I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1793: teacher who kills you

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding air became silent. The other party did not speak for a long time, and he kept looking at Tang Ye with those eyes full of resentment, but it was fine. slowly disappeared.

   "Well, since you don't speak, then I really don't think you are..."

"I don't know what you've been through, I know too little about your past, and no one has told me your story, so I'm sorry, but well... If you're interested, you can tell me too , this person... oh no, it should be my zombie! I like listening to stories very much, if you want to say it, I will listen, can you see it?" When he said this, Tang Ye squatted down, quietly Waiting quietly, but the other party's eyes did not change at all.

Tang Ye wondered if the other party couldn't understand what he said, and the other party had no memory of what he had experienced in the illusion. Just when Tang Ye was about to repeat what he had just said with his brain computer, he suddenly laughed out loud and his voice was sharp. harsh.


   "Huh?" Tang Ye squinted his eyes and became puzzled. Soon, the other party finished laughing and spoke, but the voice seemed to be electronically synthesized, very rough, very dull, and very uncomfortable.

   "You think you've done a great thing?"

   "You think you saved a poor child?"

   "You think you're on the side of justice?"

   "No! You are not at all! You are not at all!"

   "You! Killed her!"

   "I have never done anything for myself, I just want her to live..."

   "Hehe... I seem to understand, you don't know the whole committee at all, you! You are an accomplice!"

"Ha ha ha ha…"

   The other party's words were roaring, mixed with indescribable anger, almost like burning Tang Ye to ashes! In the end, it ended with laughter, the other party fell silent, and Tang Ye was also silent.

He really doesn't know what is going on with Deria, but no one has the right to define who is right and who is wrong. This is a subjective problem, and he doesn't think what he has done is great. , the ultimate purpose is more to get yourself out of the environment that is not conducive to you. The other party misunderstood his behavior, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, it's over. About Deria's past, let it be buried. in the past...

  Tang Ye pursed his lips, if the other party wanted to struggle with who was in charge, he could have a hundred kinds of arguments.

   Therefore, he believes that reasoning is the most meaningless. On the issue of right and wrong, people from different perspectives have some words that seem reasonable.

It didn't take long for Tang Ye to speak: "Maybe I should understand you, but since you said it yourself, you want to keep her alive, but have you ever thought about it, when you do these things for her, there will be more Will people die for her?"

"You care about her life and death, then other people care about her life and death. If the person you care about dies, you will feel sad, right? In the same way, when someone else dies, those who care about them will feel sad, so, I This is done to make more people feel sorry for the people they care about, so now, do you think I'm on the side of evil or on the side of justice?"

Tang Ye's remarks seemed to have choked the Nightmare Corpse King, and he began to think, but he did not understand the sophistication of human society. On the issue of debating who is right and who is wrong, Tang Ye is the most important thing to him. A proper dimensionality reduction attack!

After thinking about it for a while, I didn't come up with a reason, and the Nightmare Corpse King didn't know how to refute him. You know what I'm going to do, and the rest is none of my business!"

   "Ha~" Tang Ye laughed, and was too lazy to continue playing with the other party. He stood up, then raised the blade of flesh and blood in his hand, and pointed the tip of the blade with a **** cold light at its head.

"You don't seem in the mood to tell me stories now. If that's the case, then I'm sorry. You can do anything, but unfortunately, I care more about my territory. Since you choose to invade, you have to do it. Good death consciousness!"

   "Maybe you don't understand what death means? But it doesn't matter, I can teach you, but before learning death, I need to teach you how to write the word "teacher"!"

As soon as   's voice fell, Tang Ye's eyes burst out with a strong killing intent, and the blade of flesh and blood in his hand began to fall! The flesh and blood on the knife's body was circulating violently, and it seemed that he couldn't wait!

   At the same time, the other party also began to resist, and it didn't want to die!

I saw that its mouth suddenly pouted, and the cheeks on both sides were also bulging. Tang Ye would have expected that the other party would fight back when he was dying, so he had already made preparations. When he saw the other party's series of actions, , to be on the safe side, he directly retracted the knife and flashed to the back!

   The ending has already been determined, and at the last moment, he didn't want to end up with a dead end or serious injury because of his arrogance!

   But as soon as he stopped, Tang Ye was stunned. He found that he seemed to be too cautious, and the other party was not fighting back...

  After he dodged and retreated, the Nightmare Corpse King stood up straight like a zombie that had risen from its coffin! It seemed as if something was about to come out of its mouth, and its skin was beating wildly, but it tightly closed its mouth and did not want to open it. It didn't take long for it to hold back, and "wow" it opened its mouth. All the things in it were spit out, and a large amount of dark purple liquid with bloodshot streaks spurted out. Looking closely, there were some strange-shaped insects in the liquid. When they were spit on the ground, they were still alive and kicking. It didn't move.

The Nightmare Corpse King also wilted at a speed visible to the naked eye, but it was very unwilling. , the sharp front end plunged into the ground fiercely and continued to exert force, pulling the Nightmare Corpse King backwards and bending down!

  Tang Ye doesn't know what's going on with it now, it seems that it has been attacked by something?

   About two minutes later, the Nightmare Corpse King's robot-like body twisted stiffly, and the next second, it straightened up suddenly! Immediately, the body began to swell, and the originally slender body became bloated at a very fast speed! In order to prevent the spider from completely falling off its back, it did not hesitate to block its own life. At the same time as it began to swell, Tang Ye also sensed that the situation in its body was rapidly deteriorating!

   In less than a minute, it skyrocketed into a giant of more than 20 meters, and it looked like a mountain of meat!

  The flesh and blood proliferated wildly, and the spider foot was forced back by the flesh and blood when he tried to escape from his back, but at this time, the other party realized that even if he did this, he would not be able to escape the ending of death!

   So, at that second, it took a last look at Tang Ye with its eyes full of resentment, and then with a loud "bang", its extremely bloated body exploded, and a lot of foamy flesh flew! Almost submerged the old city!

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