I Am the Fated Villain

220 Peach's Yaoyao is shining, I finally found it (please subscribe)

In the blink of an eye, a month has passed.

From the beginning of Xuanyu, to several major areas outside the Hongyu where Yue Mingkong was located, Gu Changge sent people to search all over.

First of all, by the exclusion method, those monks who are over thirty years old don't have to think about it, and it also saves him some time.

During this process, Gu Changge found quite a few monks with high luck.

Although he is not related to the son of luck, he can barely be regarded as a person of great luck.

Under his orders, the Taixu Sect became more and more popular, and the matter of the disciples was widely spread to other domains.

So much so that there was a version that Shangxian wanted to take his disciples and take them to the upper realm, which attracted countless arrogances, so that some old guys showed up.

Gu Changge didn't bother to correct anything, and didn't even show up.

This kind of thing becomes more and more chaotic, and it becomes more and more difficult for people to see his true purpose.

After all, you can only fish in muddy waters.

In this way, there is a rumor that Shangxian has a withdrawn and indifferent personality, and those who can fall into his eyes must have outstanding talents and be proud of the ancients and the present.

After that, Gu Changge set off directly and chose to go to Tianyu, the farthest away from Xuan-yu.

That is, in his opinion, the most central area of ​​this lower bound map, where the luck of the dragon veins converges.

There was no news of Ren Zu's reincarnation in the rest of the domains, which didn't surprise him at all. Instead, he felt that the greatest possibility would be in the Tian domain.

Although this search method is slow, it is better than meticulous, and there will be no major mistakes.

On the other hand, he is also paying close attention to Yue Mingkong's whereabouts, and knowing that she has news about Ren Zu's reincarnation, in fact, like him, he has found nothing.

Instead, she stabbed some baskets, and was almost noticed by some forces of her Upper Realm origin.

In the end, it was Gu Changge who took action to help her block up these baskets.

All this made Gu Changge sigh slightly. w9394;9394;.9377;ЕΙ9390;9379;9372;9385;9397;9394;.C9386;М

This stupid guy, Yue Mingkong, really thinks that he is invincible if he has foresight?

If he doesn't follow, with her little means, I'm afraid I can't even find the reincarnation of Ren Zu, how can I deal with others?

Instead, it would put her in a very dangerous situation.

Gu Changge felt that after returning to the upper realm, he had to let Yue Mingkong remember a lot and let her understand a truth.

If there is anything, you have to consult with his husband first, and only after he agrees.

And soon, after several turns in the middle, it passed through many teleportation formations.

In a certain place in Tianyu of Tianchen Realm, Gu Changge's figure appeared.

He was still alone, and he didn't intend to bring a large group of people around him. His role in Tianchen Realm was not even as good as a Great Sacred Realm puppet he took out at random.

Thinking of this, the void distorted for a while.

A tall, sallow face, a puppet that looked no different from an ordinary person, appeared beside Gu Changge and shouted respectfully, "Master."

"It's enough to be a slave or something."

Gu Changge nodded slightly, the servants of the Great Sacred Realm, I am afraid that the monks and creatures in the entire Tianchen Realm will be frightened.

Then one master and one servant left this place and went to a place with more people.

The Heaven Domain is different from the other domains. The overall realm here is much higher. The Holy Lands of the other domains are in the Heaven Domain and can only act as first-rate and second-rate forces.

Not long after I arrived in Tianyu, I was about to find a place to stay.

Gu Changge suddenly heard the prompt sound from the system again.

"Ding, trigger the questline of the Son of Fortune in Reincarnation to get a hint."

"Whether to accept?"

Gu Changge's expression was a bit strange, he nodded, "Accept."

It seems that with the increase of his own luck points, the range of the son of luck that the system perceives will also expand.

Of course, the more likely reason is that the place where Gu Changge is now is not very far from the characters on this quest line.

And with Gu Changge choosing to accept the prompt.

hum! !

The vision in front of him became blurred.

A colorful and splendid peach tree was propped up in the chaotic ocean, and the thunder of order, which was as thick as a mountain range, fell, earth-shattering and terrifying.

