I Am the Crown Prince in France

Chapter 540 Money or Principles

Chapter 541 Money or principles

Their words immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of several nobles around them.

Someone looked at them and reprimanded: "Gentlemen, you should be ashamed of your nonsense! I go to the Louvre Square almost every day, and all I see there are hateful tax collectors and nothing else." Decent people.”

Another person was obviously influenced by Rousseau's idea of ​​equality and continued: "The entire people of France should not be called untouchables. At least when called by God, there is no difference between nobles and civilians."

"Huh, let me tell you, those tax collectors deserve to be humiliated. Your Highness did the right thing. Look at Mr. Viannal, he was almost killed by those guys in San Antonio."

"I think you sympathize with those tax collectors? Hehe, they have overcharged me hundreds of francs in recent years..."

Although those who were dissatisfied with the execution method were forced to back away, they still protested in a low voice: "I don't like those guys either, but maybe one day other nobles will also be deprived of their dignity..."

"That's a rule after all. It shouldn't be changed just because you want it."

Seeing that the two groups were quarreling, a middle-aged man stepped forward and advised: "Gentlemen, calm down, please calm down.

"Well, you are right. They are all death row prisoners with many evil deeds. What difference does it make whether they are civilians or nobles? All nobles in their duties also maintain their due dignity.

"Oh, I'm not saying that rules shouldn't be respected. In fact, haven't you noticed? His Majesty the King uses another way to take care of the status of the nobles who are being sentenced."

"Oh? How do you say that?"

"It's the newly opened guillotine." The middle-aged man blinked, "Although that thing is very neat and ends with a click, it doesn't have the slightest sense of ceremony.

“Now if you want to hire an executioner to carry out the execution, you have to pay them separately.

"They will be executed in front of the cold decapitation machine. Before the execution, they will recite an oath, display the beheading sword that has been passed down for generations, and even chat with the deceased. This traditional and ritualistic execution method is reserved for The nobles. Oh, those commoners can't afford an executioner."

When several nobles heard this, their eyes lit up: "Yes, it is indeed true. No wonder His Majesty invented the guillotine, it is a thing used to perfunctory civilians!"

"Long live His Majesty the King! Your Majesty has put in so much effort to maintain the dignity of the nobles."

"Only a majestic executioner is worthy of the heads of nobles!"

Joseph never expected that his father's guillotine would soon give rise to a unique "execution economics".

In order to show their status, nobles would even buy gorgeous uniforms for executioners, ask them to recite short farewell poems, and hire their assistants to sprinkle flower petals on their own blood.

The price of these operations had risen to 500 to 800 francs per executioner after the executions in Louvre Square lasted for half a month, becoming one of the core incomes of the court.

Second floor of the Tuileries Palace.

Joseph looked at the documents submitted by the General Administration of Taxation and couldn't help but frown slightly.

After this period of large-scale purges of tax collectors, a large amount of illegal income was uncovered, and together with fines, a total of 67 million francs were added to the national finance.

You know, this is completely different from national bonds and loans that require repayment of principal and interest. This is net income!

However, it was already January 1791, and including the funds he had raised before, there was still a gap of more than 30 million to meet the minimum funding requirements for government expenditures.

This was far from what he had originally expected.

According to Robespierre's report, after knowing that they could not escape their guilt, those big tax collectors chose to transfer their property so that they could be left to their families.

In this era, cash is still king - as long as you bury silver coins or banknotes in a secluded place, it will be difficult for neither the tax bureau nor the intelligence bureau to find them.

Only the money that the tax collectors had in the bank was confiscated. There are also things that cannot be hidden, such as real estate and real estate, but compared to their total wealth, they are still missing a lot.

For example, Bolore had huge shares in more than ten tax houses. According to Robespierre's estimation, his tax revenue last year should have been as much as 13 million francs.

However, only 9 million francs of his property were confiscated and confiscated this time, and the rest was missing.

Joseph slapped the report on the table and let out a long breath. It seemed that he would have to borrow a high-interest loan.

The total amount is 40 million francs, with an interest of 16%, which should be able to be raised quickly.

He was about to ask Eman to summon Brian to discuss the loan plan, but he heard Eman calling outside the door: "Your Highness, Archbishop Brian is here."

Um? Brian changed his surname to Cao?

"Invite him in quickly."

Brian entered the room and saluted, then handed a box with unknown contents to Eman, and then said to Joseph: "Your Highness, not long ago, Fuld came to see me on behalf of the tax collectors. They gave My 1 million francs benefit.”

"Such a big deal?" Joseph smiled, but he was very satisfied with Brian's honesty, so he asked, "What do they want you to do?"

Since Fuld and other tax collector giants usually keep a distance from their subordinates, the illegal activities of the tax collectors have not been found out to them yet, so except for Pelleier, Bolore and a few other people who dance more happily, , and many giants have not been arrested yet.

However, Joseph was sure that with such a large amount of money involved, he would catch them sooner or later.

Brian hurriedly said, "Your Highness, they want to negotiate with you, let me persuade you. Oh, that is the gift they gave you, which is said to be worth nearly 3 million francs."

Eman opened the box on the side, and Joseph saw that it was a pair of silver-white bracelets, inlaid with diamonds, which were extremely luxurious.

Brian continued, "Folde means that he and the members of the General Association of Tax Farmers can pay a sum of money in exchange for amnesty."

"They are self-aware and know that they can't escape." Joseph had already ordered the tax bureau and the intelligence bureau to keep an eye on these people, and banned them from leaving France on the grounds that the financial accounts of the General Association of Tax Farmers were unclear.

He was ready to refuse immediately. According to his plan, after finding the evidence of the crimes of these tax farmers, they would all be sent to Kacha.

However, he suddenly remembered the funding gap of more than 30 million.

If these guys were killed, it would indeed uphold justice and fairness, but it would probably make a huge amount of property sink into the sea like Borore did.

That's France's wealth!

When these people die, their descendants will change their identities and continue to squander the money. France will have to pay high-interest loans.

Joseph couldn't help but fall into deep thought: Perhaps, making the most of them and seeking the greatest benefits for France is the right choice.

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