I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1798: choose

   Having said that, some people at the scene have already started to move. She said it nicely, but in their ears, to put it simply, let yourself and others be her dogs!

   Ask, who would like this? No matter who is here, who can get to this point, who is not arrogant?

   Of course, there are exceptions to everything.

   Even if everyone has to do it, what qualifications does this woman have? By her miraculous prophetic power?

To be honest, after confirming that the Nightmare Corpse King had died and disappeared, they were indeed shocked. At that moment, all kinds of thoughts flashed in their hearts, but when things were not completely serious, people would always hug him. There is some luck, they don't want to enter the tense period that comes sooner or later, so soon someone wants to say something, but Su Sigui speaks first before he can say a word. Blocked back.

"I know, many of you are now thinking that I am self-righteous and that I don't have the qualifications, but it doesn't matter, you can think what you want, but what I said just now is just an appetizer. Next , please be prepared."

   The smile on Su Sigui's face became brighter, and the madness gradually crept into the eyebrows! Everyone vaguely felt that something was wrong. The group of six led by Ji Jinchan seemed to want to find some sense of security. They smiled and looked at Su Sigui, but the eyes of the two sides met and the six people found that the other's face had not changed at all! Their faces instantly became embarrassed, and at the same time, there was a "crack" in their hearts.

   Without waiting for everyone to say anything, Su Sigui spoke again. Her voice was much more excited than before, and the words she said also changed everyone's face!

"Everyone knows, not only zombies constitute the end of the world, but also some that can destroy fair existence! Just because they only think that they are superior, they can arbitrarily deprive others of their lives! And it is this ridiculous superior, and the resources are unequal. Have you ever seen people starving to death on the street?"

   "I believe you haven't seen it. Even if you see it, you won't feel it. Then tell me, when the zombies disappear, will such a picture still appear?"

"I tell you, it will! Even if all the zombies disappear on the earth, those pictures will still appear! I need a law, a law with the most sense of existence! It can restrain anyone! Instead of letting people be above their heads the law! Do you understand everyone?"

   "If we just remove zombies, the end of the world will just become a chaotic world. What I want is a society where everyone is equal. There are no zombies and no new human beings superior to others!"

  The atmosphere in the conference room became more and more tense with Su Sigui's words, and many people's faces became gloomy, but she thought she didn't notice it, and continued on her own:

   "I tell you clearly, after confirming that the [God Rain Project] is feasible, I will not only remove all the zombies, but also everyone here! Evolutionary creatures and new humans on the entire earth!"

   "Of course! Including myself! Only when we and the zombies become a bunch of inorganic things will this apocalypse truly end."

   "Okay, I'm done. Now, there are two choices in front of you. First, join me to end the end of the world!"

   "Second! Reject me! As for the consequences, it's very simple, either you kill me or I kill you!"

Everyone looked at each other and wondered if Su Sigui was the real Su Sigui. They didn't say anything right away, they were all thinking, let's not say whether Su Sigui has the strength to give them these two choices, but this choice only requires Anyone who is not stupid will choose the latter, and no one is great. If it is just to save mankind, most people will agree, because they are part of the community with a shared future for mankind!

  But once they knew the price they paid with their lives, they couldn't help but hesitate!

Su Sigui glanced around, and after his voice fell, the centenarian Ye Chang raised his hand with a smile, as if he didn't know what Su Sigui said, and then sat in the back part Xu Tianyu in the middle raised his hand, followed by Qiuyue, Yao Gong, Yan Xing, Guan Zuohua, and the bright moon capital powerhouses who had been with Su Si for a long time raised their hands one after another, choosing to stand by Su Si. Back there.

There were a total of 106 people in the conference room. Su Sigui's thoughts were too crazy. Only a few eleven people raised their hands to express their attitude. Many of them surprised her. People, such as Nangong Inscription, Chi Biyi, and the eighth-order foreign powerhouses in Wanhe Third District, Edinson and Celino.

Maybe they already had the same idea as Su Sigui, but because of the general situation, they were unable to show that they were surprised when they saw Su Sigui choose to do this, and they also thought that they knew what they should do at a certain moment. what.

  Besides them, the last person left was the last person left among the four kings of the dragon group, Yan Ling!

No one knows his name, only his code name. He may have already forgotten his name. Accidentally, the code name became his name. Maybe it was something in the past. There was no expression on his face, and today he had a rare smile on his face, a little crazy, and a little mocking.

In addition to these eleven people, the others, whether they are enemies who have fought against him, companions who have fought with him, and the six-member group, have chosen silence. Their silence also means that they choose to stand by Su Sigui. The opposite of !

   This scene made Su Sigui smile. The smile was a little sad, and the brilliance in her eyes dimmed a lot.

She also hates betrayal, but she doesn't hate anyone, because this betrayal was chosen by herself, she had expected it, but after she really saw this scene, her heart began to colic uncontrollably , It seems that at this moment that powerful heart has become a lot more fragile, but it also quickly becomes more tenacious!

   She really didn't hate anyone, she just felt very pity, she finally wanted to do what Ning Tianlang did again! Not for myself, but for the continuation of mankind today! She wanted to keep it again, but the severe situation had made her realize that she didn't have that much time!

   The pain and helplessness she experienced personally made her more and more able to understand that arrogant man.

The    smile slowly disappeared from her face, her eyes became colder and colder, and the words she said from her mouth became more indifferent, just like the words spoken by a god, cold to the bone without any emotion! It seems that God's punishment will be imposed on the world!

   "Everyone, there is no chance next time, so now, let's do it."

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