In the end, this Divine Thunder of Order became a vast and continuous scene like a galaxy.

Every trace of thunder light seems to be able to split the universe, causing the entire universe to collapse, and the horror is extreme.

And this peach tree welcomes this divine thunder of order and rises and falls in it, as if to be reborn.

Finally, the screen turns.

The scene here disappeared, and the peach tree was black and tattered, as if it had lost its vitality and fell from the universe.

In the middle, there is a foggy light package, falling into a place where I don't know where.

"Baby girl?"

Gu Changge could see clearly that the cloud of light was clearly wrapping a little baby girl.

This made him frown.

The moment he saw this peach tree, his first reaction was the peach tree in the peach village where Gu Xian'er was originally.

After all, according to the destiny template of taking care of Xian'er, that peach tree must have an extraordinary origin, and perhaps it is not necessarily the ancestor sacrifice of the oldest era.

Gu Changge never doubted this.

and now

, Seeing this picture, especially seeing the mysterious baby girl, Gu Changge couldn't help but think of the rest.

The reincarnation of the son of luck, that is obviously the reincarnation of human ancestors.

As a result, this mysterious baby girl has something to do with Ren Zu, the son of luck?

Soon, Gu Changge had a faint guess in his heart.

"Of course we have to make sure."

He laughed, his expression a little deep.


With the puppet, his figure crossed this area and went to the nearby ancient city.

At the same time, under his eyes, many luck trends of this terrain were manifested.

In this way, Gu Changge could narrow down the scope.

From the screen prompted by the system, the mysterious baby girl should have landed in this place.

Since it is related to the reincarnation of Ren Zu, from the perspective of age, it should not be very big.


"Grandma, brother, he hasn't come back today, it's been a year."

"Do you think he forgot about Yaoyao?"

In a remote village called Beishan Village.

A little girl with braided horns and mud on her face was looking at the head of the village and asked the rickety, silver-haired old woman next to her.

The little girl's clothes are very old.

There are still patches in many places, but they are very clean, and the eyeballs are black and white, like the most flawless and purest gem.

His face was deliberately smeared with mud, and he was only four or five years old.

But everyone in the village who is familiar with the little girl knows that her real age is not only four or five years old.

The little girl is very sensible and pitiful.

He has a strange disease. Over the years, he has not grown at all, and his appearance has always been only four or five years old.

"How is that possible? Brother, even if he forgets everyone, he can't forget Yaoyao!"

"Yaoyao, don't worry!"

"My brother was just taken away by a monk, and he will come back soon after learning. By then, he will also be a monk who can fly in the sky, and he will be able to fly with you everywhere, and he will also take you to eat a lot like candied gourd, okay. Things to eat……"

Hearing the words, the old woman showed a kind smile and said to the little girl.

"Well, listen to grandma's words, then I will wait in the village for my brother to come back."

"Wait for him to take me to fly like a monk and eat delicious food."

The little girl named Yaoyao nodded her head wisely, but she couldn't help but glanced at the entrance of the village again, showing a look of longing.

For so many years, it was her brother who took care of the sick grandma and her young.

Now my brother has been favored by experts and taken to practice for more than a year, but no news has come back.

Although she looks young, she actually understands everything in her heart. Every time she comes to the village to take a look, apart from missing her, why not worry?

The outside world is very dangerous. Although her brother was taken away by an expert, it is not necessarily safe.

She has heard a lot of stories about the cultivation world since she was a child. The monks disagreed.

"Yaoyao don't worry about your brother, I heard from that expert, he is from Xianlun Holy Land."

"And your brother's physique is very powerful in the cultivation world. At that time, he will be vigorously cultivated by the sect. Now he should be busy with cultivation, so he has no time to come back to see us."

Seeing that the little girl still had the same expression, the silver-haired old woman couldn't help but smile and comforted her.

She found the baby girl under a blooming peach tree that year.

At that time, a layer of light was shrouded in it, which looked very extraordinary.

But it's more like being thrown there.

Recipe, Shining.

