I Am the Fated Villain

Volume reading 2478

However, he understands that the time is urgent.

Gu Changge suddenly came to Immortal Realm, no one knew his purpose

And King Ming is even more worried that Gu Changge will go directly to the foreign land through this brand, and use him as the bridge coordinate to appear here.

So he planned to go to visit the ancestor of the emperor and seek countermeasures

After all, the existence of Gu Changge can be said to be an unimaginable catastrophe for the entire exotic and immortal domains.

No one dares to despise and careless

Moreover, judging from the scene in front of the Western Immortal Territory Tongtian Ancient Territory at that time, Gu Changge obviously regarded Immortal King as a hunting measure.

In front of him, he devoured the origin of the four Immortal Kings and used them as nourishment.

The immortal realm and the exotic realm have been fighting endlessly for countless years and countless epochs, but in front of this taboo character

These grievances and hatreds can be let go. No one can guarantee that Yicheng will not repeat the mistakes of the former fairyland

King Ming's eyes are very deep. Back then, I had seen the terrifying scene in Xianyu with my own eyes. Immortals died and heaven collapsed.

, and the entire epoch is plunged into darkness.

Stronger than the Immortal King, and even the existence far above the Immortal King, in that catastrophe, it fell like weeds one after another.

Hearing this, all the true immortals in Prince Ming's mansion were horrified, knowing who the person Prince Ming mentioned was.

It can be said that the four kings who fell to the Western Immortal Territory before came from the hands of that person.

In today's era, even if one person attacked the four kings of Wei, even if he didn't know his identity, he knew how terrifying he was.

At this time, Duke Ming stretched out his big hand and drew several traces in the virtual space, turning it into a front order and falling, filled with thick chaos

Chaos Qi, every word is flashing divine light, like a divine script of opening the sky

Mingyi, take this order to Zhongxianyu and give this order to him

Duke Ming's eyes were always indifferent, and he fell to a fortunate descendant below.

This is a tall and slender woman with long silver-white hair. The whole figure is like a sculpture of ice and snow, and her complexion is snow-white.

Shen Qian seems to have an eternity of arrogance

Yes, as ordered.

She stretched out her hand to take the order, and stood respectfully with her brows down.

Mingyi is a man in the palace of the Prince of Ming, and he is very popular with the Prince of Ming. He has only been practicing Taoism for hundreds of years, and he has already broken through the Supreme Being.

Ke, it is expected to take the step of the fairy king in the future.

King Luo is holding a birthday banquet during this time, and he has invited ancient existences from all over the immortal realm.

Although Prince Ming's Mansion is far away, he still hears about it.

And the most important thing is that King Ming has dealt with King Luo, although the two are not friends, but there is nothing difficult to change.

solution of hatred.

This time, King Ming intends to connect with Xianyu through King Luo to discuss how to deal with Gu Changge's arrival in Xianyu.

Going to the Central Immortal Domain this time, the clan will send three true immortals to follow you, and I will also let Mingyang protect you in secret.

King Ming spoke again, his words were still very simple

The Ming Yang in his mouth is the existence of a half-step immortal king in the Ming Palace.

On weekdays, only when a very important event occurs, the King of Ming will send Ming Yang to be born.

Mingyi will not disappoint the ancestors of King Ming, and will definitely complete this matter

Mingyi's expression was slightly solemn, and he understood that this matter was of great importance, otherwise it would be impossible for Ming Wang's ancestor to look like he was facing a great enemy.

Although she has not experienced the taboo era, she has also learned a lot about that era from the records of many ancient books.


In that era, the Immortal Domain was extremely prosperous, and the Immortal Palace unified the heavens.

Even the ancestors of the foreign imperial clan needed to avoid their edge and ceded a large area of ​​foreign territory.

But it was such a glorious era, but because of a taboo character, it was completely destroyed, and it took a long time.

The river collapsed and became a taboo for future generations to talk about discoloration

Prince Ming was expressionless, trying to deduce Gu Changge's trace, and then remove the trace

He sat cross-legged on the futon, and the chaotic energy rose and fell, as mighty as Wang Yang, submerging the immortal king's cave, making hundreds of millions of miles of starry sky.

He shook his head slightly.

It can be said that the mana is unparalleled.

The eyes are deep and frightening, gradually like two black holes, absorbing the fragments of the avenues of the heavens, the law falls, wrapping him up

However, soon his figure sitting cross-legged on the futon moved, as if unsteady, about to fall from the sky

Let Ming Yi and many other people in the palace of Ming Dynasty change their faces.


However, Prince Ming was not surprised. Although he felt helpless in his heart, he recognized the reality clearly.

In front of such existences, this so-called brand is like being carved into the deepest part of the soul, and it cannot be escaped at all, it can only be recognized.

Then, he rolled up his sleeves, and a crack appeared outside the void. King Ming stepped into it, and soon disappeared.

"Ming Yi, since the ancestor has an order, then you can set off and go to the Central Immortal Region to visit King Luo.

With the chanting order given by the ancestors, no one dares to embarrass you in today's Immortal Realm.

After King Ming left, a true immortal here spoke with a very solemn expression, telling Mingyi to hurry over

Although Xianyu has a lot of frictions and battles with foreign countries, in fact, there is a tacit understanding among the immortal kings.

Otherwise, it would not be difficult to break through the many portals of the Immortal Domain with the help of today's exotic grapes.

The silver-haired woman named Mingyi nodded and did not hesitate. With the order of King Ming, she did not hesitate.

I am afraid that the forces of Xianyu will find

her trouble

Over the years, alien creatures have long been able to hide their secrets

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