I Am the Fated Villain

Volume reading 2477

Prince Ming's mansion hangs high in nothingness. Although the cage is covered with chaotic fog, it is magnificent and majestic. After escaping from the Western Immortal Domain, Ming

The king hid in the mansion and cultivated his health.

Only some descendants who are highly valued by him, or other friends of the Immortal King, can get his summons.

this breath

But now, King Ming, who was sitting cross-legged on Pan Tuan, suddenly opened his eyes, his expression was a little suspicious, even


impossible, how is this possible

His mood fluctuated and changed dramatically

Time, in the sky above this vast territory, the nebula began to change, and many big stars were surging like a vast ocean.

When touched, it burst into powder in an instant.

Countless people and cultivators knelt on the ground in fear, constantly kowtow, not knowing what happened.

What happened to the ancestor of Ming Wang?

Several ancient true immortals opened their eyes, and their expressions were full of shock. They left the cave one after another and appeared in the sky above the outside world.

he's here again

He has set foot in the Immortal Realm again, absolutely can't go wrong.

In the mansion, Duke Ming reacted, his voice slightly pale.

At the same time, the center of his eyebrows was stinging, his bones were glowing, and it seemed like it was about to explode.

It used to be dark, but now it shines brightly

He understood that why he escaped alive at that time was not a fluke.

But Gu Changge did it deliberately, leaving a certain coordinate on him, which can determine his position, and then came to


After he came back, he also went to visit an ancestor of the imperial family, and asked him to investigate himself, what was the difference?

In the end, nothing happened. He was the one who thought too much, which made King Ming feel relieved.

Moreover, after returning to the territory, he immediately went to read the ancient books in the past, wanting to know more about Gu Changge.

But no matter what kind of record he got, the final conclusion made him terrified and shuddered.

So that for a while, as long as he closed his eyes, the horror scene in front of the ancient city of Tongtian would appear in his mind.

It has almost become his dream quality and heart

Unexpectedly, he came to Xianyu again in 1.3. What is his purpose this time?

King Ming gritted his teeth and forced himself to calm down, his mind was as calm as water.

As the existence of the Immortal King, his fear was only in the moment just now, and he quickly calmed down, knowing that this time

Hou Yue is afraid, the more uneasy he will be

In the past, his mood would not fluctuate for tens of thousands of years, unshakable like a rock.

But after knowing Gu Changge's existence, he realized that in the eyes of such existence, he is actually similar to an ant

Like a mortal in his eyes

Ming Wang Patriarch

At this time, the voice of the votes came from outside the mansion, and many ancient true immortals in the territory and the younger generation in the Ming family's family, all

Because of the movement just now, I waited outside and wanted to know what happened.

King Ming is the immortal pillar of the Ming family, enabling the Ming family to become a royal family in a foreign land.

Therefore, his emotional emotions determine that it is related to the future of a family.

866 Ask all the immortal kings to see you in half a month, can you do it?

After 8 and a half months, I want all the immortal kings to come to see you. Can you do it? Please subscribe

Just now, there was a terrifying vision outside Duke Ming's mansion, and many nebulae exploded, attracting many monks and beings to look at him in panic.

Kneeling down here, don't know what's going on

The ancient true immortals of many years appeared outside the mansion, and there were many descendants of the Ming clan.

Among them, there are several descendants whom King Ming is most optimistic about, all of them are the arrogant figures of this generation, and they are expected to enter higher fields in the future.

Since the last time King Ming and Patriarch escaped from the Immortal Realm, the situation in our world has changed a lot. Many families are secretive.

Pay close attention to our clan, even the ancestors of the imperial clan have recovered because of this

Now that my world is full of events, many characters in the reincarnation of the fairyland will return.

It won't be long before we have a big battle between the two worlds. At that time, all the royal families will not be spared and will be sent to Dao

And go.

Because of this incident, the ancestor of King Ming was afraid that he was greatly stimulated.

Outside the mansion, many true immortals of Ming Wang's family are talking and talking, their expressions are solemn, they can be regarded as Ming Wang.

The core high-level figures of the clan, so I know what King Ming has encountered in Xianyu

Even the Immortal King would be terrified because of this, not to mention the True Immortals like them.

all come in.

At this time, indifferent words came from the depths of the mansion, and King Ming sat high on the futon.

His figure is surrounded by a room of vague chaotic fog, like two immovable magic lamps, dazzling and dazzling.

In front of outsiders, even if it is a clan, he is so aloof and won't show any fluctuations.

The emotional change just now was entirely because of Li He's inconceivable, as well as the feeling of fear in the heart of Tao, and being taken care of.

This will only be the case if the long leaves a mark, as the coordinates of the arrival in the foreign land.

meet my king

A group of true immortals and descendants of Prince Ming's mansion came outside the cave, and they all knelt down here, not daring to look up at Ming.

The man came to the fairyland again

King Ming's words are very concise, and his eyes are as deep as the boundless universe.

But at this moment, there are all beings disillusioned

You can even hear the sound of the river rushing through the years, "In the next few months, I will

Go to the imperial clan and discuss this with the ancestor of the imperial clan

Although he looks indifferent, but his heart

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