I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1870: Corpse King's Wisdom

  In the quiet street, only Tang Ye's footsteps were echoing. When passing a street lamp, Tang Ye looked at the dim yellow light emitting from above, and also slowly stopped, leaned on it, and lit a cigarette.


The white smoke    exhaled is particularly obvious in the dark night, thick, but also dissipated at the moment, in the darkness, another figure slowly emerged.


   It was Zhao Boning who came to Tang Ye at a loss, looking very cautious.

   "It's on time." Tang Ye said with satisfaction.

   "This... this must be..."

   "There's an adoption home here, you know?"

   "...I know." Zhao Boning was stunned for a while, and then looked into the depths of the street next to him. Not only did he know that there was an adoption home, but he also knew that there was a high-level similar to himself in the adoption home!

   He had never dealt with Xiangshan, but felt a little sympathy for Xiangshan who was noticed by Tang Ye so quickly.

   But at the same time, Zhao Boning was in a much better mood. After all, he was not the only one who was caught by the royal court. There was a guy in the same situation as him who worked with him, so it wouldn't be so embarrassing at that time.

   Haha hi~

   "Then what am I going to do?" Zhao Boning asked.

   "Keep an eye on the person inside, especially the one of the same kind inside. If you see him going out and doing some unconscionable things, you should inform others."

   "Is that just the way it is?"

   "Do you want more?"

   "No... not."

   "That's it, isn't this task difficult?"

   "It's not difficult, it's not difficult! Be sure to complete the task!"

   "That's fine, I'll leave it to you here, do it well." Tang Ye patted him on the shoulder, and Zhao Boning's expression immediately became serious, and then he even gave Tang Ye a nondescript military salute!


   Tang Ye was not only amused when he saw this, he said, "Don't do this in front of me, there is no such rule."

   "Huh?" Hearing this, Zhao Boning's expression suddenly became dull, and he stammered: "This... Huang Quanjiu told me, in front of you, I will do this..."

   Hearing this, Tang Ye's face darkened, Zhao Boning, this idiot, was obviously fooled by Huang Quanjiu and the others!

   But he didn't bother to explain anything.

   "There is no such thing, just do your own thing."

   “Okay… okay.”

   shook his head, Tang Ye then threw away the cigarette that was about to burn out and left here.

The matter on Xiang Shan's side was settled like this. Of course, it wasn't because Tang Ye trusted Xu Mengyun that they would really keep their secrets strictly, but he didn't care at all. After the four corpse kings invaded the Shenzhou Continent, the war would come sooner or later. Outbursts, his identity will always be exposed.

   Anyway, this is something that will come sooner or later.

   You can't hide your identity when facing the four corpse kings, right? If you pretend to be an adult all the time, and fight with your hands and feet, you are just making trouble for yourself!

   It would be better to directly greet all this with the attitude of a corpse king!

In a word, no matter whether Xu Mengyun and the others can keep this secret strictly, it will not have much impact on Tang Ye. If they kept it, they only shocked Su Sigui at that time. If they didn’t keep it, Tang Ye also wanted to know that Su Sigui was a corpse to himself. What will the king's attitude be on this matter?

   I don't know if she can accept it or not, I hope so...

  She's not the kind of person who doesn't know how to be flexible.


  In an old city in the north, the dark silver flooded the deserted and desolate streets like sea water.

  The indescribably huge corpse wave slowly wriggled forward, heading towards the lush green mountains far out.

Every moment, a large number of zombies are assimilated into silver-armored corpses. Occasionally, several silver-armored corpses above the seventh rank can be seen jumping over or simply stepping on the heads of countless similar corpses. The roaring sound made people feel that their heartbeats were quickening and their scalps burst!

   In front of the boundless silver trend, other colors in this old city seem to be slowly losing their color!

And in the corpse tide, a man walked through the horrific corpse tide with no expression on his face. Occasionally, he would be seen walking into one of the buildings. After a while, he would see some zombies from or high-rise buildings. Or fall from a low floor, and be assimilated into the same silver armored corpse in the silver corpse tide!

   This man is one of the eighth-order zombies in the royal court, Ha really!

   Cleaned up the remaining zombies in the building, and Hazhen went into the corpse tide again to follow the crowd, but what he didn't know was that on the top of a building behind, a man with a mask pointed his finger at him.

   "I don't know that person." He shook his head, as if talking to himself, and beside him, there was a blond, blue-eyed, unparalleled-looking foreigner boy with a temperament like a medieval aristocrat.

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"I said buddy, why do you think there are only a few fans around him? You don't know each other, it's normal." There was some sarcasm in the foreign boy's tone, but the man wearing a mask But pretending that he couldn't hear it, he just asked back, "You just indulge them like this?"

  The foreigner boy was a little helpless. After listening to the other party's words, he shook his head: "How can I do it? Who said this is someone's territory? It's annoying to say, why are these guys everywhere."

"Ah~" After saying this, the foreigner sighed, turned around and continued: "Okay, Brother Chaoyang, I think we should leave here." After speaking, he was about to jump off the building, but this At that time, he felt that the breath of the other party became cold!

   "Why do you call me that?" the masked man asked coldly.

   "Aren't you my friend?"

   "Knowing that I don't like this title, but still using such a title, this is not the way to treat friends."

"Okay okay, it's my fault, you can call it hate, oh my god, this name is really ugly!" Lier spread his hands, his tone was ridiculed, for Chen Chaoyang's maliciousness against him, He didn't care.

After   , Liel climbed up the concrete low wall and said to him, "Let's go, settle your business first."

  Liel was ready to jump down, he thought that the other party would follow, but as soon as he squatted down, he noticed that the other party was not doing anything, and looked at Chen Chaoyang suspiciously.

"What do you want to do?"

   The other party had turned around at this time, but did not answer Lier's question, but laughed: "I didn't expect you to have such an indecisive side, hehe..."

   "Huh?" Liel raised his head, stopped what he was about to continue, squatted like this, and then tilted his head again, looking at each other with this extremely strange posture.

He was puzzled at first, but he quickly realized what the other party said. Lie Er smiled nonchalantly and replied, "Oh~ I think I understand what you said, but it's not indecisive. , that's called reason, understand, my friend!"

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