I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1924: sorry my friend

  Chapter 1924 Sorry, my friend

Following Lie Er's incomprehensible gaze, everyone on the Shihao Garden Mansion took a step back subconsciously after seeing it, yes, it's really not fun, but for everyone present It's fun!

  Wait until the faraway Departure kills the remaining three eighth-level radiated species, then it will be up to Lieer himself, and see if this guy is still smiling.

   But before that, they have to guard against this guy suddenly attacking themselves and others. After all, in their view, Lieer is also an eighth-level zombie, and it is easy for an eighth-level zombie to kill them!

   But fortunately, Lie Er only took a look, and quickly turned his head away. He did not kill Ren Xingtang and the others, but quietly continued to watch the battle outside.

After the fifth and eighth-level radiant species were blown away by the dazzling green laser rays, the boy controlled the mecha and stopped immediately. After this blow, he finally felt a little tired, and his consciousness became like drunk. He became a little dizzy, but he still maintained his excitement.

   "There are three more, come on! Let me get rid of you!"

  The mech started to move forward, rumbling towards the remaining three eighth-level radiations, the damaged parts of the body were shaking non-stop while walking.

  The state of the three eighth-level radiations is also a bit bad, and one of them is even more uncoordinated because of the reduced activity.

Of course, under such circumstances, Lieer would not let the three eighth-level zombies go to death, and immediately dispersed his brain power. The moment he received his message, the three radiated species did not dare to hesitate at all, and quickly Turning around and fleeing towards the distance, everyone was taken aback by this scene, but they were amused when they realized it in the next second.

"ran away?"

   "Heh! I'm so scared!"

   "I laughed so hard, wasn't it great before? Why are you running?"

"..." People laughed loudly, seeming to be laughing at the three escaped eighth-level radiations, but in fact they were actually mocking Lier, but the other party was unmoved, and faced the broken window glass , Seeing that the posture just now was maintained outside, people would play tricks, but no one had the guts to approach him, so no one knew what the expression on Lie Er's face would be at this moment.

And the boy controlling the mecha in the distance saw the three radiated species fleeing, and subconsciously wanted to chase them, but the next moment he saw the three zombies leaving in different directions, he had no choice but to stop chasing , looking around, looking a little confused.

  The Desperate Departure, which is more than 20 meters high, stands out from the crowd of dark red corpses like a chicken.

   Soon, the young man's attention was all on the corpse tide. Since the three eighth-rank zombies ran away, the next thing is these ants! It's time to let them taste the feeling of being slaughtered wantonly!

  So, not long after, I saw the boy running the mecha, trampling back and forth in the tide of corpses with his feet made of steel from the mecha, countless zombies were trampled into mud, and the earth was riddled with holes.

The changes on the battlefield also attracted the attention of the members of the anti-human organization who were wrecking havoc in the Mengjiao base. Not long after, some members of the anti-human organization drove the zombie birds and charged towards the young man, trying to pass by The gaps created by those eighth-level radiations before paralyzed this mech.

  But even the eighth-level radiation species can't do anything to get the Desperate Road, how can these anti-human organizations be shaken?

   Not long after the zombie birds approached the mecha, a part of it was caught by the mecha controlled by the boy like a roast chicken, and then easily tore it in half!

  The members of the anti-human organization on its back were also caught one after another, crushed and trampled into mud!

   That ear-piercing scream was even scarier than the roar of the zombies!

   On the other side, after seeing those anti-human beings besieging the mechs, Lieer suddenly had a flash of inspiration. He didn't know what he thought of, and a smile appeared on his expressionless face.

   "I found something interesting..." muttered, Lier laughed again.

   "Hey, sorry, my friend."

  Thinking about it, Lieer sent out another brainwave, and at the same time, one of the three eighth-level radiated species that escaped before suddenly stopped, and fell hard from midair to the ground!


The huge movement immediately attracted the attention of many silver-armored corpses around. After discovering that this one was of a different type from his own, the entire wave of silver-armored corpses boiled up, roaring and rushing towards this irradiated species. , trying to assimilate it!

But it didn't pay attention to these silver-armored corpses. With the large-scale production of silver-armored corpses by Tang Ye's fans in the north, the distribution of silver-armored corpses has become more widespread. Almost every old city in the north has at least one More than ten percent are silver armored corpses!

Before the group of silver-armored corpses surrounded him, the eighth-level irradiated species jumped up and rushed back in the direction of fleeing before. It didn't take long before he saw the machine that combined himself and himself. The same kind beat the **** out of the dead end.

  At this time, the boy's enemies had turned into an anti-human organization. Zombie birds were torn in half one after another, and a large number of severely rotten internal organs were scattered, flooding the zombies in the corpse tide below all over their heads.

It didn't rush up immediately, but followed the corpse king's instructions, keeping itself behind that mecha. Soon, it found an opportunity and let out a low growl. The flesh and blood on its body squirmed and formed tiny tentacles. Entangled together, a thick layer of armor was formed on its body in a short while!

The moment the armor was just formed, the eighth-level radiated species let out a roar, and the terrifying roar set off waves of sound that could be seen with the naked eye. One of the three escaped zombies is back!

  Although he doesn't know why, he can't care so much now!

As the time of controlling the mecha got longer and longer, he already felt obvious drowsiness. He knew that he would not be able to move for too long, and the drowsiness continued to increase. I can't even open my eyes to see the world anymore.

In the end times of more than ten years, whether people can continue will get the answer in the near future. He doesn't know how much this probability is, but it will definitely not be much. Whether human beings can continue requires the efforts of everyone. Therefore, he needs to use all his strength in the next few days to settle some things for mankind!

   Killing one more eighth-order will also save the trouble for the latecomers!

  (end of this chapter)

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