I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1830: District 11

   Chapter 1830 District 11

   "Uh...hehe..." Jiang Zhenbo's face was a little embarrassed, he regretted what he said just now, and he had already admitted that he didn't pay for these things!

   But it was too late, he quickly went through a circle in his mind, and went straight to Huang Quanjiu's words.

"I can't say that. I also honor my father, but if I honor you, I will definitely pay more. I will ask you to take care of you in the future~" Jiang Zhenbo laughed, showing his big white teeth, and his smile looked a little bit cheap.

   "Hehehe..." Huang Quanjiu smiled, shook his head and didn't say a word, the other party said it was fine, just put himself and others in a higher position than his father, and he would not be a fool in the apocalypse.

   And Ah Fu laughed even more: "Hahahaha, your kid will have something to do, good!"

Patting the right shoulder, Ah Fu stretched out his hand and took the two cigarettes. Compared with the bottle of Maotai in 1979, these two cigarettes are almost more interesting, but they are also high-quality cigarettes produced in the apocalypse. And the world (respected 5000) is as good as it is!

   The two cigarettes were torn apart on the spot, and Huang Quanjiu and the others did not refuse. In less than a minute, the two cigarettes were divided among eight people.

   "Let's go, it's time to work. The boy Aben has already started to do it."

   "Keep going, there's still a long way to go."

   ordered the soldiers in front, and the group continued to move towards the destination.


In an old street, a 30-year-old man with dyed red hair, closed arms and covered in tattoos opened the iron door and walked out of the gray building. Holding the cigarette, he spit out a large mouthful of smoke as soon as he took it down, and spit out a mouthful of phlegm along with it.

   "Hu~comfortable!" He shouted frantically to the sky, and people passing by glanced at him, then quickly lowered their heads.

   The red-haired man tightened the belt on his jeans and turned away.

  Behind the rusted iron gate, stood a woman with a disheveled dress. The long-term malnutrition caused the woman's complexion to be very poor, her skin was even more sallow, and her hair was as yellow as the rotten grass at the end of autumn.

   She was wearing only one piece of clothing. Through the hem between the buttons, she could occasionally see her completely skinny body inside, and the rows of ribs stood out, making it uninteresting at all.

  The man looked at the woman, snorted, and said, "This time, I will deduct from the Yakin you owe. Now there are six more, do you understand?"

   "Can you give us a little more time?" Hearing the man in front of him, the woman became anxious, but the man remained unmoved, raised his head slightly, and shook his head.

   "I'll give you two more days at most, the day after tomorrow, I'll come back to find you then, that's all, go."

After the red-haired man finished speaking, he turned around and left, but the woman hurriedly grabbed his hand: "The day after tomorrow! No! No, time is too short, can you give us a few more days? Give us another five days? Pay back the money immediately on the 16th. For you, together with the interest!"

"Five days, hey, I'm not haggling with you now, just like you, you look down on you when you play, just the day after tomorrow, if I come and you can't make it, you can use your son to pay for it, your son looks good , some big people will like it."

   shook off the woman's grasping hand, and the man left without turning his head, while the woman simply fell on the ground in a hurry, and clung to the other's ankle with both hands, preventing him from leaving.

   "I beg you to give me a little more time, two days is too short, where did you ask me to collect so much Yajin?"

   "If you don't pay, then use your son to pay off the debt. Am I not clear?"

   "No!" the woman yelled, looking at the people passing by with a look of help, but who would dare to care about such a thing?

   That red-haired man is one of the little leaders of a certain club here. If he doesn't have the ability, he will go to see justice and act bravely, and he will be beaten up when he returns home!

   Seeing people watching so coldly and unmoved, the woman's face gradually became desperate, but her arms were like a lock! Holding the man's leg tightly and not letting go! After the other party was stunned for a long time, but did not break free from the woman's hands, his face also became unkind.

   "Let go!"

   "Don't let it go! Give us another five days, just five days, and when the time is up, we will definitely be able to repay the Yajin owed to you!"

   "Treader!" The man laughed angrily, and saw that he pursed his lower lip fiercely, stopped talking nonsense, and began to count down.




The countdown of the three numbers quickly ended, and the woman was still stubborn and did not let go, but at this time, a few young people sitting on the steps stood up, all of them carrying a barbed iron ball in their hands. You can also see some shocking blood stains!

They surrounded the woman, and she closed her eyes in despair. Just when one of the young men lifted the spiked club and was about to hit the woman, a gunshot suddenly sounded from the alley in front of the street, and the surrounding People are scared and run!

   "The soldier is here!"

   Someone ran out of the alley where the gunshots rang out, shouting loudly, the red-haired man raised his hand quickly after hearing the sound, stopping the young man behind him who wanted to do it.

"A soldier? What are you doing here?" They were a little puzzled. Hua D11 area belongs to the "edge" area of ​​Yunxia Base, but not because of its geographical location, but because the people here are very messy and the centralization center The governance here is very weak, and it belongs to the fringe area of ​​public security management.

  Before the end of the world, this was the southern suburb of Yunhai City, and the surrounding buildings were built by the survivors who gathered here after the Yunxia Base was established.

  At the beginning of the establishment of Yunxia Base, survivors from other bases set up tents here as their temporary residence.

There were very few new humans at that time, and it was difficult to assemble the army. There were not one out of ten officials before the end of the world. In the situation of lack of manpower and materials, the person in power at the Yunxia Base at that time could only choose to stabilize the mountain and river at that time first. Area.

As time goes by, as more and more people enter the Yunxia Base, more and more survivors come here. Gradually, a lot of underground evil forces have emerged. Before the end of the world, crimes that were unimaginable to ordinary people were happening. You can see it here every day.

In the mid-term, the chaos in the Hua D11 area still did not attract attention. Compared with this, other areas in the Yunxia Base already have the most basic legal provisions, and the order has gradually recovered. Those who have difficulty surviving the base will choose to come here to gamble!

   After all, crime is the only way out for them!

   It is said that the golden belt of murder and arson has passed. After so many years, many people have developed in the D11 area of ​​China, and they have also gone out. After these people, more chaos appeared.

Even now, there are still people who come in here to take advantage of opportunities, but these people are generally poor and have nothing but a life. Although some unscrupulous soldiers will choose to rob in the street, they must choose a good place to do this kind of thing. The more remote and chaotic places, the better. In the D11 area of ​​China, all you can grab is someone else's life, but what's the use of someone else's life?

   And risk being executed, it's not worth it!

   (end of this chapter)

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