I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1861: important memory

The    compartment is about ten square meters, but there are no people around, but in Tang Ye's perception, the eighth-order zombie he is looking for has just come here.

  Looking at the objects around, this zombie should be learning human language here, and I don’t know how much it has learned?

   Similarly, I don’t know if the other party heard my words, or if they heard them and understood them? Seeing that there was no response, Tang Ye shook his head, looked at the wall in front of him, walked over and dismantled the wall with his bare hands on the spot. After seeing that there was only an ordinary layer of soil behind, Tang Ye looked at the ground again, raised his foot and stomped it!

  Under the unparalleled strength of the Corpse King, the steel partition under the feet with a thickness of about ten millimeters was as fragile as paper.

  Tang Ye also quickly saw the stairs below. He stepped down. In the long, narrow and dark passage, he used the ability of zombies to have night vision to see the figure at the end of the passage breaking the door!

The moment Tang Ye saw the other party, the guy kicked the door to pieces, but when he was about to remove the door, a large number of tentacles appeared around Tang Ye, spreading wildly along the surrounding walls. ! drowned everything!

   The power of the eighth-order zombies should not be underestimated, and the steel gate was quickly demolished violently!

   The other party couldn't wait to take the first step outwards, but this step could never be taken.

  The dense tentacles blocked everything outside the door with lightning speed! Immediately, the countless tentacles were entangled with each other, forming a wall of flesh that pushed the guy's body back!

   It struggled frantically, trying to tear these tentacles apart with its own hands! But at this time, it was invincible in the past, and it was already powerless to return to the sky!

   Seeing that these tentacles are so tough and hard to be torn and broken, it growled, and its body began to soar, and it chose not to disguise anymore!


After    roaring, I saw that this zombie opened its big mouth full of fangs and bit the tentacle in front of him, but the effect was the same as before, completely ineffective!

   The strength it is so proud of doesn't even bend these tentacles even that much!

   On the contrary, because the body became larger because of the corpse, and under the squeeze of those tentacles, its movement space became less and less!

The    tentacles quickly retracted, and in the next second, the eighth-order zombie was forced to come to Tang Ye, and the absolute suppressing force from the high-ranking peers instantly made his consciousness tremble!

   "Where did you come from?" Tang Ye looked down at the eighth-order zombie in front of him. In front of him, the other party didn't even have the ability to cause damage to the surroundings!

   Tang Ye's question, the zombie didn't answer it immediately, it looked at Tang Ye and was confused for a while.

   "Tsk..." Tang Ye was a little helpless. From the look of this guy, he knew that he had not yet fully learned the human language, but he had no choice but to use the way of communication between zombies to convey the same meaning of the sentence just now.

   Now the other party understood quickly, and his face was stunned, but soon, Tang Ye was stunned when he saw it!

   "Huh?" After hesitating for a moment, Tang Ye carefully checked the meaning passed on just now, and there is nothing wrong with it, right?

   But next time, before Tang Ye could think of anything, the zombie suddenly let out a roar, and the expression on his face became distorted!

   Tang Ye frowned subconsciously, and saw that the body of the zombie in front of him began to show some strange changes. The flesh on its body was like an onion, peeled off layer by layer by invisible power! Tang Ye could clearly feel its trembling, and with the trembling, a lot of the separated flesh fell to the ground!

   Seeing this zombie's expression getting more and more crazy, Tang Ye also reacted! Without further ado, he stretched out his hand to pick up the opponent and pressed him firmly against the wall!


He exhaled heavily from Tang Ye's nose and mouth, and tilted his head while looking at each other. The flesh and blood on Tang Ye's neck broke several blood holes in the next second, and another one drilled out of the blood hole. Blood-red tentacles!

   The sharp pointed tips of these tentacles were aimed at the zombie, and with the movement of Tang Ye's thoughts, the tentacles plunged into the opponent's body!

   The strength of his holding the opponent is increasing, and the flesh and blood on the side of the neck of the eighth-order zombie in front of him is gradually being torn apart by Tang Ye!

  I don't know what was done to this zombie, Tang Ye felt that its consciousness was being deprived, so he chose to assimilate it, and then obtained its memory!

However, his assimilation speed was a bit slower than the weird decomposition on its body. Tang Ye knew that the other party didn't have much time left for him, and he didn't bring Ah Beng by his side, but he had to learn from this guy. He obtained some information from his body, so before the assimilation process was over, Tang Ye directly entered the body sensation sharing!

   In that instant, Tang Ye's mind roared! A large number of chaotic images flashed through my mind in the form of animated pictures.

  In an old-time city, the swarms of corpses, the zombie birds flying in the sky, the golden abandoned basketball court illuminated by the setting sun, and the collapsed anti-corpse wall have become the survivor base of **** on earth!

The memory of zombies is too chaotic. What they see and hear are fragments of incomplete bodies, which are difficult to connect to form a complete memory line. This seems to be part of the memory of the other party when he was only a low-level zombie. .

   The body of this eighth-order zombie is being further decomposed, and Tang Ye's brows are getting tighter and tighter!

   Just when the opponent's body was almost reduced to the skeleton, a golden light flashed in Tang Ye's eyes!

   The blood-red tentacles protruding from his neck were retracted, Tang Ye bent down and picked up the evolutionary crystallization of this eighth-order zombie, and walked out of the tunnel.

  I was too lazy to find the real entrance and exit. For Tang Ye, it was enough to go out as he came in.

   He didn't accept the zombie's memory completely, but even so, Tang Ye still captured one of the more important pictures in the large number of memory pictures.

   That eighth-order zombie once killed a Shui Guanyin who was in a dying state on land!

   As for the other pictures, the only effect is to let Tang Ye know that this eighth-order zombie came from Hengshi,

   Although Tangye didn't know about that city, he also knew that there were no major rivers passing through that place, let alone a coastal city.

   Logically speaking, Shui Guanyin, which usually appears in the waters, will not be involved with the zombies over there.

   Of course, it is not ruled out that after the evolution of the corpse king of the extreme north to the ninth order, its passive ability may not only simply stimulate the zombies within the sphere of influence, but can control the zombies within the sphere of influence arbitrarily!

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