I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1869: retain

Seeing that Xu Mengyun and the others were all silent, Tang Ye shook his head and looked at Xiang Shan, who was trampled on the ground by himself. After learning that he was going to spare Xu Mengyun and others' lives, this guy also calmed down. He seemed to be able to accept it. Such a result?

   After waiting for about half a minute, Xu Mengyun finally spoke, but her tone was a little humble.

   "Can you... not take him?"

   "Oh?" Tang Ye was a little surprised. He originally thought that the other party would have a set of sharp rhetoric to convince him not to lead the way. Obviously, Xu Mengyun didn't have a good reason.

   "Is that so? I'm sorry, you can't stop me."

   said, Tang Ye hooked Xiangshan below with the back of his foot and gently pushed upwards, the other person's body seemed to be as light as a feather, and he was picked up whole in the next second!

   "Let's go." After controlling Xiang Shan to stand firm, Tang Ye patted him on the shoulder and was about to take him to the station.

   "Don't expect me to do anything for you!" At this time, Xiang Shan seemed to be on a roller coaster just now, swaying a little, and when he came back to his senses, he immediately yelled at Tang Ye.

"Hahaha~" Tang Ye laughed indifferently, and said disdainfully, "It's up to you, know the Yinjia Corpse, when you become like that, it's not up to you to decide whether to listen or not, and there There are many people of the same kind as you, if you are disobedient, I will not take care of you, but there are people who take care of you."

   "You want to transform me?"

   "What do you say?"

   "But then, I'm not me! What's the point of you taking me away?"

"That's true..." Tang Ye paused in his footsteps, Xiang Shan's words just now made some sense. After being assimilated by himself, an eighth-order zombie who was originally disobedient had to listen to his own words, but in this way , What's the point of being able to "pass the inspection"?

   But soon Tang Ye shook his head, Xiang Shan said it was not very reasonable, a rank eight zombie was assimilated into a silver armored corpse, it seems that there is no loss, right?

   is also possible, but in any case, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Not only does it have a strong defense, but it also has multiple lives. Once the evolutionary crystals are hit hard or are forcibly removed from the body, ordinary zombies will die immediately.

   But the Shining Armor Corpse is different. To be precise, the Shining Armor Corpse does not have evolutionary crystals. The reason why the blood-colored crystals will condense after death is because the essence of the whole body is condensed together after complete death.

   If the activity is sufficient, even if the whole body is crushed into a puddle of mud, it can be reorganized and resurrected!

In addition, turning an eighth-order zombie into a silver-armored corpse will not erase consciousness, but only establishes a connection between consciousness and the previous generation of zombies that assimilate it. In general, it loses some freedom and has to do things It is possible to be watched at any time.

  Those zombies who peeped at other people's privacy, Tang Ye didn't know if Wang Ting had them, but he said he himself, unless necessary, he didn't bother to see what others were doing.

   "Okay, you'll know when you experience it for yourself, don't talk nonsense, come with me." Pushing Xiang Shan back, Tang Ye urged him to leave quickly, but at this moment, a child's voice sounded.

   "Brother Xiangshan!"

At this time, Tang Ye was stunned for a moment. When he turned around, he found that two children were running towards this side and hugged Xiangshan's thigh. He could see clearly that the zombie was looking at the two children. There was tenderness in his eyes.

   "Brother Xiangshan, don't leave us!"

  As the two children approached Xiangshan, other children also followed and surrounded Xiangshan tightly, while Tang Ye was also isolated.

Xiang Shan squatted down, stretched out his arms and hugged the two children who ran up the first time. The other children reached out their hands and wanted to hug him, but Xiang Shan had no extra arms, so he could only stretch out a few tentacles. Hold all children together.

   Tang Ye saw that the expression on his face was indescribably complicated. Facing the reluctance of the children, he couldn't say a word. Gradually, a tear fell from the corner of his eye.

   Seeing such a scene, Tang Ye's expression was stunned. It was the first time he saw a zombie crying...

   He didn't speak either, just quietly watching the tender scene around Xiang Shan.

   He suddenly seemed to understand something.

  Not all zombies are like duckweed, and some have their own roots.

  The destination of goodness is not the royal court, but the adoption home...

   Not long after, Xu Mengyun also came over and came to Tang Ye's side, only to hear her plea: "Li Henian, give him some time."

  Tang Ye glanced at her, didn't answer, and didn't know what he was thinking.

   The children around Xiangshan are still holding on, and are reluctant to let him go, and Xiangshan is also very helpless. It is not up to him to leave or stay.

   He tried to stand up several times, but he was only surrounded by children. Some of them even climbed onto his back and hung on him. They could only squat like this for fear of hurting them.

  I don't know how long it has passed, Xiang Shan glanced at Tang Ye, but had no choice but to use his tentacles to forcibly push the children who surrounded him, and then got up and came to Tang Ye.

"Let's go." He said blankly, but when he said this, he glanced at Xu Mengyun next to him. After the voice fell, he walked forward without looking back, trying to get rid of the child who was chasing after him. them.

   But at this moment, Tang Ye shook his head and said, "No need, if you are sure to control yourself, you don't need to follow me."

   "Huh?" Hearing this sentence, Xiang Shan stood up and looked back at Tang Ye with a surprised look, as if he was doubting the authenticity of what Tang Ye said.

   "Really...really?" He confirmed incoherently, while Tang Ye nodded: "You don't belong to the royal court, and I don't want to embarrass you anymore, go back and live your own life."

Xiang Shan was silent, and Tang Ye didn't say anything to him. After looking at Xu Mengyun, he said casually, "Let's go, I have nothing to do here." After speaking, Tang Ye walked away, and behind him Xu Mengyun said gratefully: "Thank you, we will never tell others about your identity!"


   I thought that when I said this, Tang Ye would be a little happier, but who would have thought, Tang Ye turned around and frowned at himself as soon as the words fell.

   "Do you have to remind me?"

   "Uh..." Xu Mengyun was a little embarrassed, looking at Tang Ye with apologetic eyes, she didn't know what to say for a while.

   She can't wait to give herself two slaps now, the other party has already pretended to be stupid, why is she still being smart?


   coldly snorted, Tang Ye didn't make it difficult for her, and walked forward until his figure disappeared in the mist-filled night.

   "Just... gone like this?"

   Watching Tang Ye leave like this, they only felt like they had a dream.

   "Okay, let's go back, it's alright..." With a sigh, Xu Mengyun stared in a daze as Tang Ye disappeared. She didn't look away until the phone rang and saw the call from Ryoko Sugiyama.

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