I Am the Crown Prince in France

Chapter 399 God's Guidance Cavalry

Chapter 400 God’s Guidance Cavalry Regiment

Shanel moved the Charleville carbine on his back and put several bags of luggage on his shoulders - in order to let his mount rest, he was not willing to let it carry anything.

"Jacques!" A familiar aristocratic young man ran past him and shouted sideways, "Victor asked us to gather immediately, right there. Hurry!"

Shanel reached out to grab the man: "What happened?"

"I heard that the Algiers attacked the border." The latter shook him off forcefully. "Victor said that the troops are all in the lower reaches of the Majelda River. Currently, only the Tunisians are defending northwest Bizerte. That is our Opportunity!"

Shanel hurriedly adjusted his military uniform and ran to the assembly point in the distance.

In front of the crooked queue of nobles, a young nobleman with a square face was standing on the top of a carriage, waving the sword in his hand and speaking loudly: "General Scherer's main force will probably not be able to intercept the sneak attack of the Algiers." , this is our perfect opportunity!”

He waved vigorously: "My dearest classmates, the time has come to show your superb military qualities. As long as we can get to Tamilai before dark tomorrow, we can make great achievements and win supreme glory!"

Shanel immediately started shouting. This Victor was the "popular figure" in their school's law school, and it was he who called everyone to come to Tunisia to fight. Not only his own University of Rennes, hundreds of young nobles along the way joined his team. Although Victor only has the rank of lieutenant, which his father bought for him on the eve of the military reform, he has also become the leader of his own people.

"Haha, a bunch of guys who just know how to brag." Following the sound of footsteps, a group of young people wearing shabby military uniforms or even just shirts passed behind them and made bursts of mockery.

"They didn't even form a team, they just thought about the 'supreme glory', haha."

"All nobles are like this. They are a thousand times more powerful with their mouths than their hands."

"Let them continue to amuse themselves. By the time they start to move, we will have beaten the Algiers to the ground."

Victor immediately looked at the young officer on horseback with thinning hair and melancholy eyes in front of the team, and shouted dissatisfied: "Lieutenant Ney, please take care of your people and don't interfere with our pre-war preparations!"

The latter glanced at him coldly, then waved his hand to the queue behind him and said: "Quiet, everyone! Speed ​​up the march."


The non-commissioned officers in the queue immediately shouted in response and began to restrain the soldiers. At the same time, their only four old snare drums were beaten louder, and the entire team immediately fell silent.

Victor watched the civilian team disappear quickly and became a little anxious.

These civilians came to Tunisia on a naval transport ship with them. There were eight or nine hundred people. I didn't expect them to move so fast! It seems that the civilian officer named Michelle Ney has some real ability.

He quickly interrupted his speech and ordered the young nobles to form a team and prepare to go to Tamirai.

That is the westernmost town in Bizerta. As long as it is defended there, the Algiers army can be prevented from going deep into Bizerta.

Stimulated by the ridicule just now, the noble "volunteers" moved quickly one by one. Only an hour later, they formed a marching column and rushed westward amidst the rhythmic music of military drums and organs.

The officers on the naval transport ship saw both groups leaving without authorization and hurriedly chased after them and asked them to report to General Scherer first, but no one paid any attention to him.

But when Shanel's servant Matthew rushed back to the dock panting with two bags of oats on his back, his master had long since disappeared...

Victor finally saw the camp of the civilian team before nightfall, and immediately urged his horses forward happily - almost everyone in the noble team rode a horse, and some servants even prepared horses. They also paid local Tunisian people to carry their horses along the way. They were carrying luggage and hauling heavy vehicles, so their marching speed was a bit faster than that of civilians.

Ney, who was inspecting the camp, also saw him and unexpectedly took the initiative to say hello: "Lieutenant Moreau, to be honest, your speed is quite surprising to me."

"This is nothing," Victor Moreau nodded to him, "We are the 'God's Guided Cavalry', how can we not even catch up with the infantry?"

Ney frowned slightly: "God's... guidance?"

"Oh, although it has not yet been officially recognized by the General Staff, this name will definitely be remembered by France!"

Victor Moreau wanted to say that they, the nobles, listened to the call of the "Sons of the Gods" and joined the army, so they got this popular name - the guidance of the Sons of the Gods, which rounded up is equivalent to God. of guidance.

Ney shook her head at this silly name and thought to herself: It seems that there is no need to expect any help from the noble gentlemen behind.

In the early morning of the next day, Moreau was about to brush his teeth under the first ray of sunlight when he heard the faint sound of drums not far away. He immediately looked at the attendant and asked: "The civilians have broken out of camp?"

"It seems so, Lieutenant."

Morrow immediately picked up a military drum and beat it hard, shouting anxiously: "All the troops must be assembled! Get ready to go!"


The Marquis of Wellesley felt a little more at ease after reading the secret report of the Moroccan and Algiers coalition forces dispatching troops.

The day before yesterday, the Parliament had passed the Prime Minister's proposal, which would use some interests in the Caribbean and recognition of France's claim to Tunisia in exchange for France's non-interference in the situation in India.

The premise of all this is that France will encounter enough trouble in North Africa.

At present, 40,000 troops in North Africa are attacking Tunisia at the same time. This is the bargaining chip he needs.

He only waited for the French cabinet to start discussing the reinforcement of troops in North Africa, and then immediately went to Paris to negotiate with them.

Algiers and Tunisia's northern border.

A group of black troops wearing thin yellow shirts, wide breeches, and carrying brown Bess flintlock guns were marching along the mountain pass in a mighty manner. The group of tens of thousands of people stretched to nearly two miles away.

Said, wearing a trapezoidal red leather hat, looked towards the plains in the distance and asked the black officer beside him: "Agold, how far is it from Bizerte?"

"Less than five miles, Pasha."

Said nodded proudly. The cavalry who returned at noon saw the main force of the French army in the lower reaches of the Majerda River, which was a full three days' journey north of Bizerte.

By the time the French realized that the Algiers Guards were just bait and wanted to return north for rescue, they had already occupied the port of Bizerte.

After that, whether they want to continue to attack the Tunisian city eastward or turn south to Kairouan, they will have a very big initiative. Even if an unfavorable situation arises, he can still threaten the French army by burning the Port of Bizerte, making him almost invincible.

As long as he spends a month or two in Tunisia, he can return to Morocco, and the British will pay a huge reward of 2 million riyals for this.

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