I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1923: not fun anymore

  Chapter 1923 is not fun anymore

The young man also used all his strength in this clasping of palms. The moment the mecha's palms clasped together, the body of the unlucky eighth-level radiation species was squeezed beyond its ability to bear, and a string of puddles turned into mud. Flesh spurts out!

   "Don't even try to live!"

  The palms controlled by the boy began to roll and rotate with the greatest strength! It is 100% sure that the zombies inside are directly turned into meat paste!

  When he let go of his palms, as he expected, another eighth-level radiation turned into a puddle of mud, and even the evolutionary crystals in his body turned into foam!

   Died in his own hands in the most embarrassing way!

  How long has it been? Two radiated species were killed!

The people on the top floor of the Shihao Garden Building have begun to get excited. The strength of the No. 1 Road has exceeded all of their expectations. It is completely crushing for those eighth-level zombies, even if it is The ninth-level new human beings can kill the eighth-level zombies, right?

  However, they have never seen how easy it is for an existence at the ninth level to kill an existence at the eighth level.

   "Kill! Behind! Be careful! On the head! Pay attention to the head, kill that zombie for me!"

   "Fuck! Fuck them to death! Come on!"

   "Awesome shit!"

   "Kill all the zombies! Then kill the grandsons of the anti-human organization!"


The people at the scene also became crazy, dancing one by one, and some even put their arms around Ren Xingtang's neck, praising each other lavishly, and Ren Xingtang himself looked like he was sure of winning. If this continues, the result will be obvious. It will be the Mengjiao base that wins.

  Only Lier had a gloomy expression, but he didn't do anything, just watched quietly.

  He thought that the mecha would have something, but he didn't expect it to be so outrageous! The extremely tenacious and difficult to kill eighth-order zombies can be killed in the simplest and most brutal way.

The battle over there is still going on. Although the second-generation Destiny Departure No. 2 produced by the Yunxia base is powerful, it has not entered the level of the ninth level. Serious damage has already appeared on the body, and a large amount of armor was torn off by those eighth-level radiation species, exposing the parts inside.

   In fact, it is very simple to deal with such a mecha. You only need to destroy some important parts inside, and you can directly paralyze the opponent and lose the ability to fight.

   But unfortunately, although these radiated species caused non-negligible damage to the mecha, they still failed to affect the young man's control of the mecha to continue fighting.

On the contrary, after being caught by the opponent, some of the same kind were trampled into mud, or just like the first eighth-level radiation species that died, they were smashed into the ground and then punched until they died The dead can't die again!

  In this way, with the passage of time, more and more eighth-level radiation species died. Zombies are crazy when they fight, but the boy is far more crazy than them! Kill them one by one in the most violent way according to your own ideas, and teach them that when the human species is pushed to the brink, it will be more terrifying than any zombies!

   Gradually, the damage caused by the battle has affected the Shihao Garden Building, causing the building, which is more than 200 meters high, to shake constantly!

But people didn't panic at all. The lowest strength of everyone on the scene is the new human powerhouse of the sixth order. Even if the Shihao Garden Building collapses, they can escape safely. They may have seen the dawn of victory, and everyone began to look forward to it. Wake up, even the people on the other side of the Mengjiao base who wanted to leave the base no longer continued to evacuate. At this moment, thousands of eyes were focused on the distant battlefield.

When the battle lasted for more than ten minutes, an eighth-level radiation species in the distance suddenly seized the opportunity. While the young man was dealing with another of his kind, he jumped up into the air with both feet. The red whiskers rolled and squirmed, wrapped around its upper body, and solidified afterward, forming a strange shape like a drill!

  It was facing the No. 100, which was several kilometers away, and accelerated suddenly in mid-air, hitting the opponent straight like a bullet out of a bore!



  The next second, only a loud noise was heard, and a large group of flames appeared in the belly of the mecha. The terrifying impact caused the huge mecha to fly backwards on the spot! All kinds of parts scattered around in mid-air, and the mecha body crashed straight into the dense forest of corpse poplar trees in the distance!

   "That's it! Come on! I'm going to let you all die here in the end!"

  The young man has no fear of death. On the contrary, if he kills all the eighth-level zombies here today, even if he dies in the end, then he will be the proud son of his father!

The young man who didn't feel any pain quickly controlled the mecha and stood up again. He looked at the eighth-level radiated species in the distance and laughed in his heart. Emotions unleashed!

  On the huge steel body, the dark green light is bright, flowing like water, gathering on the chest of the mech, instantly raising the surrounding temperature to a higher level!


  At that moment, the boy seemed to make a sound, and the light gathered on the chest of the mecha along with the light all over the mecha, changing from dark green to dazzling emerald green!

  Following the roar, a dazzling green laser burst out, covering a distance of several kilometers in an instant, and hitting one of the eighth-level radiation species directly!


   Another ball of flames rolled out!

   All of this is beyond reach. When the thick laser hit the body of the eighth-level radiation species, it rushed into the ground at once!

   At the moment when it was shrouded in terrifying laser rays, its flesh and blood were melted and corroded at an extremely fast speed! In just a few seconds, another eighth-level radiation species evaporated on the spot!

   Now, only the last three eighth-level radiated species are left on the scene. If this continues, these three eighth-level radiated species will also die in the hands of the young man!

   "Oh, **** it!" After the fifth radiated species died and he lost contact with Lieer, he finally couldn't sit still.

   This mecha is no longer simply outrageous, but too outrageous!

   It doesn’t matter if you have a huge body, every movement is fast and ruthless, and you are not affected by your huge size at all!

  The precise target locking makes every attack of him never fail. If he doesn't make a move again, the eighth-level fans brought to Mengjiao base by him will die!

  However, if you choose to do it yourself, then all this will become boring, so it would be better to kill Ren Xingtang, the troublemaker, from the beginning.

   "Oh, it's not fun anymore." Things were still developing in the most boring direction. Lieer looked at Ren Xingtang behind him, and he lost the feeling of strategizing, and the smile that should have been on his face was much less.

  (end of this chapter)

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