I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1788: white world

Hearing her voice, Delia only now noticed that there was another person besides herself and "Mr. Pillay". She hopped in front of the old woman and looked at each other curiously: "Grandma, have you always lived here?"

   Hearing the other party's innocent questions, the smile on the old woman's face became warm, and she said with a smile: "I have lived here for a long time."

   "How long was that?"

   "It's been so long since you became an adult."

   "That's been a long time..." Deria seemed to be thinking about the time it took for her to change from a child to an adult, but she didn't know if she had come up with it, and she asked again, "Then do you know magic?"


"Then can you show me your magic?" After receiving the old woman's answer, Deria got excited again, and asked with a look of anticipation, and the animals at the door grew bigger and bigger, as if Deria asked She asked a question that she didn't need to think about at all, and the old woman didn't reject her, she nodded, and then her finger moved forward, and the books on the bookshelf in front of them flew out one by one, floating in the air. Arrange them neatly together, and then turn pages automatically.

"Huh?" Delia was already shocked, but Tang Ye was puzzled, his eyes narrowed, he didn't feel anything, there was no difference between the old woman and ordinary people, but this so-called He couldn't understand how real "magic" was so naturally displayed, but after thinking about it, he didn't seem to have to worry about it.

"Have you seen it?" After all the books were turned over by the invisible force, the old woman gently retracted her fingers again, and all the books returned to their original places, and then she looked at Deria's little face and said with a smile .

"Look...I see." Delia was so shocked that she started to stutter when she spoke, but she soon asked again, "Is there another grandfather here who also knows magic." When asking this question , she said as she glanced around, but didn't see any old grandpa.

The    old woman also smiled helplessly, and finally explained: "There is no grandfather here."

"All right…"

   "Come here, your clothes are all torn, come and change."

Daria nodded, walked over, and put the book on the table next to it. Tang Ye noticed at this time that the title of the book, which was originally "Xipene's Dream Forest", changed to some unknown time. "Mr. Pillay's Grocery Store", the cover also becomes the building of the grocery store.

He smiled silently, he didn't say anything, he watched the old woman put the cloth in her hand over Deria's head, and then gently lifted, Deria's original worn clothes became The exquisite workmanship of the skirt caused her to exclaim, and the small animals outside also clapped and clapped.

"so amazing!"

   "Do you like it, kid?"


   "Hahahaha..." The old woman laughed happily, as if Deria's mood was also affecting her.

   "Child, are you hungry?"

   "Huh? How did you know?"

   "I know magic."

   "Oh, that's right, like Mr. Pillay, do you know my name too... I seem to have said my name just now..."

   "Don't worry about that, let's go out and see, there's a lot of food there, you'll like it here."

   "Then let's go."

   "Okay! Mr. Pillay, are you going?"

To the old woman's invitation, Delia quickly agreed. She was more curious about "Dream Forest" than "magic". Then she looked at Tang Ye and asked Tang Ye, she didn't Forget that he brought himself here.

But Tang Ye smiled and shook his head and refused, because he saw that everything around him was turning white, and neither of these two people seemed to see that things in him that did not belong to him were slowly disappearing, and things that belonged to him were also Returning and reminiscing.

   "No, go out with this old grandma, I'll wait for you here."

   "Okay, then we'll be back later."


Under the leadership of the old woman, the two quickly walked out of the door, and more and more white appeared around, and gradually climbed on the door frame. Tang Ye was surprised to find that his vision did not change when he turned his head. There is only the door in sight, and it is only when you turn your head that you have the feeling of turning your head.

Watching more and more white, until finally, Tang Ye heard a scream, and he didn't know where it came from. A huge spider appeared in sight. Soon, a huge spider appeared. Show it before your eyes!

   It is in a white area, and under it, there are cracks in the area that has been covered by white, and these cracks are extending, as if white covers the world in front of you, it will be covered with white! And with this, the white place is shattered!

Tang Ye tensed up and was ready to fight at any time, but the spider didn't pay attention to himself. Its forelimbs fiddled with the cracks, and when it was full of sadness from time to time, it seemed to want to mend these cracks, but it means were completely ineffective.

   Seeing that the white color was about to cover Deria and the old woman, Tang Ye suddenly shouted, "Hey!"

   didn't know who he was calling, the old woman and Darya turned their heads.

   "Mr. Pillay."

   "Do you need anything?"

  Tang Ye signaled to Deria that he was not calling her, and then said to the old woman, "Are you really not Lu Xiaojie?"

   "I'm sorry, I'm not." The old woman did not hesitate at all, she was very sure that she was not the Lu Xiaojie that Tang Ye said.

  The expression on Tang Ye's face was not disappointed either, he just said, "Okay, then I wish you all a good time."

   "Mr. Pillay, then let's go?"


Looking at the door that the old and the young walked out of, the smile on Tang Ye's face slowly disappeared. Then, the white figure completely drowned the two figures outside the door, and the cracks quickly filled his line of sight, accompanied by the huge The roar of the spider, the picture fell off piece by piece, and then faded, and Tang Ye also saw other things.

   That is a barrier composed of tentacles squirming!

   He was half-lying, his limbs wrapped around tentacles, surrounded by strange liquids, and he was submerged in it.

   "Are you back?" Tang Ye questioned, and then saw a layer of hoarfrost start to form around his line of sight. He knew that he should go out!

And dozens of kilometers away, a long convoy was driving on this desertified land. When the convoy came to a huge basin, the off-road vehicle at the front saw a mass of meat cocoons in the distance. The meat cocoon is not big, it is only four meters high, and its shape is very irregular. Because they are too far apart, the meat cocoon does not look inconspicuous in people's eyes, but this meat cocoon is everyone's goal!

As the first car stopped, the vehicles behind the convoy also stopped slowly, and a large group of people came down from the car one after another. In addition to weapons, they were equipped with large and small photographic equipment. The convoy stopped. Not long after the ride, a man in a camouflage uniform with a tablet in his hand walked to the front and looked forward suspiciously.

   "What's going on ahead?"

   "About the card."

   "Where are you from?"

   "I don't know, but the dress doesn't seem to be from Yunxia Base."

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