I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1778: ferocious sleepiness

"It's still the same, you go to solve it, I'll help you." At this time, Lu Xiaojie said to Tang Ye, he was a little puzzled, and said that Deria would not appear for a long time in the next, it is reasonable to say She doesn't need to do those things anymore, but... Thinking about Tang Ye, she still nodded, she is her, no matter what she has to hide from herself, she can't control her.


After    responded, Lu Xiaojie said nothing, turned around and disappeared not far away, and Tang Ye also looked back at the doll hippo for a while before walking towards it.

He walked through the long line all the way to the hippo, and then cut straight to the first one. He didn't act immediately, but looked back first. His behavior of jumping in the queue didn't make these green-headed monsters have any effect. In response, they waited quietly behind them, their eyes were dull, and the words "come" and "eat" were uttered from time to time, as if in the other's mind, the only thing in their life was feeding this hippo. thing.


Shaking his head, Tang Ye turned his head to look at the doll Hippo again. After the green-headed weirdo who had finished feeding on it jumped down along its other arm, it kept its mouth open, and there was no inside. Know how much food is stuffed.

Tang Ye didn't move, and the countless green heads in the back didn't say a word, but soon, he realized that the hippo, who had not been brought in food for a long time, let out a roar, and its thick thighs began to twitch, attracting the stomach to the stomach. The fat trembled!

It seemed to be urging the green-headed weirdo who brought it food. After urging, it quickly calmed down. At this time, Tang Ye finally stepped on its forelimbs. This big guy doesn't know how long he has been sitting here. , the fat piled up on the upper right arm is about to be stepped on by those green-headed monsters.

Tang Ye's speed was not fast, but it didn't take long to come to the mouth of its abyss. Looking down, the "food" had already piled up five or six meters high, but no matter how much these things were piled up , but it seemed so insignificant in its mouth.


The doll Hippo roared again, and its thick thighs twitched again, as if to tell Tang Ye to hurry up, but at this time, Tang Ye had a grin on his face, and suddenly, he leaned down and reached out and grabbed one of them. The teeth, which are bigger than the door panel, can be easily pierced by Tang Ye's fingers like tofu when you squeeze it with your fingers!

This time, it realized that something was wrong, but it was too late. No matter how fast it responded, it couldn't do anything. In this way, Tang Ye grabbed its teeth and just exerted a little force. come over!


Tang Ye's feet landed heavily, not giving the opponent a chance to touch the ground. He raised his hands vigorously, and the huge body of the doll hippo turned around in mid-air, smashing his back on the ground, causing a large number of green-headed monsters. Was smashed into puddles of mud!

  After the huge movement, the rest of the lucky green-headed weirdo ran straight to the back without thinking about it! At the same time, the speed of the two words they shouted became much faster.

   "Come and eat! Come and eat! Eat! Eat!"

   "Come! Eat!"


The doll Hippo in front of him was lying in front of him, but even so, it looked at Tang Ye with its bulging eyes. It didn't seem to think that Tang Ye was attacking him, and even shouted: "Come! Hey! Come! Hey! Come…"

"You guys can only say two words on horseback?" Tang Ye thought it was a little funny. When the other party continued to shout those two words, he interrupted the other party directly and asked him to swallow the word "hello" in his stomach. , and then he learned the other party's tone and shouted: "Come! Die!"

As soon as the word   death fell, Tang Ye put his hand into the opponent's mouth, and a huge flesh flap stretched out behind him, pressing it on its chin to force the doll hippo to close its mouth!

A large amount of black mist began to spill out from his hands. Under the continuous filling of the black mist, the hippo's belly began to swell up, and the fat piled up on it disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye. It grew bigger, and it became bulging. After a few seconds, its body was filled with black mist, and it exploded immediately!

   Only heard the sound of "Boom", and the black mist fell in scattered pieces along with a large amount of black ash.


   After getting rid of the hippo, it meant that he should wake up. Tang Ye looked around, trying to find Lu Xiaojie, but he didn't wait for her to appear, and there were a lot of cracks in the surrounding space.

"what happened?"

   These anomalies made Tang Ye's face become solemn. This was the first time he saw such a situation, and he swept around again, but he did not see Lu Xiaojie appear.

   There were more and more cracks in the surrounding space, and soon, he heard countless "clicks, clicks" sounds similar to glass shattering. After these spaces shattered, his eyes saw another world outside!

   "This is..." The expression on Tang Ye's face changed from solemn to puzzled. After the space was shattered, he saw the foggy forest and Mr. Pillai's grocery store.

   After a while, he was completely in the foggy forest, but he still didn't see Lu Xiaojie around.

   "Lu Xiaojie? Lu Xiaojie! Where are you?" He called the other party's name a few times, but he didn't get a response. He looked at the top of his head, and there was no crow on it.

   "So you're back?"

Looking at the door of the grocery store again, the small garden where all the flowers and plants were withered is now completely covered with greenery, and even the mode of savage growth has been turned on. The bare mud ground was even a few meters away from the foot of Tang Ye, and inside the fence, several small trees grew to the eaves of the window on the second floor!

   "Forget it, I'd better go back and have a look first, hoping to wake up..." After waiting for a while, Tang Ye, who still didn't get a response from Lu Xiaojie, walked towards the store.

After opening the fence, Tang Ye walked in, walked through the colorful garden, and soon came to the door of the shop. Standing on the steps, he put his hand on the doorknob. Just as he was about to open it, he hesitated. He found that he was actually a little scared, and he didn't know how he would feel when he entered!

   After all, the drowsiness from the last time he came back impressed him deeply, but this time, the drowsiness will only be heavier, I just hope it is within the range that I can bear...


Taking a deep breath, Tang Ye was ready. After a few seconds, he finally opened the door of the shop and stepped into it, but as soon as he entered, the sleepiness hit like a ferocious wave. Come on, Tang Ye's body softened for a while, he only felt that his whole body was exhausted at this moment, and he didn't even have time to close the door, and he collapsed on the ground.

   "Lying... trough!"

   He let out a low growl, his eyes wide open, he wanted to resist the sleepiness, but he didn't hold on for too long, he felt his eyelids getting heavier and heavier, and finally closed his eyes and simply fell asleep!

   This sleepiness is completely beyond my imagination!

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