I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1859: hardcore


After watching everyone leave, Wang Dapao cautiously shouted to Tang Ye, but the other party turned around, and before Wang Dapao finished speaking, he interrupted in a low voice and asked, "You are also wondering why I am like this. Do?"

   Hearing this, Wang Dapao couldn't help wiping the cold sweat from the side of his forehead. If he had a little doubt about Tang Ye's identity before, then now, this doubt has completely disappeared!

   The words Tang Ye said to the workers just now carried a very strong pressure and confidence!

   This kind of confidence is the confidence to step on all the rules!

   Lawless and reckless!

   It seems that any block in front of him will be smashed into powder!

   Confidence that no one can get him!

As for the sense of oppression, it is difficult for him to describe it. He has also faced Su Sigui, and from Su Sigui, he felt the same powerful sense of oppression, but that sense of oppression is incomparable to the inability of subordinates to superiors. Doubt, do not defy!

   And the sense of oppression on Tang Ye's body only made him feel that he was suddenly in a barren land, and then encountered a wild beast!

   That kind of horror...

  Somewhat familiar?

   He searched for the source of familiarity in his memory, and after thinking for a long time, he finally found the moment when he had the same feeling.

   is the moment I saw the corpse king on an online video!

   That humble feeling when you are an ant!

   I can't tell, the way is unclear.

   But no matter what, it seems that only a person like Li Henian can hold the other new humans at Yunxia Base when he becomes the governor.

   "Neither... nor, I just..."

"Okay, I don't expect you to understand, anyway, just do as I say. The few people I named, let them stay under the work, no matter what happens, their positions can't be change."

"Yes!" How dare Wang Dapao say anything, the only option is to nod, and Tang Ye continued: "In addition, if someone asks you to change jobs for them, or wants to quit, you immediately send someone to Sky Continent Shanhe T69 Ou Tianyun Shui Se No. 1 to inform me."


   Tang Ye nodded, but he thought of something later, and added: "If Su Si comes back and asks you about today's situation, you can just say that it is my request."

   "I will remember it, but sir, our work here is two shifts, and now the work of class B at the relay station on the eleventh floor has been changed. Does class A need to change it?"

   "Two shifts..." Tang Ye recalled, he remembered that the twenty or so zombies here were scattered all over the place last night, not in the construction base.

   So he asked, "When will the handover take place?"

   "8:50." Wang Dapao replied.

   "It depends on the situation. If you have anything here, I will come over at night. If not, I will not come."

   "Okay." Although he didn't know what Tang Ye was talking about, he was wise and didn't ask, just agreed.

   After seeing that the other party understood, Tang Ye didn't stay any longer, he turned around and was about to leave.

   "Sir, it's almost time for dinner, why don't we go get something to eat first?"

   "Just let it go."

Tang Ye of course understood that this was Wang Dapao's polite words, and he did not agree. After shaking his head, he left here decisively. When he came out, Tang Ye glanced at the time. It was almost eight o'clock, and Ah Fu was already there. Dinner was prepared in a certain restaurant, and I sent a message to let me go.

After    came out, Tang Ye confirmed the direction and walked towards Ah Fu.

As usual, most of the meals ordered by Ah Fu and the others are mainly raw meat. Although these foods can be accepted by zombies, the vitality provided is very small for high-level zombies. It may be that they are used to living in the royal court and people. A group of royal zombies represented by Ah Fu also developed the habit of three meals a day, but the three meals a day were just to satisfy their appetite.

  In the private room, after three rounds of drinking, Tang Ye greeted Ah Fu and the others and walked out of the private room and the hotel.

It was already late at night, and the meal was almost three hours away. At this time, it was eleven o'clock at night, and there were very few people on the street. Tang Ye looked towards the direction of the construction base. At the same time, his perception also changed. Radiating in that direction.

During this time period, the day and night shift at the construction base should have completed the handover, and the seventh-order zombies who originally worked there have also left work and are scattered everywhere. It is worth mentioning that some of them turned out to be with one of the eight zombies. Zombies stay together.

   "Is it their ruler..." Tang Ye pondered for a moment, didn't know what to think of, took out his mobile phone and sent a message to someone, and then went in the direction of the eighth-order zombie.

  Time passed slowly, and just seven minutes before twelve o'clock, Tang Ye was standing in front of an abandoned building that was bombed and only half of it was left in deep thought.

"This is a bit unexpected." Looking at the scene in front of him, Tang Ye had an inexplicable smile on his face. The surroundings were silent, and he couldn't even see a person. It was the first time Tang Ye saw him in Yunxia Base. In such a desolate scene, this place has obviously experienced a war, and I don't know when it happened, but there is still a little burnt smell in the air.

Within a radius of several kilometers, a relatively intact building could not be found. There are traces of destruction by new humans everywhere. It may be because there is no lighting to illuminate the atmosphere here. Disturbed the weird-looking vulture not far away.

If Tang Ye was just a new human, he might not believe that there would be people here, but he is a zombie. Whether it is his sensitivity to the smell of living things, his hearing, or his perception, they are telling him the soles of his feet. There are a lot of people down there!

   The noises from the people were loud and I could imagine the glow of the lights below.

   Among them, there are a few seventh-order zombies and an eighth-order zombie mixed in!

   "Hey~" Tang Ye swept around, then wandered around, but after searching for a long time, he couldn't find the entrance to the basement.

   "Made, it's well hidden."


Another half an hour later, Tang Ye demolished the thick wall in front of him, and the compartment that was not hidden. What he saw was the deep night outside. Looking at the bright moon, Tang Ye sighed helplessly. tone.

   Maybe I shouldn't waste my time like this in the first place.

  I would have been hard-core if I knew it earlier.

   shook his head, Tang Ye came to the top of the basement, after determining the position, he clenched his fist, raised it, and then suddenly blasted towards the ground!


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