I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1773: more important

After a short period of calm, the expression on Lu Xiaojie's face struggled again. In the second just now, she thought about what role Tang Ye had for her. The relationship between the two was not deep. The other party needs me, and I need the other party's relationship. It's very simple.

   They help each other in the things they face on a daily basis. This is the most basic thing, but when she encounters some special circumstances, she has to consider the price she has to pay for helping each other!

There is no better choice, she can only choose the one that is not very acceptable but acceptable, but after making this choice, she now realizes that she has no way back. Once she fails, she will never come back again. She didn't know what Tang Ye's situation was now, but in the choice of helping or not, the price she had to pay was not just death.

   But even if she doesn't help, her fate will be the same as "death". Since she has already reached death, why should she hesitate?

   sighed, she said to herself in her heart: "I hope it won't get worse..."

   squeezed her hand, she waited for a while in front of the giant painting, and seeing that there was still no change on it, she turned around and walked towards the distance.

Her steps are like the surface of a lake without a shred of wind, very flat. The height of the ground no longer affects the height of her body. Step by step, she walks farther and farther, and the figure becomes smaller and smaller. high!

She walked to the sky, walked out of the atmosphere, and walked into a space full of colors and bright colors. This space is huge and boundless. The colors in her eyes are beating and twisting, forming different things, but It's blurry again.

She kept walking, walking farther and farther. Slowly, the gravity gradually increased. She felt that her body was getting heavier. After a while, the colorful colors that were constantly beating and twisting disappeared, and the gray fog from nowhere blocked the surrounding area. everything of.

   Maybe she arrived at the destination, she finally stopped, and when she looked up, the top was infinitely high, but she could see a huge heart!

   That is a heart so huge that it is indescribable!

The moment    looked up, his eyes were completely occupied by this heart! Those sturdy blood vessels are like the roots of an ancient tree that has grown for thousands of years, and the roots are intertwined and hanging down!

   The heart is beating, and every stroke is very hard. Slowly, Lu Xiaojie's ears are no longer quiet, she hears the sound of the heart beating!




   The sound of this heart beating was so loud that it seemed like someone was hitting a bell with a hammer!


She took a deep breath and prepared herself. Lu Xiaojie's face also became determined. She took a few steps forward, then jumped up, grabbed a blood vessel closest to the top of her head on the spot, and climbed up. Then it goes along the blood vessels to the heart above.

Step by step, she was not fast, but she was very careful, for fear that she would fall. As for what would happen when she fell, only she knew, and as she got closer and closer to her heart, the originally huge heart was slowly shrinking. After she finally came to the front, her heart had become the size of a car.

   "Sorry Deria, I didn't want to do this, but...sorry...if you want, please let me in."

When she came to the heart, she didn't go in immediately, but lowered her head and muttered. After speaking, she raised her head and stretched out a hand to slowly approach the beating heart. Very slowly, she was testing the attitude of the heart. It didn't take long for her hand to touch the heart, but she didn't feel anything on her hand. Lu Xiaojie's expression was a little surprised, and she was no longer cautious, and stretched out her hand again. Some, but this time, this heart seems to exist only in the human retina, but it is something that does not exist at all, her hand actually submerged into it without any resistance!

   This scene seemed to frighten Lu Xiaojie, she quickly withdrew her hand, then looked down at her hand, and when she looked up again, the expression on her face became extraordinarily complicated.

   "You..." She wanted to say something, but her voice became choked up. At this moment, she seemed to see the girl who handed herself food like an angel in the corpse.

   own request, she agreed!

   It may be for herself, or it may be for her, but because of this, Lu Xiaojie is reluctant to give up, she begins to hesitate, hesitating whether to help Tang Ye, maybe in the future, she can think of a better way! And now, no matter how painful Deria is, at least she is still alive. As long as she lives, she will one day see the beauty of this world.

   But once she chooses to help Tang Ye, she will feel guilty and self-blame at a certain time in the future, and she has no room for recovery!

There are two choices in front of her, but no matter which choice they choose, they are undoubtedly cruel. Lu Xiaojie is helpless. She doesn't know what to do. He shook his head, the helplessness on his face turned into grievance, and then he burst into tears.

"Daria...Daria...I'm sorry! I'm really sorry...I really don't know what to do...I really tried my best, I've found too many people, some people ignore me, but more people are powerless... I'm sorry...he might be the last...sorry..."

  Lu Xiaojie's voice echoed in this space. I don't know how long ago, she seemed to hear some voices?

She wondered for a moment, then stopped crying, and looked down, it was the sound of all the blood vessels connecting to the heart curling upwards. Those blood vessels seemed to want to get close to Lu Xiaojie, but they didn't have enough strength. fell back.

   Seeing this, she was stunned for a moment, and then she heard some voices. These voices were vague and echoed heavily, like whispers from the next door neighbor's house when she woke up at night, very unreal.


   She listened carefully, and after hearing these voices clearly, the expression on her face changed to surprise, and she quickly shouted to the surrounding: "Deria? Daria! Is that you?"

   As soon as she finished shouting, she immediately realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly switched to another language to repeat the words just now, the voice fell, and there was a response soon.

"…it's me…"

   After receiving the response, Lu Xiaojie was all excited, and even her tone became trembling.

   "It's really you! How are you feeling?"


"That's good... that's good..." Deria's voice was slowly becoming clearer, which made Lu Xiaojie feel relieved, but then followed by a trance, she repeated those three words, and was quickly caught Deria's voice interrupted again, then came back to her senses.

   "Sister...it's nice...to...see you again...but now, you should have more important things..."

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