The scene at that time was very suitable for these words, so she adopted him and named him Yaoyao by the way.

It took so many years to raise her, but Yaoyao stayed at the age of four or five, and would never grow up again.

This made the silver-haired old woman helpless. She tried many methods, but none of them had the slightest effect.

As if God made a joke for this little girl.

And Yaoyao is also very sensible and has never made her worry.

Another child she adopted is also doing well.

A year ago, he was valued by experts from the Xianlun Holy Land who passed by here, and he was brought into his door to practice. He had a promising future.

Thinking of this, the old woman's smile deepened.

Tremblingly, he led the little girl to the house.

Beishan Village is in a remote location, and it is backed by the mountains to the north. From time to time, monsters will come out and run into the village to make trouble.

To the south is a desert, where bandits can often be seen running around, looting meat and some spiritual stones from villages.

The villages were deeply affected and miserable.

Otherwise, the old woman wouldn't smear some dirt on Yaoyao's face, because she was afraid that the deranged bandits would notice.

The little girl Yaoyao followed her grandmother and greeted acquaintances in the village all the way, while walking towards the house.

The villagers like Yaoyao, a well-behaved and obedient little girl.


However, at this moment, the sound of horses' hooves suddenly sounded outside the village, like a galloping army of thousands of horses.

The momentum is shocking, extremely frightening.

In the distance, you can see a terrible blood,

Soaring into the sky, it was terrifying.

"No, it's a bandit! The bandit is rushing towards the village. The female family, children and the elderly, hurry back to the house and don't show up."

"Damn it! Didn't we just turn over the spirit stones? Are these bandits here again?"

"These renegade robbers! All take up arms!"

This scene shocked everyone in Beishan Village.

Respond quickly.

Everyone's complexion changed greatly, they were extremely pale, and they shouted, asking the elderly and other weaker people to hurry back to the house.

Young and middle-aged people and some people who have practiced practice took up arms and gathered at the entrance of the village.

Bandits looting villages, this kind of thing is normal, don't expect them to talk about friendship and credit.

"Grandma, the bandits are here again..."

The expression on Yaoyao's face was also a little scared.

Bandits are notorious for killing people without blinking an eye.

"Don't be afraid, Yaoyao, grandma is here."

At this time, the silver-haired old woman was much calmer, holding Yaoyao's hand tightly and comfortingly said.

However, there was still a hint of worry in her eyes. After all, judging from the momentum, this group of bandits seemed to be different from the previous ones.


Accompanied by the yellow sand in the sky.

At the entrance of Beimen Village, there is a large group of bandits riding fierce beasts, a large area of ​​Wuyangyang, and they are rushing here.

The bandits sitting on the beasts are all very agile, with amazing murderous aura, flashing divine brilliance, and grim faces.

The aura is powerful and the blood is amazing, far exceeding that of ordinary people and monks. It is impossible for ordinary bandits to have this kind of momentum.

This was killed from the sea of ​​blood in the mountain of corpses.

"This...how is this possible..."

"This is... the black wind bandit!"

"Heifeng... bandits, this is the most powerful bandit in the vicinity, and many of the great sects who came to crusade against them were killed by them!"

"It is said that their head of the family is an almighty god!"

"How come, how can the black wind bandits come to our village, this is completely impossible!"

Recognizing the identity of these bandits, all the villagers in Beishan Village were stunned, and their faces turned pale with fright.

Some people were even more unbearable, and their feet went soft and fell to the ground.

A group of villagers who were still holding weapons and were preparing to confront this group of bandits had no courage at this time, and they were almost stunned.

This monstrous qi and blood alone will drown them and suffocate them.

Some people were timid, rolled their eyes, couldn't bear the fluctuation, and fainted directly to the ground.

"Heifeng bandit, how come here... Although it is only a team, how can it be that ordinary villages can resist..."

The expression of the silver-haired old woman also changed slightly, a little unbelievable and shocked.

"Grandma, they all said that the head of the Black Wind Bandit wants to eat people, and he likes to eat children the most..." Yaoyao's big eyes showed fear.

