I Am the Crown Prince in France

Chapter 439: Get a Personal Maid

Chapter 440 Personal Maid Get

"My dear, come and try it. This is Vienna vanilla cake." Queen Mary fed the cake in her hand to her son, and then asked, "You just came back from Austria for a month, why do you want to go again?"

Joseph's mouth was suddenly filled with a unique vanilla flavor, but it was not as sweet as the cake he had eaten at his mother's place before.

"Ah, this tastes great. Your pastry chef has made great progress."

Joseph complimented him casually, and then got down to business:

"My uncle is preparing to launch a large-scale campaign in Silesia. You know, I have to go and support him."

"I really hope the war ends soon." Queen Mary shook her head, suddenly remembered something, looked at her son and said, "Do you want to go to the battlefield again?"

"Uh... I'm far away from the front line. Don't worry, there's no danger."

Queen Mary took his hand and said earnestly:

"My dear, I know you will achieve great things, and I will fully support you, but you must promise me to stay away from danger! Don't let me and your father receive sad news."

Joseph nodded quickly, but heard his mother continue:

"Also, I always tell you that when traveling far away, you must take a chef with you. They can protect your belly. Oh, there are also pastry chefs and musicians. No matter how long you are busy, you must have time to relax. Tailors, cobblers , it’s best to bring all the beauticians...and a few more maids, you can’t always let Vicomte Emang do so many tedious things alone..."

Joseph's head suddenly filled with dark thoughts: Mom, I'm going to the front line to lead troops. With so many servants following me, I really don't have anything to do.

"Well, well, the cake is very special." He tried to change the subject, "I wonder if Vienna will be very cold recently..."

Just as the queen was about to continue chatting, she saw Camelia, wearing a long white dress, coming quickly and curtsying to her:

"Your Majesty the Queen, are you looking for me? Ah, Your Highness the Crown Prince, are you here too? I'm glad to see you."

Queen Mary smiled kindly and waved to her:

"My dear, the desserts you made are so good! I think Mr. Cecilian is going to get nervous in his seat, haha."

"My mother taught me this," Camelia said. "She used to work as a pastry chef in Archduke Ferdinand's house."

Queen Mary looked at the sweat on her forehead and said softly:

"Just leave the cleaning and other things to Bettina and the others, you don't have to..."

When she said this, she suddenly remembered that her son had just praised Camelia for the delicious cakes she made, and that this girl was very hardworking and capable. She could do the job of several maids by herself. She suddenly felt something in her heart. If she were allowed to follow Joseph to Austria, she would be able to take care of herself along the way. At least I can take care of his diet.

Queen Mary immediately looked at Camelia:

"My dear, are you willing to help me take care of the Crown Prince's food and daily life, and go to Austria with him?"

Camelia's heart suddenly beat violently, and she couldn't help but think of the teacher's words. She was stunned for a moment before nodding hurriedly:

"Of course, Your Majesty, I would be honored to travel with His Highness."

Joseph was greatly surprised and hurriedly said:

"Mother, I'm afraid this is not too..."

Queen Mary immediately pretended to have a serious face:

"Then you will bring 3 chefs, 5 maids, and..."

"Ah, okay, okay." Joseph had to surrender, "Stop talking, I'll take her to the head office."

That afternoon, Joseph's convoy set off for Austria.

In the third carriage of the motorcade, Camelia smiled politely and nodded to Perna who was sitting opposite. General Berthier was discussing things in the carriage of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, so she had to come and squeeze in one with the female doctor. The car is gone.

Perna hurriedly nodded in response, but she was a little distracted in her heart. Didn't this girl become the maid of Her Majesty the Queen? Why did she come to His Highness again?

Did she insist on following her, or did His Highness ask her... No, no, what do I want to do with this?

In Joseph's car, Berthier said:

"Your Highness, 12,000 sets of bulletproof inserts have been packed into military uniforms and shipped to Silesia as per your request."

A set of 5 bulletproof inserts can be used to equip one soldier.

Joseph nodded:

"It is important to ensure that it arrives on time. This will be an important guarantee for us to defeat the Prussians."

Berthier looked at the map on the table again and said:

"Your Highness, the Duke of Brunswick has set up nearly 200 cannons on the western front of Lignitz. If we want to break through the Prussian defense line, we will probably suffer very heavy casualties."

"You are right." Joseph also looked serious.

Silesia is different from the Southern Netherlands. This is a purely "enemy-occupied area" and a key business area. Legion mobilization and material supply can be very efficient. The situation facing the French army will be very difficult.

"So we must avoid storming the Prussian frontal defenses."

Southern Donbass.


This weird place name commemorates Catherine II’s great achievements in seizing Crimea.

However, at this time, except for a very sloppy town, it is basically a wasteland.

Well, the entire vast land from Donbas to Crimea has a population of less than 700,000, and the area here is larger than the Netherlands plus the Southern Netherlands!

Viscount Olivier, the boss of Hilke Steel Company, was standing on a bare hilltop, feeling extremely uneasy.

He invested half of his fortune in Russia this time. If the giant coal and iron mine mentioned by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is not found, he will face the risk of bankruptcy.

A captain rode over and shouted:

"Captain, the hard labor has arrived. How do you want to arrange it?"

There are 170 people in the Donbass Development Group, and Viscount Olivier became the head of the group because he invested the most. The deputy head is Captain Lemaire, who was a lieutenant in the Guards Corps and was sent by Joseph to manage the military affairs of the development group.

Viscount Olivier looked down the mountain with a telescope, and sure enough, there was a winding team looming in the weeds, with at least a thousand people.

He pulled the reins and followed Lemaire back to the camp:

"Nothing to arrange, just let them level the ground and use weeds to make something to keep themselves out of the wind and rain. In this damn place, they won't be lazy without us urging them."

After a while, the two of them returned to the camp with their guards - the so-called camp was actually a large flattened open space with seven or eight wooden houses and large tents built on it.

At this time, hundreds of coolies wearing North African style clothes and with dishevelled hair and dirty faces had already poured into the camp. Lemaire hurried forward and ordered the soldiers:

"Let them expand the camp and build shelters. They will have food only after they finish the work!"

Immediately, someone shouted to the coolies in Arabic, and the crowd dispersed, each picking up tools and starting to get busy.

These people were the labor force for Joseph to develop Donbass. Some of them were prisoners of war from Algiers and Tripoli, and the black-skinned ones were from the Moroccan Guards. After several wars in North Africa, the number of prisoners was not large, but there were still three or four thousand people, and these prisoners were all strong laborers.

Algiers did not dare to submit the matter of returning the prisoners. According to the Ottoman tradition, even if the soldiers were captured and could go back, they would be severely punished, and some would even become slaves. Therefore, many prisoners of war in Tripoli were unwilling to go back. Of course, even if they wanted to go back, Joseph would not let them go.

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