and they are them!

   can only survive in the gap where the giant's breath is indistinct, even if those "giants" inadvertently blow their breath, they can easily kill them!

He returned to Sanctuary City for only one purpose, and that was to kill zombies, but in this situation, let alone killing zombies, it was a question of whether he could even survive. He didn't know if he was doing something right, maybe It's just acting with will, and there's no reason at all!

   Well now, he can play very little role in this battle!

Maybe he should have listened to his brother's words and never returned to Sanctuary City. He should have gone to a safe place. Because of his brother's death, he lost his confidence in life. Or let yourself become a strong man like a brother! Stop being that ant!

   The expression on his face was a struggle, he was thinking about whether to enter the building and hide, but it seemed that God helped him make the decision, and the expressions of the three of them changed in the next second!

I saw a large number of zombies appearing on the other side of the street. Countless fourth-order evolutionary zombies crowded together, forming a dark purple tide rushing towards the whole street. The three dared to hesitate, and Brother Shi took the lead and rushed directly into the building!

   Now I can't control whether I will be affected by the aftermath of the battle between high-level new humans and high-level zombies after entering the building and hiding. Whether I can survive or not depends on God's face.

  The two people who entered the building went up to dozens of floors in one breath, and they ran sweaty until they knew they couldn't hear the roar of the corpse below, and then they got into an office and sat down.

   "Hoo~hoho~ I'm exhausted~"


   Brother Shi directly sat down and threw the weapon in his hand to the side, while Wu Zhixiong placed the ghost boy on the floor against the wall and was breathing heavily on his knees, it seemed that they were not lightly tired.

  Guitouzai moved his arm, the pain was not as strong as before, which made him a little happier.


   He suddenly looked at Wu Zhixiong, and the other party noticed that his eyes were also looking over.

"What's wrong?"

"Well, thank you just now. If you didn't save me at that time, I might have died long ago." Guitouzai said sincerely to the other party. When Wu Zhixiong was escaping for his life on the ruins just now, it was reasonable for Wu Zhixiong not to choose to save the two of them. , if you choose to save, how much determination did you make? This is touching enough, and they didn't even know Wu Zhixiong for a day.

   In short, the opponent's actions just now are enough to prove that this guy can handle it!

   Wu Zhixiong looked away from Guitouzai and looked at Brother Shi again. The other party didn't say anything, just replied with a smile on his face.

"...Actually don't care so much, I don't know why, I may be a little selfish..." Wu Zhixiong's words paused, and he was silent for a while, then glanced at the two of them, Brother Shi and Guitou Zai were waiting Following his next words, Wu Zhixiong continued: "You don't have to think about repaying me... If you have to repay me, I hope that when I encounter danger in the next time, you can save me like I saved you before... …”

   Wu Zhixiong was a little hesitant about what he said later, but when Brother Shi heard it, they looked at each other and smiled one after another, and Guitouzi took the lead and said, "That's necessary!"

A few seconds after the words    were shouted, the three people in the room looked at each other and smiled.

Compared to being on the ground, their ears in the building were much cleaner. The artillery fire of Xuantian and the roar of corpses were greatly reduced by the blocking of the air. The three finally relaxed. This kind of safety was only temporary. , they must recover as much energy as possible within a limited time.

However, the occurrence of the accident was not expected, and there was no reason why the high-level powerhouses fought and spread to this place. It took about ten minutes or so, and suddenly there was a huge movement outside, and the ground shook. As a result, the building trembled for a while, and the three of them were still in shock. They thought that the shock should have nothing to do with them and others, but Brother Shi still came to the window to look down to be safe, but there were zombies on the street below, or It was the mecha that had been dismantled into countless pieces, and fell miserably on the road, trampled by zombies one after another.

   "What happened?" Guitou Zai asked aloud.

"I didn't see it." Brother Shi shook his head, went to other windows and continued to go down, but there was none. Then he changed another window, and this time, he saw a sixth-order zombie with a height of seven meters going into the building. Drill, this makes his face change!

   "I'm going to Nima!"

   He instinctively uttered a foul language. After Wu Zhixiong heard his voice, he hurriedly came to Brother Shi, looked down and opened his eyes. The sixth-order zombies who were drilling into the building seemed to be targeting them?

You must know that the higher the level of zombies, the more deadly the sense of smell is. Thinking that such zombies can smell the breath of living people from a distance of one kilometer away, he doesn't believe that there are other people in the building, because except for the surrounding area. There is no blood energy fluctuation that belongs to living things!

   (end of this chapter)

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