Chapter 542 “Devil” Joseph

After an unknown amount of time, Brian, who was standing aside, said carefully: "Your Highness, if this makes you unhappy, then I will go back and tell them not to have such wishful thinking.

"After all, these evildoers are not eligible for pardon from His Majesty the King."

When Joseph heard this, he couldn't help but feel moved in his heart. Yes, I am accustomed to thinking in the way of the civilized society of later generations, and I have forgotten that this is the age of kingship.

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Why should you reason with those guys?

Let them taste the iron fist of the royal power first, and then let’s talk about the terms!

It's just that I want to be a "evil person" for once - for tens of millions of francs, let alone being a evil person, there is nothing wrong with being Satan.

So, he looked at Brian, smiled and shook his head: "No, please tell them to come here tomorrow afternoon."

"As you wish, Your Highness."

Brian didn't expect the Crown Prince to agree so easily. Just as he was about to say goodbye, he heard Joseph say again: "Oh, by the way, Archbishop, all the one million francs they gave you will be invested in industrial development." Fund it. Stay at your place, I'm afraid Mr. Malla will feel itchy when he sees you."

Briann sighed inwardly. Although he was a little reluctant to give up, the money was really hot to hold. And as His Highness said, with such a large amount of money, the people from the Notary Investigation Bureau will definitely chase him like crazy.

However, Joseph's last sentence made him smile again, "But you will receive half of the annual dividend of this money."

Those who deserve rewards will be rewarded, and those who deserve punishment will be punished. Since Brian did not choose to be greedy for the money, he should be encouraged.

Brian hurriedly bowed and said: "Thank you, Your Highness, you are so generous! May God bless you."

If one million francs are placed in the industrial fund, the annual interest will be more than 100,000, half of which is about 50,000 to 60,000. This was last year's revenue, which was not very good. This number will definitely continue to increase in the future.

Two o'clock in the afternoon the next day.

Baron Morel, the negotiator of the Tax Owners Federation, said with a smile: "Your Highness, then according to what Archbishop Brian said before, each of our seven families will spend 10 million francs to purchase national bonds and pay 100 million francs. A fine of ten thousand francs.

"Labouchere, De Perego and the others each purchased 4 million francs of government bonds and paid a fine of 500,000 francs.

"Look at this..."

Joseph snorted with a stern face: "Hmph, things were completely different between then and now, Your Excellency Baron.

"Now that the guillotine has been erected, and the tax bureau has invested so many people in the investigation, do you still want to settle things as easily as before?"

Morell and Fuld looked at each other and immediately changed their words: "You are right. Or, double the fine to show our sincerity!"

They had anticipated before coming that it might not be easy to get through this time, so they discussed the price in advance and then left it to the negotiators to bargain.

In their view, this is just a business. Although they will definitely lose money, business is business and there will always be a point where losses can be stopped.

Seeing that the crown prince was just looking at the tea cup in front of him without making a sound, Morel had to grit his teeth again and said: "Your Highness, then double the fine. This is almost all the funds we can use."

After waiting for a few seconds, he spoke again with difficulty: "Then, the interest on the national debt can be doubled. Is that okay?"

Joseph suddenly laughed, put down his tea cup and looked at the tax collectors in front of him, and said calmly: "Let me tell you my solution. Oh, there is no room for bargaining.

"First of all, there is no need to buy any national debt. Viscount Forde, Mr. Hope, Baron Morel... each will be fined 10 million francs. Mr. Labouchere, Baron de Perego, Goldmid... … Fines of 5 million francs per person. Fines for other large tax collectors range from 1 million to 3 million.”

Several tax collectors took a breath of cold air.

National debt is a kind of loan. No matter how much you borrow, you have to pay back the principal and interest. According to the results of their previous discussions, the bottom line is no interest at most. As a result, the crown prince simply changed it to a fine, and he didn’t even want the principal!

Fuld immediately shouted: "Your Highness, you are completely denying us a way to survive! Such money will make us bankrupt!"

"These are your illegal gains, the blood sucked from countless poor French people, and they should be handed over!" Joseph glanced at him coldly, raised his hand and pointed to the door, "If you find it unacceptable, please leave. "

Fuld and others all exchanged glances with dark faces and said nothing.

After a moment, Morel stood up hesitantly and said: "Your Highness, if... I am willing to pay the fine, can I get a pardon?"

"A pardon?" Joseph looked surprised, "Did I mention this just now?"

Morel was anxious: "Your Highness, I paid 10 million francs, can't I still be pardoned by His Majesty the King?"

"You have done many evil things, so it is natural for you to pay a fine." Joseph said calmly, "After this, how you will be punished depends on the trial of the High Court."

"You can't do this!" Morrel protested loudly, jumping to his feet without even caring about etiquette.

If the evidence of their crimes is uncovered - which is almost inevitable - the court will most likely sentence them to death, or at least several decades in prison. Judging from the Crown Prince's intention, there is no need to even think about bribing the judge.

Ford also stood up suddenly and said angrily: "Your Highness, you are too much. If this is the case, then we really don't need to talk.

"Humph, the worst that can happen is imprisonment, but I swear, you and the government will not get a penny!"

"Really?" Joseph glanced at him with a smile, "You at least have a case of forging tax documents, and the tax bureau can arrest you at any time for this reason.

"You can hide the illegal gains, but I believe that you will tell me where the money is in the end."

Fold also smiled: "Your Highness, why not tell me frankly? I may be sentenced to death by beheading by the High Court. In this case, why should I hand over the money?"

"Because beheading is not terrible." Joseph suddenly changed to a gloomy and low voice, "I heard from the intelligence agency that they have a unique way of torture-

"First bury most of the prisoner's body in the soil, then cut a slit in his head and pour mercury drop by drop from the incision.

"As the mercury continues to fall, the prisoner will feel itchy and unbearable, so he will try his best to break free.

"His body will squeeze upwards like a snake, and continue to squeeze upwards...

"But his skin is fixed by the soil, and soon, his body will "whoosh" out of the skin like a meatball!

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