I Am the Crown Prince in France

Chapter 411 Britain's New Strategy

Chapter 412 Britain’s new strategy

Old Mr. Grenville sighed and continued to persuade:

"But, with this mess now... you're probably going to be the scapegoat for bad situations in the future. I mean, the Marquis of Wellesley is an extremely good politician, and he's in a mess."

"You are right." Lord Grenville nodded seriously. "I have not been very good since I was a child. In terms of politics and strategy, I am far behind the Marquis of Wellesley. Well, I am also not as good as the previous Foreign Secretary, the Duke of Leeds."

He smiled awkwardly: "To be honest, until now, I don't even quite understand what tricks the French used to defeat the Marquis of Wellesley."

"Then you still..."

Lord Grenville straightened his back and said: "But I grew up among a group of outstanding guys, so I learned a skill, which is to quickly discover the advantages of others."

"Um, so what?"

"What do you think has kept the French in an invincible position against the British in the past two years?"

Old Grenville was stunned, shook his head and said:

"As I get older, I have long been confused about these international events."

His nephew smiled and said:

"Actually, I don't understand it either. But I discovered that the French have a huge advantage - that is, their international environment in the past two years has been really good. This allows them to rely on external forces to do anything. As for us, Well, a while ago, he was questioned by the whole of Europe for 'encouraging the export of revolution in the Southern Netherlands.'

If Joseph hears these words, he will definitely give Lord Grenville a thumbs up and tell him that this is the international environment that he has worked so hard to create. Who told us to read the history books?

Old Mr. Grenville's eyes narrowed, and he nodded slowly:

"Indeed, what are you going to do?"

Palace of Versailles.

In the spacious palace theater, there was a burst of excited discussion:

"Wow, it's His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, he really appears!"

"He is so handsome, my heart almost melts..."

"His Highness is looking at me, have you seen it? He is looking at me!"

"Your Highness, you are so perfect. Who can win your heart..."

Joseph stepped onto the stage in a blue and white costume. He first saluted Queen Mary, today's "birthday girl", and then started his performance.

After this period of repeated rehearsals, he had overcome his previous embarrassment, skillfully picked up the glass bottle on the wooden table, raised his head and took a sip, then looked at the bottle in his hand and praised:

"Sure enough, you have to drink a bottle of Paris Coke to improve the efficiency of alchemy!"

As he finished reading his lines, several servants who had been prepared distributed exquisite glass bottles to the nobles in the front row.

The person who got the bottle curiously picked it up and looked at it, and saw the label "Paris Coke" on it, and the small words "Royal Designated Drink" below.

They realized that this was the drink that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was drinking, and they all took off the bottle caps and tasted it.

"Uh--" A Duke couldn't help but let out a loud burp, feeling relaxed all over his body. At the same time, the sweet taste rushed to the tip of his tongue with this burp, which was wonderful.

Regardless of the fact that his hiccup just seemed unsightly, he immediately took a few more gulps of Paris Coke and narrowed his eyes in comfort.

This ever-bubbly drink is simply amazing! He immediately decided to buy a few boxes and store them in the cellar when he returned.

The nobles in the back row who didn't get a drink stretched their necks to watch the people in front of them enjoying themselves, and couldn't help but swallow hard.

It's not that Joseph didn't prepare so many drinks, but it was a deliberate hunger marketing - the less you can drink, the more you will feel that it must be the most delicious thing.

At the VIP table in the middle of the second floor, Louis XVI also burped and raised a glass bottle to Queen Mary next to him:

"You have to try it. It amazes me how our son always comes up with these wonderful things."

Immediately, Anne, played by Alexandra, appeared on the stage and went straight to Cousin Hunter, but first raised her hand to touch the tall bookshelf:

"The family's precious alchemical classics must be stored in bookcases made of synthetic boards so that they can be safely stored."

Joseph nodded: "You are right. Synthetic board furniture is not only strong and durable, and has a lifespan several times longer than ordinary wooden furniture, but it is also naturally insect-proof, which can reduce the risk of classics being eaten by insects."

“I wonder where this novel and excellent furniture was sourced?”

"I heard that there is a new furniture store called 'Livable' in Paris, just southwest of the Louvre district..."

The nobles in the audience who had seen this scene performed by other troupes were stunned - why is this completely different from the previous performance?

Shouldn't Annie and Hunter be discussing level five alchemy? Why are we talking about furniture?

However, what exactly is the "synthetic board furniture" they are talking about? It sounds magical...


Number 10 Downing Street.

"Try it, this is the best product in my collection." Little Pete handed a glass of wine to his old friend, "So, as you said, how should we break the French's diplomatic advantage?"

Lord Grenville smelled the aroma of wine and smiled:

"First of all, we can't be too greedy. If we want to grab everything, we will get nothing in the end. Take the Southern Netherlands for example. We spent a lot of money and diplomatic resources to get it out of Austria, which was not easy to control. In the end, But France got Luxembourg.”

Little Pete nodded thoughtfully: "Please go on."

"And this also pushed Austria towards France." Grenville said, "Now is the time to abandon the Southern Netherlands.

“Austria will thank us for it and make France irrelevant.

“In addition, Prussia’s withdrawal of troops to Silesia will put Austria under greater military pressure, and we can also take the opportunity to mediate between the two countries.

“Whether Austria is directed towards Serbia or Poland in the future, their dependence on France can be minimized.

"This is the international situation we need. A tit-for-tat 'duel' with the French will only consume our strength. Borrowing the strength of other countries to deal with them is the right way to win."

"Abandoning the Southern Netherlands strategy..." Little Peter took a deep breath, "This will make the Whigs attack me even more fiercely."

"I will try my best to convince the old guys in the party." Grenville smiled and raised his glass. "When we curb the momentum of the French, they will naturally be satisfied."


Palace of Versailles.

Louis XVI raised the glass bottle and handed it to his sweating son:

"Joseph, maybe you need a bite."

Queen Mary said with a smile:

"Honey, you did a great job! Oh, and Alexandra is great too, you both look so perfect for each other. I mean on stage."

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