I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1925: Misfortune diverted to the east

  Chapter 1925 Misfortune diverted to the east

In the next second, the boy controlling the mecha ignored the fierce attacks from the members of the surrounding anti-human organization, and tried to turn around and kill the eighth-level radiation species that returned, but just after doing so, the violent impact As a result, the huge Desperate Departure staggered and almost fell to the ground!

   Bang Dang!

  The eighth-level radiation species has already hit! Using ten percent of the force, the storm broke out directly on the back of the mecha, twisting and tearing the upper armor in an instant, and a large number of parts scattered down!


   "Is that all it is!"

The boy heard the roar from the eighth-level zombie, it crawled behind him, its claws firmly grasped a piece of armor that was curled up by the impact, roared, and with all its strength, it forcibly gave a piece of MAX-level H steel to it. Tear it down!

The moment the boy turned around, he saw it fly out with a sudden force on both feet, quickly straightened its body in mid-air, and rushed towards a certain direction. moving at full speed.

   It seems that he just wanted to attract the boy's attention, but the other party didn't realize it, and even if he realized it, he wouldn't care about the conspiracy of this eighth-level zombie!

As long as he killed the eighth-level zombie at this time, he chased it without thinking. At the same time, the dark green lines on his body shone again, and all the light gathered on his chest, trying to kill the eighth-level zombie directly. !

"Where can you go? Stay here when you come back!" The young man roared, controlling the mecha's strong arms to stretch out, and the dark green light gathered on his chest began to become dazzling. Seconds later, there was a "buzz", and another dark green laser beam that was strong enough to completely envelop a four-meter-tall Ah Fuyi burst out!

   What's strange is that the eighth-order zombie in the sight of the teenager didn't try to dodge, but directly resisted the laser rays with his own body!


  The flames surged again! The moment it was hit, this eighth-level radiant species was sent flying hundreds of meters away on the spot. Enveloped by the thick laser, its body evaporated and disappeared, and it followed in the footsteps of other similar species!

Another fan of the eighth rank died, but at this moment, Lie Er didn't feel distressed when he saw this scene, because after his fan died, he was very sure that the boy who controlled the mecha would notice it not far away. In the dense forest of poplar trees that were corpses, there was a group of anti-human organization members sitting together.

  Who are these people? Lieer knew very well that they were some eighth-order new humans in the anti-human organization!

  Lieer wanted to use the young man's hand to kill this group of eighth-order new humans. He didn't believe that Chen Chaoyang, who changed his name to Abomination, would be able to sit still? When the time comes, he will definitely make a move, right?

   "Hehehe..." Thinking of this, Lie Er secretly laughed in his heart.

  Of course this big guy can’t just hustle himself, his good friends also have to feel it...

And similar to what Lier thought, after killing the sixth and eighth-level radiation species with laser rays, the boy was about to control the mecha and turn back, but inadvertently, he saw a small group of people not far away. The people stood up one by one and frowned at themselves.

At first, the boy thought it was some scavengers or mercenary group outside, but when he saw the "eye" tattoos on those people's heads, he realized that this group of people were members of anti-human organizations. !

   Since you are a member of the anti-human organization, let's be buried with the eighth-level zombie just now!

  Thinking, the boy walked over, and the members of the anti-human organization looked at each other and showed their weapons.

"Trouble is coming, come on!" While speaking, four of the members of the eighth-level anti-human organization rushed towards the mech in different directions, and the remaining anti-human organizations were some newcomers of the sixth and seventh levels. Human beings can't participate in the battle at all, so they can only evacuate to the corpse-like poplar forest first.

   "Try this!"

After the four eighth-order new humans belonging to the anti-human organization approached, the boy raised his foot and trampled down. Seeing the situation, they scattered towards the surroundings. This foot fell to nothing, but the next second, the boy raised He raised his arm and pressed it down again!


This time, the eighth-level new humans in these anti-human organizations were not so lucky. One of them was firmly pressed on the spot, and even the eighth-level irradiated species could be hammered into flesh and killed forcibly. Qi Cheng, it is not too easy to deal with the eighth-level new human beings. When the palm of the mecha is raised and lowered, an eighth-level new human is directly turned into a puddle of fleshy mud!

   "Not good!" Seeing this, the others turned pale with fright, and immediately two of them turned around and ran away, but as the shadows enveloped them, as soon as they turned their heads, a big steel foot stepped on it!

   There was only a sound of "噗嗤", and another eighth-order new human being was trampled to pieces, just like the moment when boiled **** beef **** were crushed, rotten meat with blood was spilled all over the ground.

"Hahahaha! Die!" The young man laughed loudly. Although he couldn't hear his own voice, he began to be obsessed with the most direct feeling of power by trampling on the eighth-level terrifying existence like a mouse. ...don't want to die?

   Fortunately, the young man quickly recovered his mentality. He knew very well that he would not live long. This was decided after he became the pilot of this mecha. This is his fate!

   After killing the second eighth-order new human belonging to the anti-human organization, the boy started to chase the next one who escaped, but just as he started, he was hit **** the waist!

The eighth-order new human who didn't choose to evacuate tried to destroy the mecha unbelievingly, but the effect caused his jaw to drop. His all-out blow turned out to only distort and deform the steel on the surface of the mecha. Not to mention that no tearing was caused, his weapon was broken!

"It turned out to be made of top H steel. Who made such a big deal? Yunxia Base? But why did Mengjiao Base appear?" Doubtful, but after realizing that he couldn't put down the big guy in front of him immediately, he almost didn't even think about it, turned around and ran away in the distance!

   But in the next second, the huge mecha behind him suddenly squatted down, and the five thick steel arms slammed into the ground, and then slammed towards him!

   "Don't try to run!"

  A large amount of soil was dug up. Seeing this, the eighth-rank new human hurriedly stopped, but it was too late to turn around and escape. Immediately, with a twist of his wrist, he slammed the lump of soil surrounding this eighth-order new human on the ground! Then he raised his foot again, and trampled down with a frenzied storm!


  Blood soaked the soil, the third eighth-order new human powerhouse from the anti-human organization died suddenly like this!

  (end of this chapter)

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