I Am the Crown Prince in France

Chapter 501: Feel the shock of Internet jargon

Chapter 502 Feel the shock of Internet slang

Styler is an Italian who has been doing business in the UK for many years, but his ancestors are from Bourges, France. He has always wanted to return to Bourges. He is a standard spiritual Frenchman.

Bayi had been close friends with him for many years, and knew that he had outstanding business abilities, so he suggested that he should hand over the competition for London Gas Street Lights to him.

Mayor Mordaunt raised his glass and smiled: "I will discuss your company's project contracting with Councilor Mordaunt as soon as possible."

"Thank you so much!"

At the end of the salon, Styler reported the day's events to his valet on the carriage. The latter immediately praised him: "You have done a great job, Mr. Styler. We are currently at the London City Hall." Ahead of all UK companies.

"Next, it's time to see your 'live demonstration'."

This valet is the person in charge of the "Gaslight Project" - Captain Deloni from the French Intelligence Agency.

Styler said confidently: "Please rest assured that I have made sufficient preparations. Your novel presentation method will definitely impress those congressmen."

Deloni smiled and waved his hand: "I don't know anything about display. That was invented by a big shot."

The big shot he was talking about was, of course, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

Joseph knew that if he wanted to eat the entire London Gas Street Lighting Project, bribery alone would not be enough. After all, the plate was too big and he had to show overwhelming strength to silence everyone. So, he asked Lightning Company to arrange a business display that would have been impossible in the 18th century.

Three days later.

Baron Mordaunt, a member of the British House of Lords, led many members, as well as a large number of experts and scholars on the red carpet and walked into the gate of Lightning Coal Company under the attentive guidance of Taylor.

As soon as they entered the gate, Mordaunt and others were shocked. In front of them was a huge stone as tall as a person. The side of the stone was chiselled and dignified Roman characters were engraved on it——

Lightning Coal Company’s corporate culture: Dream without boundaries, explore endlessly, and create miracles!

Driven by innovation, we constantly break through ourselves and ignite the flames of technology with the spark of innovation...

Pursue excellence, pay attention to every detail, and create first-class products that exceed user expectations...

Work hard and forge ahead, not be afraid of difficulties, and become the best company with firm belief and hard work...

These clichés that no one would give a second glance to in the 21st century are absolutely lofty in the eyes of Mordaunt and others - no one in the 18th century had ever seen this - the soul-shaking slogans and advanced concepts directly They calmed down.

Later, Mordaunt motioned to the servants to put on shoe covers for the congressmen and others, and said apologetically: "Gentlemen, please forgive me, because the company has very precise instruments and must prevent the influence of dust, so shoe covers are necessary."

Everyone followed him into the company and saw that the place was spotlessly clean. The walls were covered with various documents and charts. More than 300 employees were busy shuttling back and forth. From time to time, someone shouted: "Efficiency! Stay efficient at all times!"

"David, the data I want must be submitted within 3 minutes!"

"The accuracy can be improved. I only want the best products!"

The visiting congressmen were stunned for a moment.

Styler led them into a very spacious hall, and in the middle of the room stood a cylindrical "iron poke" that was as tall as two people, glowing with metallic luster, and connected to a large number of pipes and instruments.

Before Mordaunt could ask, Styler explained loudly: "Look, everyone, this is the latest coal distillation equipment developed by our company. Of course, this is only a prototype, and the actual production equipment will be larger than this." Much more.”

Styler winked at his assistant, who immediately led someone to put the coal into the "iron poke" and then lit a fire in the furnace below.

Soon light yellow smoke poured out from the glass tube above the iron poke.

"Our machine is 20% more efficient than the one used by the French in Paris," Styler said, pointing to the tall wooden board aside, which was full of comparative data. "You see, from the furnace temperature, to the distillation speed, to the raw materials Consumption, our technology is all leading.

"The coal will undergo carbonization here, emitting a large amount of gas, which will pass through these pipes and enter up to 18 filtration and decomposition equipment. Oh, it's right here..."

He spoke with great passion, and piled up all kinds of professional terms for free. Not to mention Mordaunt and other congressmen, even the scholars who came here were confused, but they did not dare to express objections. After all, this is the most cutting-edge new technology, and it is normal for them not to understand it.

In fact, even if they ask, Styler has a way to deal with it, and that is to pile you more professional terms and more technical data until the other party shuts up.

Of course, this so-called "distillation equipment prototype" is just a model made of iron sheets, which is far from the real coal distillation technology that can be used.

However, it has been carefully polished by craftsmen, has an exquisite appearance, is full of technological sense, and can be set on fire for demonstration, so there is absolutely no problem in using it to bluff people. The actual cost was less than 1,000 francs.

Styler asked his assistant to send a beautifully printed brochure to the visitors: "Our company has invested 30,000 pounds to develop this technology. It can be clearly seen in this brochure that all performances are the best in the world!

"Then, next we are going to visit another cutting-edge technology of the company - the coal crusher."

After visiting the coal crusher model, there was the gas washer model, and then the separator model...

When the MPs were holding a thick stack of brochures and were only amazed at the cutting-edge technology, Styler talked about the company's "analysis design-test integration-iteration" spiral development method.

This set of things is even more purely conceptual, air-to-air, ensuring that every sentence makes sense, but nothing will be left in your mind after listening.

After all, this is the standard R\u0026D model of later generations, which must make sense, but Joseph only needs to remove a few of the most critical nodes in it, and it will immediately become a book of heaven.

Finally, Styler erected a colorful display board in the conference hall, passionately describing the company's future prospects for the gas street lamp project and the "sustainable" development plan.

A few hours later, a group of British MPs and experts walked out of Lightning Coal with excitement, their minds filled with beautiful pictures and various novel terms, and they only felt that this company was the most technologically advanced and product-excellent company in Europe.

Mordaunt was certain that if Lightning Coal Company was allowed to undertake the gas lighting project in London, it would definitely create a city image that was more refined and brilliant than Paris.

And he, who was leading this project, would also gain huge political benefits. He had even thought of a slogan for the propaganda - the father of London street lights.

It would not be impossible for him to even make a bid for the position of prime minister at that time.

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