I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1772: bad end

   took a look at the great rift valley split by himself, there is a lot of clear water flowing out between the cliffs, this is the blood of this city!

In this city, everything is composed of living creatures, including the ground under his feet. He saw faces, and the ground was completely formed by rolling countless people or inhumans like paper. !

As for those buildings, those people or non-human guys hugged each other, but regardless of whether they are human or not, at least everything Tang Ye sees has a human shape, just big and small, fat and thin , high or low, or even... long and wide?

For example, the street lamps on the street are dressed up by some tall and slender "people" in strange poses. These living creatures, I don't know how long they have been in such a pose, or they are covered with There are vines, or it is covered with various flowers and plants. From a distance, it is green. This is why Tang Ye thought it was a wasteland city in the end of the world at first glance.

After looking around quickly, Tang Ye soon saw a huge white tiger crawling on a high tower in the distance. It was probably the only existence in the city that was not a living creature. After thinking about it, he was still on the Rabbit Island just now. Everything he saw, the grotesque giant tree, and the rabbit who built the boat and wanted to leave the island. He tentatively thought that the place represented the "cage", but what did it represent here?

   Before he could think about it, Tang Ye saw circles of purple spores appearing in the sky. The Spider-Woman was in the middle, looking at himself with resentment!

Tang Ye couldn't be bothered to play the boring three-two-one wooden man game with her. He just glanced at it and accelerated to the location of the white tiger, but in the next second, he didn't know if he was reminded by the **** Spider-Woman. , Just as Tang Ye's intentions were revealed, the white tiger jumped directly from the tower, and after landing, it moved its limbs and quickly disappeared into the vast green.

   "Zhuo!" Tang Ye scolded at this moment, he was not angry with the white tiger who chose to escape, but his eyes began to darken again!

   He turned around by feeling, but the next second after his eyes returned to light, he was already lying in a huge pit, and countless buildings made of flesh and blood were blasted into several parts by himself, and a large amount of water jets spurted out!


The water poured a large amount of flesh and blood into the pit where he was, and after scolding, Tang Ye jumped out of the pit before it was completely filled with water, and he didn't have time to make other things. Action, the spider woman has flashed in front of him, and the anger on her face can't wait to slash Tang Ye with a thousand knives!

   "Stop, you have to stop! Don't stop... Die! Die! Die!"

   She spoke to Tang Ye in not very concatenated words, the circle formed by purple spores broke into long lines, and her mood changed violently, circling in the air like thin snakes!

   After looking around in a hurry, Tang Ye immediately understood that this fight had to be fought, and even if he couldn't fight now, he had to bite the bullet!

   Taking a breath, Tang Ye exuded a large amount of black mist all over his body, and then shook violently. The black mist condensed with each other to form dense tentacles, his body was blooming, and fleshy petals also stretched out!

   As the purple spores fell like a torrential rain, all the tentacles and flesh **** moved in unison!


  The shock wave formed by the collision of the huge forces almost razed this city composed of "people" to the ground. At this moment, the ground under Tang Ye's feet exploded with a large crack like a spider web! The earth sank downwards, and Tang Ye's body fell down!

   The feeling of weakness started to climb up from his feet, causing Tang Ye's strength to loosen, but it was this loosening that a large number of purple spores falling from the sky directly drowned him!

  Reacted, Tang Ye opened the purple spores, the zombie instinct made him let out a roar, and then his feet volleyed into the air, the tentacles and flesh **** around him were quickly twisted and entangled, and he punched! This fist affected a large area of ​​black mist around it, and slammed it directly towards Spider Woman!

At the same time, the other party also screamed. At this time, the gravity seemed to be changed, and all the purple spores that fell on the ground floated up and attached together one after another, forming a thick "cloud" that pressed down on the black mist of Tangye. !


   The moment the two collided, it was like a piece of fresh pork belly falling into the boiling oil. The black mist and the purple spores nibbled at each other, reducing at an extremely fast rate!


   There was a loud noise, and the flesh flap on Tang Ye's body slammed into it, but it was blocked by the purple spores!


   Tang Ye, who was half-bent on the ground, couldn't help but let out a roar. He looked at the opponent in front of him, forcibly retracted some of the flesh and blood molecules to form an arm, and then punched up with a feeling of weakness!


   This punch was like a cannonball, the explosion was very loud, and the shock wave of terror swayed around. He and the other party flew from the ground to the sky, but soon, they fell heavily from the sky to the ground!

   At this time, the sky is completely invisible. It is either turbid by the black mist or firmly blocked by sandstorm-like spores!

As the battle continued, the anger in Spider-Woman's heart slowly reached its peak. Each of her attacks had the killing intent of tearing people apart. Although Tang Ye also burst into anger, the weakness that wrapped around her body The feeling makes him powerless and has always been at a disadvantage. If this situation continues, Tang Ye knows that his end will not be very good!

But even so, Tang Ye and the other party fought from left to right, like two huge bulldozers, destroying this city of living creatures, and the water submerged everything here. Several tens of meters of water waves were lifted up!

   Then, the two sides hit from the right to the left, from the ground to the sky, and each impact left indelible wounds on the ground!

Gradually, Tang Ye felt the weakness in his body getting heavier and heavier. As one of his flesh **** wrapped around the opponent's body, he suddenly groaned, as if he had lost all his strength. The flesh flap that was wrapped around the other's body softened directly.


That strong sense of weakness only made Tang Ye say one word, what he wanted to do, but now he has no strength at all. The ground smashed, and then I watched the sharp spider stab towards me,

In another city street that does not exist but does exist, Lu Xiaojie stared at the giant painting stained with crow blood. She didn't know how long she had watched it, but she thought it would never be short. The above did not happen for a long time. The change made her feel bad.

   "What the **** are you doing?"

She shouted at the painting. Of course, this sentence was said to Tang Ye. She subconsciously urged the other party, but she also knew that the other party could not hear, so she could only calm down. She knew that she could not wait any longer. She has to do something too, otherwise, she won't see any results, and everything she's done will never exist!

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