I Am the Crown Prince in France

Chapter 438 The Taste of Vienna

Chapter 439 The Taste of Vienna

Catherine II was indeed a great ruler, her mind worked very quickly, and she immediately continued:

"In addition, I will relocate 3,000 serfs to Donbass and sponsor 50,000 rubles for France's development plan.

"In return, I hope to obtain one-third of the mineral income in the Donbass region."

Talleyrand immediately showed a standard diplomatic smile:

"Your Majesty, you know that our country will face great risks in developing in Donbass. You know, those initial explorations are unreliable, and it is very likely that only a few hundred tons of small ore will be dug out in the end..."

To be honest, 3,000 serfs are indeed helpful for the development work, but Joseph has already prepared other laborers, and even without these people, the work can still be started as usual.

As for 50,000 rubles, it is almost equivalent to 200,000 francs. Investing in a place as big as Donbass will not make any splashes.

In fact, Joseph was going to give Ye Er some profits. After all, mining on other people's land is easier to do with interests, but he gave Talleyrand the authority to give Russia 20% of the profits.

And Ye Er's appetite is a bit too big.

Talleyrand considered:

"Your Majesty, this development is entirely a risky decision made by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, and you should not bear the risks, such as the staff you want to send, or sponsorship. "

He did not wait for Ye Er to object, and immediately added:

"But when I left Paris, His Royal Highness also told me to share 10% of the profits to show his respect for you. Oh, by the way, His Highness also said that if large mineral deposits are really discovered in Donbass, then investment will be made to build and expand the Port of Kherson. "

Catherine II narrowed her eyes slightly.

The river connecting the Donbass region and the Crimea's estuary is called the Dnieper River, and Kherson Port is the port where the Dnieper River flows into the Black Sea. Talleyrand was reminding her of the importance of developing the Donbass region for Russia's control of Crimea. Crimea is Russia's only foothold for trade with the Mediterranean coast, and successive tsars have spared no effort to take it over. Ye Er also spent a lot of effort, fought a series of battles with the Ottomans, and died tens of thousands of people before he finally barely controlled Crimea.

If the Donbass region on the north coast of Crimea can be developed rapidly, it will provide strong support for her rule over Crimea. At the very least, if a war breaks out in Crimea, it will definitely cost much less and faster to collect logistical supplies from Donbass than to transport them from Moscow.

She smiled at Talleyrand and said, "Thank you, Your Highness, the Crown Prince, for thinking so much about our country. Then France will be responsible for all the investment first, and I will get 15% of the mineral income. "

She did think that developing Donbass was risky, and if the French really found a big mine, they would definitely need a lot of labor to mine it. Then she could send serfs to exchange them to increase her income.

Talleyrand secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but continued to bargain:

"Your Majesty, this ratio is too high, so I hope you can give preferential treatment on the taxation of the mining plant..."

After the dinner that day, Talleyrand seemed to inadvertently say to Catherine II:

"Your Majesty, Prussia and Austria are currently at war in Silesia. Your Highness the Crown Prince begs you to understand His Majesty Joseph II's wish to regain his homeland in Silesia. You know, His Highness respects his uncle very much. "

Catherine II immediately remembered that Britain had also sent a special envoy to St. Petersburg last month, expressing the hope that Russia would not interfere in the war in Silesia. Today, the French Foreign Minister actually mentioned this matter again.

The British statement was naturally what Joseph had requested in the "Non-Interference Treaty".

Catherine II really hoped that Prussia and Austria could cease fire and then divide Poland with Russia, but she still had to consider the attitudes of Britain and France. Moreover, the French had just said that they would help her develop Donbass, which made it even more impossible for her to refuse.

So, she nodded and said: "Archbishop Talleyrand, please tell His Highness that I have no intention of intervening in the situation in Silesia."


Petit Trianon Palace.

Queen Marie couldn't wait to sit on the chair as soon as she entered the room. She looked very tired, but her face was full of smiles:

"Ah, what a great event! You see, the whole of Europe is paying attention to Paris, and everyone is constantly exclaiming, everyone! ”

She stretched out her white and tender feet, and helped the maid to change into comfortable shoes for her, and sighed:

"Joseph can always come up with these wonderful ideas. How much God favors his little head...

"Oh, fortunately, the Expo will be held in Lyon in three years. It's really tiring to host such a grand event."

She just hosted the closing ceremony of the World Expo and then rushed back to the Palace of Versailles from Paris.

The Countess de Berninac next to her reminded:

"Your Majesty, there will be Paris Fashion Week in two months. You may have to host the opening ceremony. After all, you are the symbol of French fashion."

"Oh, God--" Queen Marie exaggeratedly supported her forehead, but her eyes caught a glimpse of several plates of exquisite desserts on the small table in front of her.

"Is this Viennese vanilla shortbread cake!" She was immediately surprised and carefully raised her hand to pinch a small piece and put it in her mouth.

The sweet taste and crispy texture spread between the lips and teeth. Queen Mary instantly closed her eyes in ecstasy and nodded in satisfaction: "Hmm, Hmm!"

After she tasted several other desserts, she suddenly looked at the maid:

"These are definitely not made by Mr. Cecilien and his friends. They taste so good!"

Cecilien is her chief cake chef. Although his skills are top-notch, he can't make this kind of Viennese flavor.

"It's Miss Delvaux's masterpiece, Your Majesty." De Berninac said on the side.

"Hmm? Yes, yes, only she can make such a pure Viennese flavor here." Queen Marie looked at the maid next to her, "Where is Camelia?"

A maid said hurriedly: "Your Majesty, Miss Delvaux is cleaning your piano room."

Queen Marie smiled and shook her head: "She is always so restless, let her stop working and come and chat with me."

She originally asked Camelia to learn poetry, dance, etc. like an ordinary noble lady, but the latter insisted on fulfilling her maid's duties and busying herself every day. And she did a very good job. The old servants around the queen with more than ten years of experience did not manage as carefully as she did.

Queen Mary cut off a small piece of cake with a fork and was about to put it in her mouth when she heard the voice of the court etiquette officer:

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has arrived."

Joseph entered the room and bowed to his mother:

"Dear mother, I may have to go to Austria soon. Mm, this smells so good..."

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