I Am the Fated Villain

Volume reading 2463


The newborn daughter was burned to death.

Red light from the sky, an ominous omen

It was obviously the first time for Chan Hongyi to see such a scene, her eyes were full of surprise and shock.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she couldn't believe it, but in her memory,

Her parents are honest and hardworking people, how could they show such resentment and anger?


The villagers who used to be kind and peaceful were so cruel that they wanted to treat a newborn baby


Just because when she was just born, she had an amazing red glow

This is completely different from the village and villagers in her memory.

My memory has a problem or this period of time, a problem

Chan Hongyi's brows were tightly furrowed, thinking deeply about what went wrong

Why is there such a big discrepancy between her memory and what she sees now

No, there is no problem with my memory, and there is no problem with the scene I have seen now.

It's just the village where I lived since childhood, there are problems

And soon, she figured out the crux of the problem, the problem did not lie in her memory and

Above what you can see.

This is my real parents and the villagers

The corner of Chan Hongyi's mouth curled up in a mocking arc, she didn't know if she was mocking herself or

Get these people.

The flames soared into the sky, reflecting everyone's faces flickering, distorted, angry,


All the torches that were lit were held up high, and a newborn child who had not yet opened his eyes

Infant baby girl, crying there.

But no one stepped forward to take care of her, even her biological parents insisted on burning her to death.

A baby girl born with an unknown blood, in this era, not only represents the unknown

In detail, it also means misfortune and will become a great burden.

Because she gave birth to a daughter, her mother's expression became resentful, as if scolding her, you

why not a boy

Her father, with an extremely angry and indifferent expression, looked at the surrounding villagers and threw them over.

All the stones fell on the baby girl without any emotion.

Chan Hongyi went back to the past, seeing this scene when she was born, she should have been angry,

The mood was extraordinarily calm, without any waves.

It was like experiencing all this from the perspective of an outsider.

Even for her now, there is still some relief in her heart. Perhaps this is what she has always wanted.

Find the truth.

What a bunch of fools

In the village where the dogs kept barking and the sounds of burning to death were endless, suddenly an unintelligible sentence appeared.

Emotional male voice.

division. Respect

Chan Hongyi's voice trembled slightly, this was the first time since she returned to the past,

Say these two words out of your mouth.

A figure whose path is blurred and whose true face cannot be seen clearly, as if shrouded in thick fog, suddenly appeared in the

Among the villages.

He squatted down, and there seemed to be an invisible ripple around him, throwing all the waves thrown over him.

Stones are turned into dust when touched.

I saw him picking up the baby girl on the ground. The baby girl who was still crying at the moment was also crying.

Surprisingly quiet down, crying gradually stopped.

All the villagers panicked, thinking that they had seen a monster at night and wanted to escape.

But their feet seemed to be filled with lead, they couldn't move at all, their eyes were full of

frightened, there shouted timidly

"Poor little guy, if I hadn't happened to pass by, you would have been killed tonight

burnt, stoned

The gentle voice revealed unspeakable emotions.

Although he couldn't see his face clearly, from this familiar voice, Chan Hongyi knew,

He is his master.

Before that, she didn't even know that there was such a thing as tonight.

I don't even know that my biological parents, from the moment I was born,

Thinking of burning her to death, Master

At this moment, Chan Hongyi stared at him blankly, her heart trembled, her eyes were full of various


"It's a pity that I don't know how to take care of children, otherwise I can take you back to the mountain, Mei Yunning

Born of blood, he should have been an unusual guy in his previous life.

While he was speaking, a layer of misty light also fell on the baby girl.

Those stoned wounds heal fast.

At 2.6 of the whole process, all the villagers seemed to be frozen, their eyes were dead

He stared wide-eyed, watching all this in horror.

"Stupidity is never an excuse. Tiger poison is not even a predator, let alone a human being.

Chan Hongyi watched Gu Changge say this calmly, as if wanting to erase the sexuality of these people with her hand.

life, but stopped.

And at this time, another figure that she didn't expect appeared unexpectedly.

This is a figure in Tsing Yi, very vague, but it cannot hide its beauty, the blue silk is like a leaf,

The hair is fluttering, the eyes are quiet and clear, like warm jade, and like white and flawless



The Great Palace Master...

Chan Hongyi naturally recognized her, all she knew was that Gu Changge actually called her Tsing Yi,

The two are like confidants and have a romantic relationship.

She even asked Gu Changge what their relationship was.

But every time he replied, just a good friend.

Charm red

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