I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1797: last hold

Behind the seats in the last row of the fighter plane, I saw a soldier standing up slowly. A straight Tang knife in his hand forced the other soldiers to stand stiffly in a row. They looked nervously at the man named Bo Ge, panicking. Overwhelmed.

   "Who are you?" Brother Bai's heartbeat suddenly stopped at this moment, and after recovering, he was indescribably panicked! That soldier, he knows! But I don’t know him very well, I just happened to be in my group. At first, this guy had a very low sense of existence, and I didn’t take him seriously, but now, the terrifying high-level new human blood on the other side and the strong The suffocating aura all proves that this guy is an out-and-out ruthless character!

He took a step back, and his face became terrified like the other soldiers. He kept backing away until his fingers touched a laser weapon and grabbed it, and he found that little sense of security. He shouted sharply: "Are you here to spy on me?"

His questioning made the other party laugh a little, and then he shook his head and said, "No one is watching you, I just came with you to see what the dead corpse king looked like. I just didn't expect that someone would be stupid enough to fight the evolutionary crystallization of the corpse king, hahaha..."

   "Don't come here, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

   "Ha~ you think that thing can threaten me?" The soldier's face slowly turned cold, and Brother Bo realized that he was wrong and couldn't hold it anymore. The sense of oppression almost suffocated him! Then he simply closed his eyes and pressed the shooting button, but he was too nervous. It wasn't until after a while that he realized that the weapon in his hand was not moving, and he realized that he had not opened the safety, but at this time the opposite side was caught He was so controlled that he couldn't stand up straight with laughter!

   "Hahahaha! How dare you laugh at me! Fuck Nima hahahahaha~"

The other party's laughter was so harsh in his ears, Brother Bo hurriedly turned on the insurance, and pressed the shooting button again, but the next second, before the laser shot out, the laser weapon about half a meter long disappeared. It snapped in half with a click, and the various parts were scattered all over the place.

   As for Brother Nabo, his eyes were wide open, and he couldn't see any other movements except his head was slightly raised. At the same time as the weapon broke, his neck was also knocked off by the opponent and died on the spot.


  The soldier glanced at his corpse disdainfully, then looked at the other soldiers and said, "I won't trouble you anymore, I understand you, but from now on, do your job well."

   "Yes!" How dare a few soldiers say anything? They can only bite the bullet and agree. From the moment the other party stands up, their lives are no longer theirs, and no one knows when the other party will kill them.

   After he finished speaking, he went to the cockpit and started the fighter. With the loud noise of the engine running, the propeller below spewed blue flames at the same time, driving the whole fighter to slowly rise into the air.

   "You, come and help." After calling the previous co-pilot, the fighter plane began to fly towards the old city in front that was almost submerged by various flesh and blood tissues and grew a lot of exotic flowers and plants.

   With the purple sky, the environment here is extremely depressing. People who don’t know it may think that they are on another planet when they suddenly see such a picture!

   Nothing is known here except for ruins from old times!

  As the fighter plane got closer and closer to the city, the soldier also turned on the camera installed on the fighter plane and transmitted the pictures taken here to Yunxia Base in real time.

On the other side, Su Sigui, who was turning the pen in silence, noticed the change of the big screen behind her, and slowly got up to look at it. After seeing the content of the screen, she turned around and threw the pen in her hand casually. On the table full of various files, she put her hands on the table, looked forward, sneered and snorted, and there were hundreds of people sitting at the long conference table, and these people were the entire Yunxia Base All the eighth-order new humans in!

   "Okay, the time has come!"

"You are also very clear about my purpose, which is to end this end of the world. It is not harmful to you, so you shouldn't refuse it, right? Indeed, I want to be a savior, and you can laugh at me. The idea is ridiculous, but I don't think so. Don't mind, all of you here have a total of two opportunities, one is given to you by various external factors, and this other opportunity is given to you by me. Do you think I am reckless or overthinking? I'm sorry, I That's all there is to say."

   "As for why I gave you this opportunity?... It's because I am not alone in ending the last days. I also need a lot of like-minded partners. So, I want to give you a chance, which is the next time..."

"Also, I don't want to be a tyrant." At this point, she paused, as if she had remembered something, the smile on her face gradually became scary, and her expression also made some absent-minded people serious stand up.

   "I just thought of one thing, but it has nothing to do with you, and I don't need to tell you, it's mainly because of me, it changed my mind, because I'm impatient now, so I'm telling the truth now."

   "Everyone, I believe most of you think that ending the apocalypse is simply to destroy all the zombies?"

   "I'm sorry, forgive my nonsense because I just wanted to see more of you guys, it's that simple..."

With Su Sigui's words, the atmosphere in this spacious conference room also became chilling. Many people were ready to fight at this moment. They are not stupid in the last days. Su Sigui's tone could tell that something bad might happen next, but they couldn't think of what Su Sigui wanted to do for the time being!

   Want to challenge the interests of all the eighth-order powerhouses on the scene? Really, who gave her the courage and how confident she was that how many people would choose to stand by her?

No one spoke at the scene, they were all waiting for Su Sigui's next words, and she didn't ask them to wait any longer, and quickly continued: "I know that you have all investigated me during this time, and know what I am doing now. For the two plans, I have installed a large number of siphon towers in many places. I won’t go into details about what those things do. You all know what you should find. When the [God Rain Project starts], if there is no accident, it will be A lot of zombies have been eliminated, and at that time, we can continue to carry out this plan and remove zombies from all over the world one after another.”

"However, there are many accidents in this world, and even I myself can't grasp them all, so I made preparations with both hands, before confirming that the [God Rain Plan] is feasible, I need to give priority to my will, and then All the resources and power of all mankind are twisted into a rope! Towards a goal! Instead of your constant internal friction for your own interests! But, while I do this, I need the unconditional obedience of all of you!"

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