I Am the Fated Villain

Volume reading 2464

Yi did not expect that she would see this familiar figure in this past.

And they all appeared on the day she was born.

Tiger poison does not eat its sons, but people are not certain

When the Grand Palace Master heard this, he seemed to also nodded in agreement, and turned his eyes to the baby girl.

The voice is like the sound of nature, beautiful and beautiful, and said, "Actually, I can bring her back to the fairy palace, this little girl.

The guy's brows are coagulated, his roots are excellent, and his future achievements are limitless.

Asgard can only teach people, but not necessarily lead people.

Gu Changge shook his head, his voice was calm, and said, "She should live a peaceful and worry-free life here.


861 The misunderstanding that has always existed, why did you hide it from me, Master?

The fire was bright, the dogs barking stopped, and all the villagers seemed to have been hit by a talisman, unable to move.

I can only look at the two people who suddenly appeared in horror.

For them, such deeds are no different from the legends of ghosts and gods, descending from the sky and stopping at will

It seems that you are very interested in this little baby girl

The master of the Asgard in Tsing Yi is like a condensed sculpture of flawless moonlight, so beautiful that it is almost unreal.

She spoke softly, her voice was like the sound of nature, and her eyes fell on the baby girl that Gu Changge was holding.

I think she and I are green.

poor little guy

Gu Changge just shook his head lightly, and lifted it up with a hand, there was a splendid wine falling in front of him, and all the villagers who were immobilized.

Something has been erased from my mind

The originally frightened expression became dull, and then returned to their respective places like walking dead.


The parents of the little girl also seemed to have forgotten what happened just now, with a dull expression on their faces.

He walked back to his house.

Even if you erased these memories of them, you are only treating the symptoms but not the root cause, and the ignorance is rooted in their hearts

It will break out of the ground again someday. "; said the Grand Palace Master.

If there is such a day, it is up to her to judge and decide whether she is stupid or not.

Hearing the words, Gu Changge just shook his head, and his words were calm.

12 After that, he put the baby girl back in the house, turned around and left with the master of the palace, turning into a blue rainbow, and the two figures left.

disappear into the sky

All the villagers' memories of tonight have been erased, including the parents of the little girl.

The so-called blood light disaster and ominous omen disappeared from the minds of all the villagers.

Is it stupid or not, it is up to me to judge?

Chan Hongyi stared blankly at all of this, muttering these words to herself, somewhat understanding what Gu Changge meant.

That is, she hopes that one day, after she understands this, she will choose and judge.

After standing silently for a long time in the same place, he cleared his mind and approached the house again.

from looking cooked

Sleeping baby girl.

He slept very peacefully, and the skin that had been bruised by the stones before was intact, and was even swollen.

With Yingying luster, powder carved jade carving.

If Gu Changge hadn't appeared tonight, he would have taught her.

I'm afraid she has long been burned and stoned to death by her parents and other villagers as a bad omen.

already died here.

However, Gu Changge never told her all of this, and it even seemed as if none of this had happened.

Why, Master, you never tell me this

"Not even an explanation?

What exactly are you trying to do?

Chan Hongyi murmured, she knew that in terms of taking care of Changge's character, every time Qian did something, she would have her own way.

own purpose

He would rather be misunderstood by himself than tell himself the truth of it all

Master, why are you hiding this from me?

Chan Hongyi's heart became a rival, her eyes flashed a bit, and she suddenly thought of what Taotian said to her before.

After Gu Changge turned against Xiangong and destroyed the heavens, if he really wanted to kill her, why did he just seal her up?

seal, into the bottom of the burial of the devil

With Gu Changge's strength, if she wanted to kill her, she really couldn't resist even a palm.

For a long time, Chan Hongyi felt that this might be due to Gu Changge's momentary soft-heartedness, and she couldn't bear it after all.

she kills

She had been telling herself that all the time.

However, after seeing all this now, Chan Hongyi suddenly realized that she had been wrong all along.

Many things are preconceived and substituted for the enemy's side, but many details are suddenly lost because of this.

After the reincarnation, it was he who released himself from the Demon Burying Abyss with his own hands.

Even in the encirclement and suppression war in the city of God, he did not attack himself, but the design attracted many people.

The strong, let her devour and restore the source of qi and blood.

When she was in the sea of ​​​​boundary monuments, she pretended to be insane, forgot a lot of her past, and tried to poison Gu Changge.

But he still liked it, knowing that it was a highly poisonous thing, and he did not refuse to swallow it.

Too many things are now sweeping in like a tide, leaving Chan Hongyi stunned in place.

She now realizes that she has been taking revenge on Gu Changge for a long time.

Even if he now dominates the heavens of the upper realm, and has recovered his inconceivable terrifying strength, he still has no right to it.

she gave up

I have been avenging him all the time, but he has helped me secretly many times, without any

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