I Am the Crown Prince in France

Chapter 398 Queen Mary's birthday gift (asking for monthly pass)

Chapter 399 Queen Mary’s birthday gift (please vote for me)

Joseph knows better than anyone else that historically London has turned its gas streetlights into its business card, which has enhanced the quality of the entire UK and thus attracted talents and investments from all over the world.

Of course, this is also based on the UK's own wealth and good investment environment. However, there is no doubt that the London Gas Street Lighting Project has greatly accelerated the development of the UK.

Now Joseph is going to take this hot spot to France!

He continued to draw the cake to Queen Mary and said: "You can imagine that Paris, which originally fell asleep after dark, will now be full of vitality under the illumination of gas lights. People will still be active outside after dark, and there will be several more shops. hours of operation, resulting in higher revenue.

"At the same time, criminal acts such as theft and robbery that are committed at night will be greatly reduced under the illumination of street lights.

"Paris will become more prosperous, safer and more attractive!"

He also had some advantages of gas lamps which he had not mentioned to Queen Mary.

For example, after the scale of use of this thing increases, the cost of lighting is much lower than that of candles and oil lamps, which allows more people to use lights and improves the quality of life.

In addition, cheap high-brightness lighting greatly extends factory operation hours. Well, in layman’s terms, it means that workers can be allowed to work overtime.

Overtime, something that ordinary people hate deeply, turned out to be a huge productivity improvement at the end of the 18th century!

In the same factory, with the same workers, my output can be 30% more than yours for no reason. The resulting output and cost advantages are no less than a major technological innovation.

Of course, what follows is the health problem of workers, which requires government legislation to deal with. Otherwise, with the ruthlessness of the capitalists in this era, they are guaranteed to allow workers to work 24 hours a day.

Finally, gas lamps require large-scale refining of gas, which can stimulate the coal industry, and the coal tar produced can stimulate organic chemistry.

That's why Joseph attached so much importance to this industry and invited the queen to appear at the first dressing ceremony. After Paris was completely covered with gas street lights, they took advantage of the situation and held the "World's Fair", which pushed Paris to the top of the European metropolises in one fell swoop!

When Queen Mary heard that a mere lamp was so important, she immediately agreed: "Okay, dear, I will definitely attend your ceremony."

"Thank you! You are really the best mother in the world!" Joseph picked up the cake on the side and fed it into Queen Mary's mouth.

The latter chewed with a smile, and caught a glimpse of the script aside from the corner of her eye - she was a theater fan, not only loved watching plays, but also often performed on stage herself. This script is the second part of "Breaking the Sky" that her troupe will perform recently.

Queen Mary suddenly remembered what happened last night, and a great idea immediately came to her mind.

She looked at Joseph and smiled: "My dear, the leading actor in my troupe has been ill recently. Well, I think you are the best replacement. Look at my crown prince, who is better than any actor in the troupe." Handsome and handsome!”

When Joseph heard this, he seemed to suddenly put on a mask of pain. Not to mention that he didn't like acting at all. Rehearsing and performing would take a lot of time, and he still had a lot of things to deal with.

However, his mother had just promised him to attend the first installation ceremony of the gas street lamp. It would be a bit meaningless if he refused...

"Uh..." Joseph hesitated, "Then let's agree and let's just put on a show..."

Just in the middle of speaking, he suddenly caught a glimpse of the title of the script, and his heart suddenly tightened. I go! "Refining the Sky"? As for the male lead... you want me to play Hunter Xiao? !

For such a middle-class character, if you can't play the first scene, you will die of embarrassment...

He immediately shook his head: "This won't work. I will definitely star in another script next time."

Queen Mary stopped him: "My dear, don't you even help your helpless mother?"

"No, it's mainly about the script..."

"My birthday is coming soon," Queen Mary said in a decisive move, "This play is going to be performed on my birthday, so just think of it as helping me fulfill my birthday wish."

Joseph had a headache for a while, and his mother had talked about all the things. He had to agree even if he didn't agree...

He nodded helplessly: "Okay then."

"That's great, my dear!" Queen Mary hugged him, "I will invite all the nobles in the Palace of Versailles to come and see it. I believe you will have a wonderful performance!"

"Invite all nobles?"

Joseph couldn't help being startled when he heard this. He knew that this was an exaggeration. A theater could not accommodate so many people, but those who could be invited by Her Majesty the Queen must be nobles with extraordinary status.

Well, so this is an opportunity. He thought to himself that although the production lines for soda and casein glue have not yet been built, it does not prevent him from making GG for synthetic board furniture and soda and sparkling drinks.

The most prestigious nobles in the Palace of Versailles are all gathered together, and they are bound to have a huge driving effect.

During the period before the product is released, you can also engage in a wave of hunger marketing. When the product is actually launched, it will be sold like crazy?

By the way, I have to ask my mother to help with the endorsement.

Thinking of this, the bitterness on his face instantly faded, and he looked at Queen Mary with a smile: "Dear mother, I have thought about what birthday gift I want to give you. Those are some very good furniture..."

North Africa.


Manuel Jacques de Chanel stepped off the gangplank, and his heart was suddenly at ease. The constant shaking on the sea almost killed him.

After waiting for a while, the servant Victor led his beloved Gallic horse from the transport ship. The poor horse seemed to be seasick, and there was still foam left at the corners of his mouth from vomiting.

"Well, the suffering is over!" Chanel took the reins, raised his arms vigorously, and shouted, "Tunisia will witness the arrival of his hero!"

He glanced at the hundreds of nobles who were traveling with him behind him, and ordered the servants: "Matthew, go buy some high-quality oats nearby. The "Flying Crossbow" needs to be well taken care of. I'll go and ask where the assembly point is."

Matthew stretched out his hand pitifully: "Master, I only have 1 livre and 6 sous left here, I'm afraid I can't buy much..."

Chanel frowned. In order to obtain a fief in North Africa and win glory for his family, he came to Tunisia to join the army at his own expense. Well, since the last speech by the Dauphin, it has become a trend in the Palace of Versailles for young nobles to go to the front line to fight. When the noble ladies see the young man, they will ask, "Why don't you use your sword to win glory for yourself?"

Chanel reluctantly took out 10 silver coins and handed them to the servant: "Go. Pay attention to the quality, don't be cheated by people who sell inferior goods as good ones."

From the time he left Paris to the time he arrived here, he had spent 140 livres.

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