I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1794: end

   "Tsk tsk..." This scene made Tang Ye sigh, he shook his head, lowered his head and glanced at the ground, those rotten flesh made him very disgusted.

The Nightmare Corpse King is dead, completely dead, but the substances left behind after its explosion have caused a large number of strange plants to grow around. These plants decorate the world not like the earth. It grows to completion at a very fast rate, and then produces a number of reddish spores in large numbers.

Tang Ye doesn't know the function of these spores for the time being. It is clear that the Nightmare Corpse King can die quietly, but he is unwilling to decompose the anti-living substances in his body by himself. After digestion, it can cause pollution to the surrounding environment.

   Tang Ye can also understand that this is a very typical behavior of "death will not make you feel better"! But he wanted to ridicule it very much. This kind of behavior is of no use to him, because he is also a ninth-order zombie. Although these spores do not know the effect, they have no effect on him, but other low-level zombies Or humans don't know, but there are no people here, not even zombies!

   So, what's the use of all this pollution?

   As for the Shenzhou side, as long as they are not stupid, no one should come here, right?

   Of course, if someone insists on courting death, Tang Ye can't help it.

   swept around again, Tang Ye found a darker area, then walked over, and found a pile of minced meat in a short time.

"Mad, it's disgusting." Tang Ye was very disgusted, waved his hand to disperse the spores floating in front of him, and then the flesh and blood behind him stretched out a tentacle to rummage inside, not long after, a bright color The crystallization of evolution appeared in front of his eyes.

"This is the evolutionary crystallization of the ninth-order zombie." Tang Ye reached out and took it, and he was a little disappointed, but he had already expected this to be the case. The evolutionary crystallization of the ninth-order zombie is not any color that people are familiar with, but only him A new color that can only be seen by the existence of this level!

   This is a new color that is bright and independent and not inferior to green, blue, red, and yellow!

   This comes from the evolutionary crystallization in the body of the ninth-order corpse king. It is about the size of a baby's fist, but Tang Ye can feel the enormous energy from it! It seems that it can change everything in the world! In front of his eyes, the brilliance flowing inside was so bright and beautiful. He raised his hand and aimed this evolutionary crystal at the sky. Under the sunlight, it was so crystal clear that Tang Ye couldn't help being fascinated.

After watching this for a while and satisfying his sense of freshness, Tang Ye put the thing away, and then controlled his body to return to the size of a normal person. He was woven into very simple clothes during the shock of the black mist, and he felt it. In the distance, a few of the same kind were rushing here, he smiled and greeted them.

   Not long after, Tang Ye saw Gong Xiao Afu and the others from far away.

   "Boss!" The moment he saw Tang Ye, Ah Fu waved to Geert and the others behind him, and then ran to Tang Ye.

   "Boss? Are you all right?"

   "Aren't you a knowing advisor?"

"Uh..." Ah Fu touched his head embarrassingly, he seemed a little excited when he saw Tang Ye, he didn't think about what to say for a while, but he soon heard Li Man asking from behind: "Boss, that Nightmare Corpse King, has it been resolved?"

   "I'm still here to find you if I haven't solved it yet?"

   "I knew that the boss would definitely win!"

"No matter what, I'm also the Corpse King." Tang Ye couldn't help but be proud of his younger brother's admiring look. After roughly telling them about his battle with the Nightmare Corpse King, he quickly looked at him. Gong Xiao asked, "It's probably like this anyway. Don't ask me if you don't understand. I can't explain it myself. It's over here. Have you finished dealing with your affairs?"

"Don't worry, boss, most of the demonic corpse tide has been assimilated into our ethnic group, and now there are a few eighth-order ones who have escaped, but our people are still looking for..." Gong Xiao said later. She stopped, but she didn't say it in the end, and Tang Ye didn't notice her expression, he waved his hand and said, "That's it, there are so many everywhere, and it's not a problem to have more."

   "Let's go, go back, and leave the rest to the people at Yunxia Base."

Tang Ye smiled and walked away with everyone. Maybe he was able to see them. He seemed to be in a good mood, but he didn't notice that everyone behind him breathed a sigh of relief when he turned around. On the way, Tang Ye asked how long it had been since he was sealed in the meat cocoon. He also learned that it had been thirteen days since he entered the illusion, and Gong Xiao and the others also told Tang Ye that he was arrested. Something that happened after being sealed in a meat cocoon.

Two hours after he was cocooned by the Nightmare Corpse King, Hong Heixin, Li Man, and Ha Zhen who had already solved the battle approached the cocoon bravely, and then with the arrival of more companions, they He also tried to break open the meat cocoon to rescue Tang Ye from it, but the meat cocoon was very strong and tough, and within 13 days, dozens of powerhouses who existed in the eighth-order also worked together to try. They broke through the cocoon, but they all ended in failure, but they did not give up, which is why a level will be set up later to prohibit those bounty hunters who want to shoot the crystallization of the meat cocoon state.

In this series of processes, some ridiculous things have also happened. For example, Sun Junshou wanted to show his "peaking" physical knowledge at this time. As a result, after two days of calculation and action, the flesh cocooned. There was no response at all, which attracted a burst of laughter from the crowd. On the third day, Ah Fu boasted that he could smash the meat cocoon by himself, but not only did he fail, but in the end he even knocked because of too much force. Lost a tooth!

   Maybe the scene at that time was too funny, but when talking about this matter, the people around couldn't help but let out a frantic laughter, which caused Ah Fu to be furious!

   And Tang Ye also laughed unkindly, he already had a scene in his mind, the eighth-order zombie had his teeth broken, it was a shame!

   But the smile disappeared soon, and he can be said to be particularly proud of being able to successfully deal with a corpse king, because victory is indeed something to be happy about!

   However, the previous words of the Nightmare Corpse King made some haze linger in his heart.

The Nightmare Corpse King is dead, which also means Deria is dead. He really doesn't know Deria's past, but even so, he agrees with Lu Xiaojie's words, Deria doesn't deserve to die, and even stands in Tang Ye's own From an angle, Deria is still kind! And when he killed the Nightmare Corpse King, he also indirectly killed a kind person.

   This reminded him of the one who, in order not to be occupied by the instinct of zombies a long time ago, decided to be a self who punishes evil and eliminates evil and loves zombies.

   I seem to have missed an appointment again...

   But talking about Lu Xiaojie, Tang Ye remembered something and asked quickly, "By the way, how is Lu Xiaojie now?"

   "Lu Xiaojie?" After Tang Ye asked this, everyone was stunned, you look at me, I look at you, and Tang Ye's heart sank when he saw this scene.

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