I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1860: underground casino

   With a loud noise, after Tang Ye's punch fell, the ground exploded with a bang, and the sky was filled with dust!

   The dense cracks spread wantonly on the ground. The loud noise was followed by another loud noise. At this time, when looking at the ground at the bottom of Tang Ye's feet, a pit had already appeared.

"There's no way, who asked you to make such trouble?" With a chuckle, Tang Ye bent down and pulled out the gravel from the pit one by one. After a while, a part of the steel plate below appeared to him. In front of him, the ventilation pipes above it are densely packed and scattered.

   But under the punch he just punched, this steel plate and everything on the steel plate had already dented!

   It is hard not to be noticed by the people in the basement when such a movement is made. At this time, Tang Ye can no longer hear the sound from below, and the shouting of the people stopped abruptly!

   After seeing that the gravel was almost cleaned up, Tang Ye sneered, then jumped down, stomping his feet towards the steel plate below!


   Under the terrifying power, the steel, which seemed to be extremely tough and hard, was directly stabbed by Tang Ye in the next second! Then, in the shocked eyes of countless people below, he appeared like this!

   And that innocent poker table was smashed to pieces by Tang Ye's feet!

  Tang Ye's gaze swept across the faces that were still in a sluggish state, and then looked at the surrounding gaming tables, and immediately understood.

   It turns out that this is an underground casino!

   Perception swept the surroundings at will, the eighth-order zombie realized something was wrong in the movement just now, and had already run out, but Tang Ye's perception locked the other party's direction, where would he let this guy escape?

   Even if it really escaped from the basement, it is absolutely impossible for it to escape from Tang Ye's palm!

   Ignoring the people around him who were still in a state of shock, he immediately walked towards the zombie, and the people who were stunned didn't know what to do when they saw Tang Ye coming over.

   "Get out of the way." Tang Ye pushed away the crowd in front of him, and it was at this moment that people finally reacted, and someone shouted, "Someone broke in!"

  In an instant, the crowd became noisy, and dozens of thugs watching the scene poured in from outside the other entrance gates, each with weapons in their hands, squeezing the crowd and rushing towards Tang Ye.

"So brave?" Seeing this scene, Tang Ye licked his lips and wanted to laugh. Then, he also strode towards these thugs. When he came to the first person, Tang Ye was not polite. A slap directly slaps it in the past!


After the crisp sound of   , the first thug flew upside down in mid-air on the spot, until he smashed into the wall behind!

   The others followed, and without a word, they picked up their weapons and greeted Tang Ye!

   But where are these people Tang Ye's opponents?

   Just listening to that sound, the slap slapped, crisp and clear!

   Not even half a minute, these thugs were lying in the crowd one by one, and people looked at this scene with strange expressions.

  Fortunately, Tang Ye was not prepared to take the lives of these thugs, he just fainted afterwards.

   Otherwise, the scene will only become extremely bloody.

   To get rid of these thugs, Tang Ye looked at the gamblers in front of him and reminded in a low tone: "Get out of the way, if you don't want to die."

  The gamblers each looked at each other, and finally, for the sake of their own lives, they made way for Tang Ye, but a sudden gunshot rang out, making Tang Ye stunned for a moment.


He slowly lowered his head and looked at the jacket he was wearing. There was an obvious hole on it. Tang Ye looked a little stunned. He glanced at the direction of the gunshots. He was a thug hidden among the gamblers. It was because of him that the gunshot rang.

   Picked it with his hand. After Tang Ye took out the unbearably flat bullet from the bullet hole that appeared in his clothes, he was silent for a while, and then suddenly laughed again after a few seconds.

   "Hehe...hahaha..." Tang Ye looked at the thug again: "Hey, this thing is outdated long ago? How did you think about using it?"

The expression on the thug's face was a bit bitter. Just as he was about to answer, Tang Ye was already in front of him, which caused his face to quickly become terrified, but before he could respond, he felt his neck As soon as it was tight, the other party had already blocked himself with one hand, and picked him up with one hand!

  The fear of death forced his desire to survive. As he struggled, he begged to Tangye: "Let... let me go!"

   Tang Ye was unmoved by the sound of his begging, he squeezed the hand that held the opponent's neck, and with the sound of the broken bones, the thug died on the spot!

"I don't have much patience. I'll give you three seconds to get out of here. Otherwise, I won't be merciful. If anyone stands in front of me, the end will be the same as this one." A murderous icy voice spread throughout the world The gamblers here finally realized that the young man in front of him was a powerful new human being!

   Who dares to stay like this?

   One second after Tang Ye's voice fell, people fled the space here in a panic.

  Tang Ye ignored them and walked straight along the zombies locked by his perception. After a few seconds, he came to a wall, and when he lifted his foot, there was a "bang"!

   He kicked a hole in the wall. He walked in and immediately smelled a strong **** smell on his nose.

   This is a room next to the casino. The lights are not turned on in the room, and it is pitch black. After the wall was broken open by Tang Ye, the light from the casino shone in, dispelling the darkness.

   What caught the eye were the mummified corpses lying on the ground in various places, leaving only skin and bones. It seemed that these mummified corpses had been formed for a very short time, and it was obviously caused by something that had sucked up all the nutrients in the body.

   After a rough count, there are more than thirty of these mummified corpses, and there are several people lying around these mummified corpses.

  No, to be precise, several zombies, they just disguised themselves as human beings and wore human clothes.

   These zombies have all entered a state of dormancy, and there is no movement or breathing sound on their bodies. People who don’t know come in and see these guys, they will only think that they are just a few ordinary corpses.

   It seems that these zombies will work in the construction base of the Dead Leaves Shelter during the day, and will come to rest here at night, and the surrounding zombies should be provided by the eighth-order zombie or the people here.

  If it wasn't for Tang Ye's careful attention, he might never have known that there was such a place in the Yunxia Base, an extremely secret underground casino. If a few people were killed here, it would not be difficult to be unknown.

Didn't stay here too long, Tang Ye walked to the opposite wall, imitated his previous behavior, easily broke the wall, and entered the next room. The strange thing is that no matter how loud the noise is, those zombies seem to be real It's like he's dead, there's no reaction at all.

As soon as the wall was broken open, Tang Ye saw that there were several people packing things inside, and Tang Ye's figure was revealed behind the broken wall. The few people who saw this scene were also stunned, looked at each other, and said nothing. , put down the things that he had packed, and fled out the door. Tang Ye didn't bother to care about them, so he walked into the compartment next to him. There were dictionaries and many Chinese textbooks on the table that was in sight. The small blackboard in the corner also Full of spelling.

   "Don't run, it's useless."

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