I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1810: desperate freedom 1

   Chapter 1810 Freedom of Despair 1

"This substance can make you immune to the harm that anti-living substances bring to your body, and at the same time allow you to perfectly absorb the beneficial elements of anti-living substances that are beneficial to the human body. That is to say, if you are an unevolved ordinary person, You will not be infected by zombies, and you can evolve yourself to the next stage in a simple way by eating evolutionary crystals or nuclei without limit!"

   "And you don't have to worry about any alienation reaction in your own body!"

   "Before meeting you, we had never discovered such a substance. We didn't believe it at first, but we conducted more than twenty control experiments before finally confirming its existence."

"Also, it fits perfectly with your body, sorry, you may not think it's strange, but I use an analogy, if you have a very complicated mortise and tenon toy in your hand, you need another toy with the toy in your hand Piece it together, but the world does not have it, but one day you saw someone eat an apple and threw it away after biting it in half. You took the apple home because you were hungry, and you saw the shape that was bitten out on it, Slam it, and then find that the bitten apple in your hand seems to be born for the other party. Every groove, as well as the size of the groove, even the bulge that is invisible to the naked eye, can Strictly fit together, you can see a little gap!"

   "Is this a coincidence?" the man asked.

"so what?"

"This is a kind of miracle! The unknown substance in your body fills every corner of your body, just like your exclusive patron saint, it has been conscientiously protecting you, and it has existed in your body for a long time. , at least more than twenty years!"

"Be in a hurry to speak first, listen to me, I only dare to determine the time, because the coincidence of this thing is too much, just like I said mortise and tenon toy, it matches every gene node of yours perfectly , there is nothing wrong with it!"

"If it was on other people, it would only have serious consequences for their body, but it just seems to be made for you! So, I don't believe it! I don't believe it's something you were born to carry Yes, it's more like someone custom-made for you, just so that you can live a good life in the last days!"

   "At the same time, it is like a key to end the apocalypse! Because it can kill all life that has been transformed by anti-living substances! This is why you can become a resting person, but you are not a zombie."

  The girl pondered, she understood what the other party said, and quickly asked: "So, do you think the end of the world is caused by man?"

   "I don't dare to come to a conclusion yet. I want to ask you, before the end of the world, have you ever been transformed by someone? Similar to what you have experienced now?"

"I..." The girl recalled, but slowly, her beautiful brows slowly wrinkled, her father was indeed a high-level executive of the gene company, but she had no memory of this, not even the place where her father worked Been there.

"No." She shook her head, but she hesitated again. Maybe something happened to her, but she lost these memories... But on second thought, if the other party's guess is true, the black rain covering the whole world is It was caused by the use of weather weapons, but can the technology at that time really be realized?

   Even now, with the existing technology of human beings, it is difficult to artificially create a rainstorm that can cover the whole world, and Su Sigui's [God Rain Project] is still divided into a large number of areas and carried out in sequence.

   "Did you give birth naturally or by other means?"

   "Hey uncle, how do I know this? I couldn't even open my eyes when I was born. Anyway, my dad told me that my mother gave birth to me."

   "Okay... Well, did you get hit when you were a kid? Like something that made it difficult for you to accept, and then caused some mental trauma to you?"

   "Maybe, but I don't have a history of mental illness. My family is not as perfect as those normal families, but I know my own life past."

   "How can you be sure of you, that won't work, I have to take you to check on the side, in case..."

   "Stop, stop, stop, stop worrying about these things. Why don't you come to see you then? The result is the most important thing, okay, I'll go first."

   While speaking, the girl bypassed the man, and by the time he reacted, the man had already disappeared without a trace.

   "Wait a minute!" He hurriedly chased him out, but after running all the way out, he couldn't even see the other person's figure. Colleagues passing by looked at him with strange eyes when they saw him flustered.

   "Hey, what happened?"

   "What are you doing in such a panic?"


The man didn't answer them. After taking a few steps back, he saw a gate not far away, and then ran over. As soon as the door opened, he saw only a few soldiers patrolling here. After struggling for a while, he still chased them go.

"What's wrong?"

   "Did you see anyone running out?"

   "Huh?" Several soldiers looked at each other, and the leader in the lead frowned and shook his head at the man.

   "No, did someone leave here?"

   The man was flustered for a while, and after thinking for a while, he denied it and said, "No, just to confirm some situation with you."

   "Well, you can't do anything wrong here. If there is any abnormality, let us know as soon as possible."


  The man stopped talking to these soldiers, nodded and left here quickly, and when he came to a place where no one was there, he began to pray in his heart.

   I prayed that the girl would really come back.

At this time, the girl in the exit of a certain building came out from the inside. After sweeping around, she put on her shoulder cap, tightened it, and walked past the soldiers guarding the door in such a swaggering manner. It was as if the people around could not see her, only the tip of her nose could smell a very refreshing and clean body fragrance.


"What's wrong?"

   "Did you smell a very fragrant smell?"

   "There's a little... it looks like it's on a girl? But there's no girl here?"

"It's weird..." The soldiers at the door talked a few words, but they didn't notice that a gloomy man with a bag in both hands not far away pondered after hearing their conversation. He glanced at the door in front of him, not knowing. Thinking of something, he turned around.

   His gaze turned to the small square in front of him, and after scanning back and forth, he locked onto the girl in the crowd.

   "It's her..." His expression was a little weird, the girl's state was very strange, I couldn't describe it, in short, others didn't seem to see her, but why...

   tremblingly raised his hand, he lifted his sleeves, and there were dense granulation on his arm. These granulations were squirming, as if they had their own independent consciousness and wanted to get off the man's body!

   Perhaps sensing that someone was approaching around him, he quickly rolled back his sleeves and followed without a word.

   (end of this chapter)

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