I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1787: keep my promise 3

   "Surprise? What surprise?" Deria was puzzled. After seeing Tang Ye, the haze in her heart was swept away.

   Tang Ye had a very mysterious smile on his face. He touched her little head and said, "I won't forget my promise to you."

   "Mr. Pillai, don't you... have you found Dream Forest?" Deria thought of something.

   "Of course, nothing is unfounded. As long as it is in the book, it means that the things it describes will exist."

   "Really?" Delia looked suspicious, it seems that she has grown a lot during this time.

   "Let's go, I should show you. It's really beautiful there. I believe you will like that place."

Tang Ye patted her on the shoulder and invited Deria into the house. At this time, she was like the first time she came here, her eyes were looking around, and soon she found the extra one in the shop. Daomen, the expression on his face also became incredible!

   "That door..."

   "Open that door, and behind you is the Dream Forest."

   "Wow~ what will Mr. Pillay look like inside?"

   "You should see it with your own eyes. You don't need to ask me, because your own feelings are only true compared to the answers given by others."

   "Then let's go in quickly." Saying that, Deria was about to run to the door impatiently, but Tang Ye stopped her.

"Wait a moment."

   "What's the matter, Mr. Pillay?"

"I have to give you a gift." Tang Ye walked into the shop without haste, and came to the innermost shelf where books were placed. He took out the copy of "Xipene's Dream Forest" and walked When he came back, he handed the book to Deria.

  "I..." Seeing this book, Delia hesitated. She was hesitating whether she should accept it or not. When Tang Ye didn't care about this, he took her hand and put the book in hers.

   "Don't refuse, this is my intention for you. It would be impolite to refuse."


Delia looked at the book in her hand and Tang Ye again, feeling a little overwhelmed, and finally she remembered something, put her hand into her pocket and took out the money inside, and said to Tang Ye, "P Mr. Lai, this is... money..." As she said that, her little cheeks also turned red, and she also knew that the money in her hand was simply not enough to buy books.

  Tang Ye shook his head, didn't accept it, just said: "I'm not making money, accept it with peace of mind, this book is already yours."

   After he finished speaking, he didn't give the other party a chance to say anything, patted his shoulder lightly, and said, "Okay, it's time for me to fulfill my promise."

"All right."

Tang Ye opened the door in front of him with a smile on his face, and the purple passage inside began to extend forward, and soon saw the exquisitely furnished room at the end. This scene made Deria open her mouth wide, and she curiously stroked the inside of the passage. The wall, this is so amazing to her, words can't describe her mood at this moment.

   She no longer wondered whether she should accept Tang Ye's book, and Tang Ye also made a "please" gesture at this time.

   "Mr. Pillay, is that really the Dream Forest over there?"

   "Of course, you'll know when you go, let's go."

Delia took the first step and walked into the door, and Tang Ye followed, but as the door closed automatically, his brows wrinkled at this moment, because he saw a lot of hair from both sides of the passage. The black and thin dry hands stretched out! Desperately trying to catch Deria!

  Tang Ye subconsciously raised his hand to stop Deria from moving forward, but in the next second, his hand was put down. These dry hands, it seems that they can't touch Deria and themselves?

   He watched these dry hands constantly pass through Deria's body, swept over, Deria's expression was still so excited, she didn't seem to be able to see these hands, only she could see it?

   After a few steps, Deria noticed that Tang Ye was not following and looked back.

   "Mr. Pillay?"

"Huh? Oh, I'm here." After hesitating for a while, Tang Ye followed. Indeed, when these hands touched him, he didn't feel it, and went straight out of his body. They tried hard to stop him. Deria moved on, but what they were doing had no effect.

Finally, Delia walked out the door and came to the old woman's house. I don't know when, it was surrounded by all kinds of small animals, including squirrels, wild boars, rabbits, etc., sitting like a party. , lying and standing everywhere, and outside the door, there are many large animals, what tigers, hippos, elephants, etc. Deria's eyes widened when she saw this scene, and all the animals also Looking at Deria at the same time, there are eyes with all kinds of emotions, some surprise, some doubts...

   After Tang Ye came out, he didn't know who shouted: "Run!"

   For a while, the house became chaotic, and the small animals that were originally surrounded here ran out desperately. At the same time, Deria also shouted: "You are so cute!" Then she chased after these small animals.

  But even though these animals ran fast enough, in the end, a fat squirrel was caught by Deria and held in her arms!

   She kissed the fat squirrel fiercely, stroking her little hand back and forth on the other's furry head, and then looked at Tang Ye.

"Mr. Pillai, look!" She said happily, Tang Ye also looked at the unlucky fat squirrel, especially the small eyes, which made him laugh, but he didn't say anything. The small animals that successfully ran outside stopped at this time, perhaps because they found that Deria didn't mean to hurt them.

   "You don't have to run away, she doesn't seem to be malicious."

   "Really? The witch grandma said that people will eat us."

   "But the witch grandmother also said that there are good people and bad people, the bad people will eat us, but the good people will not."

   "Then is she a good person?"

"we do not know…"


Outside, there was the chatter of the animals, which was very lively. After a while, some daring animals approached and looked at Deria, who was also looking at them. Of course she heard what they said. In her ears, it also made her even more excited.

   "You guys can actually talk!"

   "Of course we can talk!"


   "Hello! My name is Jin Jin, may I ask who you are?"

   "My name is Deria!"

   "My name is Dandan!"

"Very happy to meet all of you!"

  Deria quickly became acquainted with these animals. When the little animals introduced themselves to her, a giant dragon flew by outside, and the roar quickly attracted her attention.

   "Wow! It turns out that there really is a dragon! Then this is really a fantasy forest!"

   "This is the Dream Forest."

"..." Tang Ye looked at Deria, who was immersed in happiness, and the smile on her face gradually brightened. Under the sun, she now thinks of a princess, and the past that has not been properly handled in her heart is also here. In a moment, all the negative things disappeared, leaving only the things related to beauty. This is an aura called "beautiful dream".

   Just as Deria was sparring with the animals, the old woman who was weaving clothes laughed out loud at this moment.

   "Son, come here quickly, I have something for you."

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