I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1779: candy and money

   Everything in front of him quickly fell into darkness, and in the next instant Tang Ye felt that his consciousness became extraordinarily drowsy, and he jumped fiercely in the next second!

   He went from just falling asleep to just waking up!

The indescribable intense sleepiness engulfed him at once, making him unable to open his eyes at all, but he could feel the faint sunlight shining on him, which was a little warm, but at the same time brought greater weakness to his body !

  Tang Ye closed his eyes and refused to open them for a long time. He couldn't resist such sleepiness at all. He knew it was impossible to continue like this, but his desire to sleep was so strong that his disgust for death was stronger than that!

   He didn't want to worry about what he would become in the end, he just wanted to obey his sleepiness and have a good sleep, even if in the end, as Lu Xiaojie said, he couldn't wake up, and he would be trapped in this illusion for the rest of his life!

In this way, Tang Ye didn't know how long he had been lying on the bed, but in the end he realized that although he was sleepy, he couldn't fall asleep. After a while, he scolded, "Damn it!" Open your eyes!

   took a look at the twilight scene outside, clenched his fists but quickly relaxed, and forcibly got up from the bed, his head was so dizzy that he started to lose his way.

   "Zhuo!" He scolded again, this kind of drowsiness is too terrifying. Before that, he and Ben could not have imagined that the drowsiness could reach such a level that it surpassed the dimensional wall!

Taking a breath, Tang Ye staggered downstairs. In the middle, he squeezed a large gap in the corner of the wall next to the entrance of the stairs because of too much force. But he couldn't control it. , he squatted down and turned around, and finally found a pack of cigarettes from it. After roughly tore open the package, he picked up one of them and put it in his mouth, then frantically searched for the lighter, all the way. After overturning several containers, fortunately, he finally found what he was looking for. Without further ado, he lit the cigarette quickly. Tang Ye took a deep breath and went back to sit on the chair behind the counter.

   But in such a sleepy situation, it was difficult for him to control his own strength. When he sat down, the chair was crushed into a cake on the spot!

"Nima's! Damn!" After cursing irritably, Tang Ye didn't bother to care, and took another sip. Under the action of nicotine, the sleepiness seemed to ease a little, but the effect was minimal, and one cigarette was exhausted. After that, the sleepiness was still very strong.

   He also wanted to sleep, but he just couldn't sleep. Maybe he had to take that bottle of medicine before he "dreamland", otherwise he wouldn't be able to sleep at all.

He was paralyzed on the abandoned chair, leaned against the cabinet behind him, and threw away the cigarette with only cigarette butts in his hand. Now he has only two thoughts in his mind, either to die quickly and get rid of the **** sleepiness, or Taking medicine and entering the "dream" to find Lu Xiaojie, the purpose is also to get rid of sleepiness!

Thinking like this, Tang Ye struggled to stand up from the flattened chair again. When he was about to go up to the second floor to get the bottle of medicine, he turned his head and saw Derry who was standing outside the shop looking at him. Asia.

   "You..." Tang Ye was stunned for a moment, but he could only dispel his thoughts temporarily. He walked to the door of the store despite being sleepy. After opening the door, he looked down at Deria.

   "Mr. Pillai..." Daria looked at him and shouted softly, her voice was so small that she might not be able to hear it if she didn't listen carefully.

The sleepy and tortured Tang Ye could only rub his eyelids hard and look at the sky in the distance. The street was dark and yellow. The current time may be around 6 o'clock in the afternoon, because the clouds in the distance are It's on the west side, so it can't be morning now!

   shook his head, and Tang Ye then turned his attention to Deria below.

   "I'm sorry, I broke my promise." He looked into her eyes, Deria had tears in her eyes, she had cried, but he didn't know why she was crying.

  Deria didn't answer immediately, she raised her head and looked at Tang Ye's eyes. After a while, she wiped away her tears and said with a little choked: "Mr. Pillai... Are you sick?"

   "Huh? Does my face look bad?"

  Deria didn't speak, and her silence also showed that Tang Ye's face was really ugly now.

   pursed his lips. He forced himself not to close his eyes. He tried his best to make his state look normal. He blinked, but this action only made him more sleepy, so he stopped quickly.

   He looked at her, he tried to find something to talk about, and then just said: "Have you just finished school?"

   "No, I've been out of school for a long time, waiting for you here."

   "Ah...that's it..." Tang Ye sighed lightly, and Deria's words seemed to indicate that he had slept for two days.

He pondered that he didn't stay that long in the "dream", it was only three hours at most, it seemed that the time he spent in the "dream" was not parallel to the "reality", he probably killed an animal by himself." The "real" world would fast-forward twelve hours or so.

   After sighing, Tang Ye asked again: "It should be dinner time now, we can…"

   Before he could finish speaking, Deria suddenly interrupted him, and hurriedly shook his head: "No, Mr. Pillai, I'm not hungry!"

"Okay...Okay..." Looking at Deria who refused decisively, Tang Ye immediately dismissed the idea of ​​inviting her to dinner, and he was not in that mood in his current state, so he could only say: "It shouldn't be too late now... I think you can read a book for a while now..."

When the words fell, Delia shook her head again and refused: "No!" She hurriedly put her hands into her pockets, as if she was rummaging for something. There were a lot of things in her pockets, including chestnuts that she didn't know where to pick them. , there were a few scattered candies, and a pencil head that was only a few centimeters long. Finally, she took out a neatly folded tissue, and after opening the tissue, it turned out to be several banknotes with the denomination placed on the It's not big here.

   Then, she put all the other things back in her pocket, leaving only the candy and the few banknotes, and finally handed these things to Tang Ye with both hands.

   "You are..." Tang Ye looked at her behavior and became puzzled.

   "Mr. Pillai, I'll give you candy... This money was originally saved by me to buy books, but... I think you should pay more attention to your body now!"

   "You...haha~" Listening to her serious but innocent words, Tang Ye couldn't help laughing out loud, but despite this, he felt more warmth in his heart.

   "Okay, boy, Mr. Pillay is not short of money. You should keep the money yourself. As for the sugar, I can take it, okay?"

   "No! You have to take these!"

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