I Am the Crown Prince in France

Chapter 412 Crown Prince Time (asking for monthly votes)

Chapter 413 Crown Prince Time (asking for monthly votes)

Joseph subconsciously looked at Alexandra, who had a lot of scenes and was still working hard on introducing a synthetic board wine cabinet on the stage, and couldn't help but smile and nod:

"She is really a little angel, pretty and cute, and she is very serious about her work."

Well, in the entire crew, the Russian little loli's GG implantation performance is the most natural and smooth, and he must praise her a few more times.

Queen Marie heard a different meaning from his words, and quietly cast a proud glance at her husband, meaning, what do you think? I guessed right, my son really likes the Russian Grand Duchess.

Louis XVI looked at the little girl on the stage. To be honest, he was a little dissatisfied with her Russian ancestry, but when he thought of his son calling her a "little angel" just now, he couldn't help but soften his heart.

He was also a person influenced by the Enlightenment, and his requirements for royal marriage were far less conventional than his father's. Instead, because of his love for Queen Marie, he felt that his son should also choose a girl he liked.

Forget it, Joseph liked her, which was the most important thing. Louis XVI muttered to himself, at least she is a real girl, and a princess.

Although Joseph had denied to his father that he liked men, Louis XVI had witnessed countless gay events in the Palace of Versailles - this was even popular among the nobles - so he was always worried about his son's orientation, and only then did he feel relieved.

Louis XVI also looked at Queen Marie and nodded, expressing his approval of the "Dauphin Princess" on the stage, and then both of them smiled with relief like aunts.

After all, the Dauphin will be 16 soon, and the engagement has finally been settled...

Joseph had no idea that his parents had already decided on the future Dauphin Princess of France in that second. He was looking at Baron Terrence Shaw, who was distributing soda drinks to his family's guests on the stage, and suddenly frowned slightly. Was there a little too much GG implantation? Well... a one and a half hour play, with only 35 minutes of GG content, should be okay...

However, the audience soon lost their focus due to the massive amount of GG, and the king's family also chatted in the VIP box.

"My dear, I really like the set of furniture you gave me." Queen Marie fed a piece of nut candy into her son's mouth and said with a smile, "This is the best birthday gift I have received this year. Oh, of course, this gift is also very good."

She pointed to her hair accessories:

"Isn't it cute? This is made by your father himself!"

Joseph looked at the slowly rotating birdcage on his mother's head, and suddenly the mechanical nightingale inside jumped out with its wings flapping, making a "chirp" sound of joy.

"In fact, it can also play a short piece of "Queen Anne's Birthday Ode." Louis XVI raised his head proudly.

Joseph blinked and asked hesitantly:

"Dear father, how long did it take you to make this hair ornament?"

"Not much," Louis XVI said proudly, "only two and a half months, well, plus some design time. Mr. Florent said that even if he did it, it couldn't be more..."

Joseph couldn't help but hold his forehead when he heard this, thinking that it was no wonder that the development of the new rifled gun had been silent. You must have been tinkering with bird cages recently.

Forget it, he shook his head silently again. After all, his father didn't get paid, so he could arrange his "working" time as he pleased. But he still had to remind him from time to time in the future...

The birthday celebration of Queen Marie ended with laughter and joy, and then soda drinks became hot sellers throughout Paris - even though the price of a bottle was as high as 6 livres. There was also a queue of hundreds of meters in front of the "livable" furniture store in the Louvre area...

But what Joseph didn't expect was that the GG implant he made on the Queen's birthday caused a very bad impact.

As usual, major theaters in Paris followed the example of the court troupe and began to mix soft GG into their plays. Of course, this is also because the GG implantation brought them a lot of profits, so they could no longer give it up.

At the corner of Richelieu Street, the Comédie-Française was performing "The Marriage of Figaro".

A couple saw the actors on the stage start to mention the "Original Elegance Perfume Shop" and immediately looked at each other.

The man whispered:

"It seems that it's 'Prince's Time', we can go for a cup of coffee first."

"Okay, dear."

Well, the French audience naturally hated soft GG, and after tracing the source, they learned that this was the first thing His Royal Highness the Crown Prince came up with.

So "Prince's Time" naturally became a synonym for GG implantation.



In the Parliament Building, Karl II looked at the British court messenger angrily, but when he remembered the autograph of George III on the letter on the table, he could only sigh.

"Please tell His Majesty that I will lead the army back to Hanover as soon as possible."

Although he was the Governor of Hanover, he was more of a "tool" of George III, so when the King of England asked him to stop supporting the rebels in the Southern Netherlands, he had no choice but to obey.

After the messenger left, Karl II looked at the faint smoke in the distance, and a sense of relief inexplicably surged in his heart.

In fact, deep in his heart, he had already determined that it was impossible for him to defeat the French troops on the opposite side.

It was just that the shame of being captured made him unable to face this retreat.

The King of England's order just now helped him solve this problem.

"Alas, for the sake of loyalty to His Majesty, I can only endure this humiliation temporarily." He muttered to himself as he walked towards the gate and waved to the herald, "Order Maeterlinck to lead two regiments to guard the southern line, and the other troops will immediately gather in the northern suburbs of Brussels."

"Yes, Marshal!"

Vandernott and the Southern Netherlands parliamentarians soon learned of the abnormal mobilization of the Hanoverian army. Although they were surprised, they only went to ask Charles II about the situation.

At this time, Charles II had already walked to a place fifty miles away from Brussels under the escort of the guard.

Vandernott and others had not yet realized that they had been sold as commodities. On the one hand, they hurriedly organized the Southern Netherlands National Guard to take over the defense of Brussels, and on the other hand, they asked for help from the Prussian army in Liege.


Potsdam, the administrative center of Prussia.

Sanssouci Palace.

William II frowned and said:

"This means that our huge investment in the Southern Netherlands will be in vain!"

British Foreign Minister Lord Grenville smiled simply:

"Your Majesty, with all due respect, the issue you should be most concerned about right now is how to end the war in Silesia as soon as possible.

"If the news I received is true, Prussia's finances should be very tight, right?"

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