I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1811: desperate freedom 2

   Chapter 1811 Desperate Freedom 2

The girl walked through the chaotic and messy streets and passed by countless soldiers quietly. When she came to the corner, she glanced back unintentionally, and her eyes briefly stayed on the man who was following her for a second. Zhong, and then continued towards the destination as if he didn't notice anything.

   Xu Haihai didn't know that he had been discovered by the other party, and he was still following him like an ordinary passerby with a bag in both hands.

   About five or six minutes had passed since he discovered her and followed her. Soon, Xu Haihui saw a man wearing a cloak covering his body as tightly as he was standing on a street corner in the distance.

He frowned suspiciously. The breath on the man was very strange, and it would not make the zombies have any appetite. It was like a person who saw some equipment on the street and would not have the slightest connection with food. This guy is not human. But not zombies.

   Because he couldn't find the scent of zombies from this man.

  Xu Haihui slowed down, glanced left and right, and finally put the things in his hand in a relatively hidden grass, and then continued to follow slowly as if nothing had happened.

   And the person the girl was looking for was this strange man. After coming to him, she stopped and looked up at the face under the man's cloak, so familiar yet so unfamiliar.

   "Are you okay?" the man asked, his voice didn't have any emotional fluctuations that belonged to a human being, and following his voice, the girl looked away and lowered her head.

"Not very good."

   "Is there anything we need to do?"


   "Okay..." The man said these two words like a machine, then turned to leave, but at this time the girl said, "I'm about to give up."

   The footsteps that the man had just taken took back, and he turned to look at her.


   "It's just that I can't see hope. It's been so long before I know it, and there are some things I should put down."

   "We can do anything for you, even death." The man seemed to be holding back something, although his voice had no emotion, but there was a trace of struggle in his indifferent tone.

   "No need, I'm tired, and I think he is too. I've been tired for the rest of my life, so let him have a good rest."

  “We can succeed…”

   "You don't have to comfort me, I'm no longer a child, we can't succeed, let him rest in peace."

"That's what I'm going to say." The girl forced a smile on her face. She waved her hand, took a step back, and turned around. Just as she took the first step, the man in the cloak reached out and grabbed her wrist.

"Then what should we do?" The man's voice became much weaker, the other hand that was hanging down trembled slightly, and his words made the girl stunned. She turned her head to look at the face and wanted to say What but couldn't say anything, she could only shake her head, she didn't even know what to do herself, how could she know what they should do?

   Her eyes widened, and tears gradually rolled in her eyes. At this moment, a building in the distance collapsed, and a strong wind blew through. The shoulder cap on the man's cloak was lifted, revealing Ning Tianlang's face.

Just when the tears were about to fall, she stopped in time, she kept a tough attitude on her face, and she said: "You settle him in a place where he will not be disturbed by others. As for you, I will not take your lives, I will give you freedom, you can go wherever you want, do whatever you want, go and see, the outside world is big and spectacular, and don't put yourself Seen as aliens, you are no different from normal people, you... are also human."

   "If you don't have anything to do or watch, you can also choose to perish yourself, sorry."

"Ning Tianlang" didn't say a word, his eyes were as dull as a robot's, and the hand that was holding the other party was held tightly. Even if he had no feelings, he would not let her go, but in the end he was mercilessly held by the girl break free from it.

"Okay, I'm leaving, and I won't see each other again. You don't have to look for me. If you can't find me, just say goodbye." The girl put on the shoulder cap that was blown off by the wind, and turned around. Stepping away, she turned around, no matter what the other party said, she would not look back. !

The wind blowing in front of her was a little cold, with dust with a strong smell of kerosene. She quickened her pace and wanted to get out of here quickly, but time seemed to be slowed down countless times, and she could clearly feel every step she took. to the sound of his own footsteps.

   Just as she was about to turn the corner and disappear from the sight of the other party, she heard the other party's voice!


The moment these two words entered her ears, she immediately denied the decision she had made before. She turned her head again and looked at the other party. "Ning Tianlang" had already taken off his shoulder cap, and his expression was the same as before. , without any emotion, his eyes are as dull as before, but the two words uttered from his mouth have a vibrato. He is trying to make his words contain a little human emotion, but this is like drinking to normal people. Something as simple as water is difficult for him!

   Then, his voice became hoarse.

   He stretched out a hand to her, but the arm was shaking violently, and the five were pinched and put down, as if he wanted to grab something, but all he could grab was air!

However, after seeing the girl turn back, he seemed to be satisfied. The hand he stretched out slowly retracted, and then stroked his waist. In the next second, two red shimmering lights appeared on his chest and abdomen, and he was very fast. frequency flashes.

  Di Di Di Di Di...

The flesh on his face melted at an extremely fast speed, like ice cream under the scorching sun. After a while, his body turned into a puddle of mud. The clothes and cape and cape he was wearing lost their support and fell on on the ground.

  In the mud made of his flesh and blood, some peculiar mechanical devices can be seen.

At the same time, a man sitting on a high chair in a tavern in a daze, a man standing unmoved in an unknown corner in a shopping mall, a man slowly closing the hatch in a dark laboratory, and countless others. "Ning Tianlang" in the petri dish turned into a pool of inorganic matter at this moment!

   All the orderly guards melted silently in this world. Occasionally, when people passing by saw the muddy pool, they would only think that it was some wicked guy from the downstairs.

   The freedom she gave was an incomprehensible despair for these order guards.

   They lived for her and died for her.

   This scene made the girl unable to hold back her tears, her heart seemed to be stabbed one by one, and the tearing pain made her forget everything except the scene in front of her.

   She couldn't describe how she felt at this time, but it also made her no longer have any worries, so she could feel at ease to meet her own destiny!

   After a while, the surrounding soldiers noticed the sudden appearance of this abnormal "Ning Tianlang", and quickly surrounded them. The girl could only suppress the sadness in her heart and left the place.

Two minutes later, after confirming that there were no other soldiers behind, the girl walked into a dead end and stopped. She looked at the pitted low wall in front of her that had been corroded by the years, and the expression on her face did not know where When does it get cold.

   "Have you seen enough? Come out when you've seen enough."

   (end of this chapter)

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