I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1796: a possibility worth dying for

  Everyone just raised their heads, listened to Tang Ye's words and lowered their heads quickly, Gong Xiao muttered: "It's back a little bit, not much... a little..."

   "How much is that?"

   "Uh...about seven or eight..."

   "Hi~" Tang Ye took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and then called out A Fu.


   "This is it."

   "Those guys released from the mother's nest, you give me orders to come back one by one! If you are more conscious of yourself, just come back, and those who don't come back, you guys will catch me one by one!"

"Boss, you can see that my body shape is not dominant, and some of them run fast. There are too many... If you stay outside like this, you may have liked being outside for a long time, and your temperament is also wild... This may require you, boss, in person. Going out can make them honest..."

"I don't care about that. You all eat so much every day. If you can't even beat those half-assers, don't come back to see me. I won't investigate this matter for now. Anyway, if I did something wrong, I'll correct it and make up for it. In addition, If you find some who can "pass the test," consider making them your colleagues."

"All right…"

   "Also, there are some guys in the royal court who have nothing to do. Drive them out and go around. If you encounter a demon zombie above the seventh rank, you will assimilate."


  Tang Ye calmed down his mind. The guys in front of him were also old fritters. Knowing that he would not do this to them, he could only wave his hand helplessly, beckoning everyone to follow, and drifted away to the east together.

   A week later, several light jet fighters flew in the sky. After the soldiers above saw the broken ground below, the fighters slowly landed.

   "We seem to have found it!"

   "The signal here is a bit poor..."

   "Upload the coordinates first, let's go down first."

"Wait a moment!"

   "What's wrong? Why does it look so wrong from the outside?"

  【Call the third group, please answer when you receive it. 】

  【The third group here, if you have anything to say? 】

  [Here is one group, now located in the old site of Bunevis City. We seem to have found the wreckage of the Nightmare Corpse King. The relevant information is being sent, and the three groups will receive it as soon as possible, Ou. 】


In the past two or three minutes, the door of the fighter plane that stayed on the ground was finally opened, and a soldier wearing an exoskeleton suit jumped down. He looked up at the sky, and his brows subconsciously wrinkled. Five days have passed, but unknown particles are floating in the sky above this area, dyeing the sky an ominous purple. Moreover, as soon as he came out, he felt a very strong discomfort in his body. , he did not find the source for a while.

   "What's wrong?" He murmured, looking at his comrade who was about to jump down from the fighter plane, and after hearing his murmur, the other soldiers were stunned for a moment, and they, who were about to jump down, immediately retracted their feet in the next second.

   "What's wrong?"

"I don't know..." The soldier outside the fighter touched the cold helmet, but at this moment, he felt a little abnormal in his arm, as if something was swimming on his skin, itchy, that kind of foreign body sensation make him uncomfortable.

"My hand is like this?" He lowered his head and touched it, but his whole body was covered by the exoskeleton suit. He couldn't see or feel what his arm was doing now. In desperation, he could only temporarily remove the exoskeleton suit. It was lifted, but in this second, he let out a scream, and the itching sensation from his arm spread all over his body in an instant! The skin exposed to the air actually began to fester!

"Save...Save me!" The soldier panicked on the spot when he saw the abnormality in his body. He hurriedly shouted to his comrades in the fighter plane who had not yet stepped down, but they ignored him at all. After seeing this scene, he thought about it. Without thinking, the hatch of the fighter jet was closed again!

The soldiers outside wanted to stop the hatch that was about to be closed, but it was still a step too late. He showed despair, and reluctantly, he reopened the exoskeleton suit, but the festering of the skin did not stop there, and the skin continued to fester. It slowly disappeared, and then the muscle tissue under the skin also eroded at a very fast speed! His breathing was getting heavier and heavier. He knocked on the door of the fighter plane like crazy, but gradually, his strength became weaker and weaker, and the sound of his fist hitting the door became weaker and weaker!

   Until the end, he knelt down weakly and collapsed to the ground, and the body in the exoskeleton suit slowly turned into a pool of blood!

  【Three groups, three groups, what's the situation on your side? 】

  【Something happened, tell your people not to run out, someone on our side has died. 】

  【This...then you retreat first, and then leave it to our group. 】

  【Can you do it? 】

  【Our location is relatively good, we will release the reconnaissance robot to investigate later, and we can return to the headquarters in about ten minutes. 】

   [Ok, I'll leave it to you, pay attention. 】

As fighter planes rose from various places and disappeared into the sky one after another, among the fighter planes on a cliff, a man in his thirties breathed a sigh of relief. He stood up from his seat and said to the soldiers behind him: "We still have ten minutes, so hurry up!"

"Bai... Team leader, the robot we released is difficult to move forward due to the influence of the terrain. Now we can only use drones for simple exploration. Also, the Nightmare Corpse King can be sure that he died in Bu Nevis. Now, the rotten flesh we see is most likely part of its body..."

   "Okay, I've been hidden and tucked away, and I don't need to pretend to this point. I just want to know if the evolutionary crystals of the ninth-order zombies have been found!"

   "Brother Bai, let's not look for it. The evolutionary crystallization of the corpse king of Lan O may be taken away by the corpse king on our side. There is no reason for it to leave us such a valuable thing?"

   "We have to look for it. What if the Divine Corpse King doesn't take it away? It's the evolutionary crystallization of the Corpse King! If we find it...then it is..."

As he spoke, the middle-aged man known as Bo Ge began to get excited. After receiving the task of finding the remains of the Nightmare Corpse King, he tossed and turned and couldn't sleep that night. His mind was always uncontrollable. I wonder if Tang Ye would forget to take the evolutionary crystallization of the Nightmare Corpse King, and then let himself pick up a big leak?

   But this kind of idea is very unrealistic, but can’t you hold that everything is possible? Once you get the evolutionary crystallization of the corpse king, you may be the first ninth-order new human! Then enjoy the glory and wealth! When he thinks that after he has become a ninth-order new human being, the eighth-order new human beings he used to be in awe of will be his servants, and his body can't help trembling, even with the consequences of serious physical changes!

   So for this possibility, it is worth spending some of your energy to try it!

   But just when he was immersed in the life he had imagined, he suddenly heard a soldier calling him from behind.

"Brother Bo..." The voice was trembling, but he didn't notice it immediately, he just shook his hand irritably and said, "Look for it quickly, you'll be wasting your time!" After speaking, he sat back on the chair, but this In an instant, he suddenly realized something, and quickly stood up and looked behind him.


   "Okay, I didn't expect to encounter this kind of thing while having fun."

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