I Am the Crown Prince in France

Chapter 502 You have such high-speed machinery entering the UK,

Chapter 503 You have such high-speed machinery entering the UK, remember the principle I gave

After the British MPs left, the R\u0026D department of Lightning Coal Company instantly ended its busy state, and the "technicians" began to chat or drink tea.

These more than 30 people were sent by the French Intelligence Agency. They memorized a lot of technical terms in advance to show off.

The remaining workers were temporarily recruited locally. They usually cleaned the machines and moved files. They just needed to appear busy.


A few days later, Senator Mordaunt shook his head and walked out of the workshop of Andrew Chemical Company in London, muttering quietly:

"You don't even wear shoe covers. The machines here must not be sophisticated enough..."

The company manager sent him out with a flattering look on his face and asked carefully:

"Baron, you see, our company's distillation equipment will be available by the end of the year. I hope you can let us undertake the production of coal gas."

Mordaunt suddenly remembered the visit to Lightning Company before, and immediately said indifferently:

"Excuse me, your company can't even align the granularity, let alone require the workers to open up the underlying logic and form a closed loop. I don't think you are suitable for this high-tech project."

"You, what did you say? Granularity... open up what..." The company manager was stunned.

Mordaunt raised his head and smiled proudly:

"These are all necessary for a successful company. I suggest you learn them well."

Sitting in the carriage, he glanced at the mottled gate of Andrew Company and shook his head.

During this period, Mordaunt inspected all the companies that were interested in participating in the gas streetlight project, and finally found that only Lightning Coal was the most outstanding. He had already decided to let them undertake the project.

He even felt that even without the 10,000 pounds of benefits from Lightning Co., Ltd., he would still hand over the gas streetlight project to them.

After that, the British Parliament discussed the gas streetlight project twice in a row, and Mordaunt and his faction always supported Lightning Coal Co., Ltd. to take charge of the project.

However, there are always different factions in Parliament. After some members of parliament proposed other plans, Mordaunt threw Lightning Co.'s promotional materials on their desks.

Then, the voices against him disappeared - judging from those exquisite brochures, Lightning Co., Ltd. was at least 10 years ahead of other competitors!

On August 3, London City Hall signed a contract with the little-known Lightning Coal Co., Ltd., which was responsible for the overall construction of London's gas streetlights. The project period was 1 year and the total amount was 260,000 pounds.

Yes, in order to ensure that all competitors were defeated, Joseph specifically instructed Styler to lower the price to 260,000.

Anyway, he didn't really plan to do it, so he didn't care even if the price dropped to 200,000. But for other companies, this price would mean no profit.

The third day after the contract was signed. In a club in the southern suburbs of Paris, more than a dozen factory owners and company managers from London gathered in a spacious concert hall and were whispering:

"I thought it was only our company, but he called everyone here?"

"What does that guy want to do? Humiliate us?"

"Maybe it's because Lightning Company has taken our business and wants to get our forgiveness."

"Shh - he's here."

The door of the concert hall was pushed open, and Styler walked in with a smile on his face. He first greeted everyone one by one, and then stepped onto the stage and said loudly:

"Gentlemen, I think you have heard that our Lightning Coal Company has just won the London gas street lamp project."

Someone said coldly: "You asked us to come, not just to show off?"

"Oh, you misunderstood." Styler waved his hand and said sincerely, "Our company will continue to develop in London in the future, and this requires dealing with everyone."

The more than ten people sitting there stared at him silently - they were all companies that had participated in the competition for the gas street lamp project before, and they naturally didn't look good when their business was taken away.

Stellar continued, "So, I want to share the benefits with everyone, so that you can also make money."

Everyone was a little surprised when he said this.

"What are you going to do?"

"Subcontracting." Stellar said a word with a smile, "You see, for such a large project, there are many aspects that our company is not good at, such as making gas pipelines, excavation and landfill, and even the shell of the gas lamp, we need to buy new machines to produce it.

"So I want to divide these things among you, oh, please rest assured, you will not suffer a loss in terms of price.

"This way, everyone will benefit equally. I hope everyone will support Lightning Coal Company in the future."

Everyone was overjoyed when they heard this. They didn't expect that the cake that was snatched away could be returned. They immediately rushed to say:

"Mr. Styler, our company can produce gas lamp shells. According to the plan, London will install 20,000 street lights. Can you..."

"We have the best excavators at Sawyer-River Hill Company and can be responsible for laying pipelines at a very low price."

"If you need to make gas pipelines, our company can help. You should have heard of our products..."

"And we..."

Styler made a downward gesture and smiled:

"Okay, okay, Lightning Coal is very sincere and will definitely subcontract to you as much as possible."

He confirmed the subcontracting intention with several companies on the spot, and then returned to the stage and coughed lightly:

"But everyone should know that this project involves a huge amount of money, and it is unknown when the down payment from the city hall will be received, so the subcontracting content requires you to advance the funds for the time being."

Everyone looked at each other and said that they could accept it.

Although advance payment is something that no company is happy about, it has happened before. Moreover, the gas street lamp project is so large that if it is missed because of unwillingness to advance payment, the loss will be too great.

The following week, Lightning Coal signed subcontracting contracts with a large number of British companies, from excavating the road surface to coal depot construction, from manufacturing the shell of the retort to the lampshade of the street lamp, almost all of them were accepted.

At this time, if a company looked through the contracts in Stellar's safe, it would find that more than half of the engineering volume in the gas street lamp project had been subcontracted, but the connection between all links was still in the hands of Lightning Coal.

Joseph wanted not only to try to delay the London gaslight project, but also to delay the British companies that were capable of doing this, to prevent the London City Hall from reluctantly cutting off the project when it found that something was wrong, and then investing money to set up a new business.




In the main hall of the Seringapatna Palace, Tipu Sultan looked coldly at the British negotiator Sir Seely, and suddenly glanced at the prime minister of Hyderabad and said:

"We can give up Vijayanagar, but it must belong to Hyderabad."

Vijayanagar is the northernmost city of Mysore. It was occupied by the British army half a year ago and it is definitely impossible to take it back, but according to the instructions of Marquis Lafayette, he should try his best to win over the two British servants, Maratha and Hyderabad.

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