I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1992: way home

  But Tang Ye is at the ninth level after all, and his reaction power is beyond the reach of the eighth level! Although Su Sigui's stabbing sword was astonishing, it was finally noticed by Tang Ye.

  He turned around suddenly, and at the same time, the two-meter-long knife in his hand pulled out a blood-red cold light, smashing Su Sigui's sword in the simplest and rude way like a horse training!



  The terrifying storm rolled up dust all over the sky, and the direction pointed by the sword tip shifted, but this did not surprise Su Sigui. The stabbed sword fluttered and was retracted at a high speed, and the whole person dodged backward like a ghost.

   At some point, Tang Ye had the same maroon fleshy long knife in his other hand. With his body swinging, he exerted his greatest strength to throw the extra fleshy long knife out!

  The ferocious and frightening blade clung to her waist as before, and also slashed close to her fair neck, and then smashed into a ruin like a missile, blasting countless building debris into powder!

  The long knife engulfed by the terrifying power also tore a gap in the earth!

She didn't look back, she started to trot with her legs, and sensitively turned the knife and sword in her hand. The next second, Su Sigui's figure turned into a phantom again, pulling out a "V" shape on the messy street. The afterimage of Tang Ye came to Tang Ye in an instant like a bouncing ball, slashed out, and then swung the sword in a posture that ordinary people could not do!

  Tang Ye blocked again and again, carefully dealing with every blow she launched, but in the end, Tang Ye still underestimated Su Sigui's combat power.

  The opponent's attack is fast and accurate. With just two hands, it is extremely difficult to block the opponent's attack. It is completely impossible to free up your hands to attack!

   The sound of crackling was continuous, and when Tang Ye finally found an opportunity to attack, Su Sigui relied on his own speed to distance himself hundreds of meters away!

  When Tang Ye looked over, the opponent was standing in the distance, and he didn't put on a fighting posture. He just held a sword in one hand and a knife in the other, as if the battle just now had never happened at all.

  He didn't chase after him, but looked down at his waist, where the clothes there had been scratched at some point. It was very straight, but it didn't cause any harm to him.

  Tang Ye understood that it was the other party who showed mercy. Otherwise, if it was someone else, the clothing would not have been cut, but would have been chopped off on the spot!

  He looked at the tunnel behind Su Si's return, licked his lower lip, and tried to suppress the impatience in his heart.

   "Get out of the way." He shouted to the other party in a deep voice, but how could Su Sigui listen to him at this moment? Asked back: "Aren't you ready to give up?"

  Hearing this, Tang Ye looked at the sky and couldn't help laughing, his smile was a little crazy: "Su Sigui, don't you really think you can beat me?"

  Tang Ye didn't lie. The previous battle was scruples due to his own reasons, but now with the passage of time, the scruples in his heart are almost wiped away.

  If he lets go of everything and relies on the zombie's domineering body to exchange injuries with Su Sigui, Su Sigui, as a new human being, can't stand it at all!

  He gave Suth an ultimatum!

"Don't force me!" Tang Ye threatened the other party, and Su Sigui also fell silent. She already knew enough about her own strength and Tang Ye's strength. Her speed was indeed faster than Tang Ye's, but they both The power gap before was not the same. Tang Ye's strength was at least 1.5 times that of hers!

   If you are entangled by Tang Ye, you will most likely have to pay the price of serious injury to break free!

  So, from the beginning to the end, she never gave Tang Ye any chance to meet her!

   Not long after, she started to walk around, staring directly at Tang Ye over a distance of hundreds of meters. The look in her eyes seemed to say to Tang Ye: "If you want to pass, use all your strength!"

   Tang Ye was suddenly angry, but he didn't say anything, and his actions showed everything! On the hand holding the knife, flesh and blood began to roll, and the pupils were faintly red!

  Although Su Sigui didn't say anything, she secretly became vigilant, but just when she thought Tang Ye would strike first, she suddenly saw that the other party calmed down for some unknown reason.

  She began to wonder, but Tang Ye, who was opposite, became extremely relaxed. He looked at Su Sigui quietly, showing no sign of making a move.

  The reason for this is that Tang Ye suddenly thought of a way to quickly get rid of Su Sigui.

  For this method, he still has to thank Deria.

  Su Sigui also stopped, and the strength he used to hold the sword and sword was a bit heavier!

   While she was thinking about what Tang Ye was going to do, she found that the other's eyes seemed to have some kind of magic power, and she was unconsciously attracted to him!

  At the same time, the sudden throbbing in her heart made her wake up suddenly, and the strong sixth sense crazily warned her!

   Don't read it! Don't read it!

She wanted to look away, but it was too late, the next moment, a sense of dizziness came, and in a short moment, her eyes went dark, and when she saw the light again, what she saw in front of her was no longer the desolation. The Yunxia base is a bustling street with people coming and going.

   "This is..." The long memory was instantly highlighted, and she was a little confused.

  What are you going to do...?

  She vaguely remembered that she wanted to go home, but she... didn't want to go back to that home.

  No, everything is wrong...I didn't want to go home, I...what did I do a second ago?

  Su Sigui suddenly came back to his senses, and every moment of the battle with Tang Ye came to mind. The confusion in his eyes immediately turned into sharpness, but soon became a little dull again.

  She can no longer feel the devastating power she had when she was a ninth-level new human, and she has become a weak ordinary person again.

"Are you back again?" The expression on her face became extraordinarily complicated. Looking at the people hurrying on the street and the sounds they made when they were talking, what she saw and heard was like a dream, just like her The moment you wake up on the rails.

  She reached out to touch the street lamp beside her, feeling the cold iron feel.

  It's all so real...

   It has already made her unable to tell whether it is fact or fiction, and she starts all over again. She is wearing an orange and white school uniform, holding the straps on both sides of her schoolbag with both hands and standing at the intersection, unaware that the traffic light on the opposite side has turned into a green light.

  She can't be happy.

  Because I came too early.

  She doesn't want to experience herself at this time, to start all over again, she would rather be surrounded by ferocious and rotting zombies the moment she wakes up!

Maybe it was because she stood here for too long, people passing by began to look at her, and the habit she had developed over the years of living in the last days made her quickly notice the eyes of the people around her. Feeling, walked to the opposite side of the road, together with the people around.

  While walking, I looked at this familiar road, this road home...

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