I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1829: zero dollar shopping

   Chapter 1829 Zero Dollar Shopping

  A Fu and Huang Quanjiu looked at each other behind them. They were also curious, what did Jiang Zhenbo want to do?

The interior decoration of the smoke hotel is very particular, and the scale is not small. There are seven or eight well-armed security personnel at the entrance, and it is opened in a regional block starting with the word "mountain and river". It can be opened like this in the end times. In a storefront, the person in charge should also have a certain amount of power in Yunxia Base.

After leaving Ah Fu, Jiang Zhenbo, who had been servile before, immediately puffed up his chest and regained his pride as a sixth-order new human being. The people around him hurriedly hurried after seeing the purple-edged exoskeleton suit on his body. make way for him.

   came to the door of the store unimpeded, perhaps realizing that this guy was malicious, the security personnel outside subconsciously stopped him, and a few strong men moved and immediately blocked the entrance door.

"This guest, please wait a moment, according to our rules, you can't bring it with you before entering..." A strong man who stopped at the door said in a gentle tone, but before he finished speaking, Jiang Zhenbo's face appeared Out of anger, he slapped the opponent's cheeks full of flesh on the spot!


The helmet on the head of this strong man cracked directly under this slap. Under the huge force, even if the physique of this strong man was more than one circle stronger than Jiang Zhenbo, at this moment, his head seemed to be suddenly hit by a mountain Hold down, go down.

   When he raised his head again, he opened his mouth, a few teeth fell out, and there was some saliva, bloodshot in the saliva.

   A burst of anger rose in his heart, but he was restrained in the end. Jiang Zhenbo didn't want his life, so he didn't use all his strength. If he wanted to kill, the slap just now was enough to make him drink hate on the spot!

   The scene in front of him immediately attracted the attention of all the people around him, and the other strong men blocking the door also looked at each other and silently moved away.

"Did I give you a face?" Jiang Zhenbo looked coldly at the strong man in front of him who had been slapped by him. After the other party slowed down, he lowered his head and had a strong physique. The child taught by the adult trembled in fear!

   "The mayor has said that now is a special period, and all resources must be given priority to the military. You dare to stop me? You can't think the other way!"

"If I tell the mayor about today's incident, do you think your boss has the ability to protect you?" Jiang Zhenbo swept around with a serious look. His face suddenly turned pale, and the people watching around also showed gloating eyes on their faces.

   "I'm sorry!" The strong man who was slapped hurriedly apologized regardless of the pain.

However, Jiang Zhenbo also understands what it means to slap a slap and give a date. He quickly softened his tone and said, "Seeing that you are also doing things for others, I will not pursue this matter." He looked low in front of him. The strong man with his head on his head "This slap should be used to remind you that you met me today. If you met someone else, you would be a corpse now."

"Yes Yes Yes!"

   What dare the other party say? Jiang Zhenbo could only nod his head again and again. Jiang Zhenbo was very satisfied. He walked into the store with a snort, and the waiter inside hurriedly greeted him with a professional smirk, and asked, "What do the guests need, please let me know! "

"I heard that you have a bottle of Maotai with a long age here. Don't hide it. Take it out. There are also two cigarettes. You want the best kind from your shop." Jiang Zhenbo said in a coherent tone without any pause. This sentence made the waiter in front of him stunned on the spot.


   "Ah what? Go!"

   "Guest, what you want is not cheap! If you say that price, it may make you feel unhappy..."

"What price is not the price, there are the mayor's distinguished guests outside, how much Yajin, you asked your boss to talk to Minister Xu of the Military and Military Department himself, and see if he will give it, and you can see clearly, Those outside are all big eighth-order people!"


   Two minutes have passed, and I saw that Jiang Zhenbo had not come out yet, and people around him would send their eyes from time to time, all kinds of eyes, fear, doubt, curiosity and envy!

   This made Ah Fu gradually become impatient, but before he could speak, the soldiers in front observed this, picked up their weapons and aimed at the surrounding crowd, while scolding:

   "Look at what! What's there to see? Hurry up and go back to each house to find each mother."

   A soldier fired a shot into the sky, and other soldiers also fired into the sky.

   Frightening gunshots.

   There are also lasers that go straight up like fireworks.

   was so frightened that the people who were still onlookers scattered on the spot, which made Ah Fu amazed, and this feeling made him a little flirtatious.

   This is what it feels like to be a big man!

   After the crowd had almost dispersed, Jiang Zhenbo finally appeared. Compared to when he first entered, he had more things in his hand.

   walked out of the shop with his head held high, and after seeing Ah Fu, his face showed that flattering smile to the extreme before, and trotted to Ah Fu like an old servant.

   "Brother Hu, these are what the younger brother wants to honor you."

   "Oh~?" Ah Fu gave a long snort, looking at the other side, Jiang Zhenbo was holding something in both hands, two cigarettes in his right hand, and a black bag on his left and right.

   Seeing Ah Fu put his eyes on the black bag in his hand, the other party quickly reacted and handed the black bag to Ah Fu with a smile.

After   , Ah Fu was also very interested, but when he opened the black bag, he was puzzled. Inside was a hard-shell box packed in red and white.

  This thing seems to have gone through a lot of years, the box is a little old, and the words on it are a little faded.

   "Mao...tai?" Ah Fu looked at it and said these two words. Just before he understood what the two words meant, Huang Quanjiu's eyes lit up behind him.

   "Hey, I thought I couldn't see this thing, but I didn't expect it, show me!"

   After he finished speaking, he grabbed Maotai from Ah Fu without saying a word. He immediately looked at the date above and licked his lower lip.

   "Good guy, that's ok! 79 years old." He looked at Jiang Zhenbo with satisfaction, and the guy smiled in agreement.

   "What's the point?" A'Fu asked inexplicably.

   "This thing is wine. The older it is, the more valuable it is. 79 years, tsk tsk, Brother Hu, this thing is several times older than you! Now, at least it can sell for two or three thousand Asian gold!"

   After opening the package, Huang Quanjiu fondly touched it. Although he has drunk many famous wines in the royal court, this is the first time in this vintage.

   Chang Jinlun, who was next to him, also wanted to take a look, and he reached out to grab it, but Huang Quanjiu had taken precautions earlier and did not let him succeed.

After touching it for a while, he asked Jiang Zhenbo, "Is this thing costing a lot of money?"

   "No, no, it's nothing, it's my honor to be filial to everyone!" Jiang Zhenbo's flattering smile remained the same.

   "Hehe, is that so..." Huang Quanjiu's face became strange, looking at the two cigarettes in his hand, he asked again, "You have never been so filial to your father, have you?"

   Tomorrow afternoon, I will go to Kunming with my father to purchase goods. I may be late when I come back. Please take a day off. Please forgive me.



   (end of this chapter)

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