After all, she was just a little girl.

Although he is more sensible than his peers, how could he not be afraid in front of this black wind bandit who kills people like hemp and even takes pleasure in eating people?

"Don't be afraid, Yaoyao, those are all made up by adults to deceive you. With Grandma there, no one will hurt you."

The silver-haired old woman gritted her teeth slightly, and protected Yaoyao behind her to prevent the group of black wind bandits in the distance from seeing her.

She didn't know why, but a powerful bandit like the Black Wind Bandit would send a team to a remote village like them.

・・・・ Flowers 0・・・

In the vicinity, apart from Beishan Village, there are still Heishi Village, Woniu Village and other villages. Could it be that those villages have also been looted?

What is there to care about in Beishan Village?

Just as the silver-haired old woman's mind flashed all kinds of thoughts.

At the door of the village, a bandit with a strong breath opened his mouth, his face was horrific, and there was a scar running through it.

The cultivation base alone has reached the great power realm, which is enough to swept the nearby places at will and do whatever they want!

"Let the mayor of your village get out!"

He said indifferently, with an ant-like look overlooking him.

The many bandits behind them also looked indifferent, sitting on top of the beast, as if they would slaughter the village if they didn't cooperate.

The villagers of Beishan Village had never seen such a terrifying posture, their faces were pale and bloodless, and they could not speak.

"Little old man is the village head of Beishan Village, I have seen all the adults!"

Accompanied by a panic.

A trembling old man came out and said with a terrified expression on his face.

It is the mayor of Beishan Village.

When he was young, he practiced outside, but his foundation was damaged, so he returned to the village and served as the villager.

On weekdays, he also instructed the villagers to polish their muscles and bones and strengthen their bodies.

But in front of such a fierce black wind bandit, they are the same as paper, there is not much difference.

"Oh, so I'm still a monk, but I can't even reach the Soul Palace, so what's the use?"

The leading bandit glanced at him and sneered.

The old village chief's face turned pale, and he did not dare to retaliate.

Afterwards, the bandit was in awe, worry, fear, and panic among all the villagers.

He swept over everyone coldly and opened his mouth slowly

Said, "Our boss has an order. In the nearby villages, all girls under the age of fifteen must submit offerings! He wants them all!"

"Three days later, I will bring someone to fetch it. If anyone dares to run away or resist, then we will... slaughter the village! Not a single one will be left!"

A wicked crack appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Saying such words, combined with this appearance, has a terrifying deterrent power.


At the moment, many children were frightened and cried.

Not to mention children, at this time, even the adults looked terrified and terrified.

Some people hold their children tightly, desperate.

If the black wind bandits, who dares to resist, resistance is a dead end?

Do they have to hand over their children at this time? How would they want to?

Although the reputation of the black wind bandits is not good these years, they have never seen them arresting children! And also called for girls under the age of fifteen.

This made many people despair, thinking of the rumors that the black wind bandit boss wanted to eat people!

After saying this, the black wind bandits in front of them also left in a mighty manner.

With the sky-high yellow dust, he rushed to the other villages with great momentum.

Leaving behind a group of desperate and terrified Beishan villagers.

"Why? Damn the black wind bandit, why do you want to rob our children!"

"Even if I die, I can't give it to them!"

Soon, there were bursts of sobbing and unwilling angry roars.

Many villagers were shouting.

The old village chief fell to the ground with a desperate look on his face.

Not to mention the black wind bandits, even ordinary bandits who are much weaker than them, they are not a small village that they can compete with.

What does it mean to disobey the orders of the Black Wind Bandit?

It means slaughtering the village, not a single one!

escape? move?

In three days, how could a group of ordinary people outrun the black wind bandit riding a beast?

"Grandma, I'm afraid..."

In Beishan Village, Yaoyao naturally heard the words of the leader of the Heifeng Bandit, and her small face stained with dirt turned pale.

A girl under the age of fifteen, isn't she also included?

She remembered the rumor that the black wind bandit boss wanted to eat people, and bit her lip in fright.

"I don't want to be eaten."

"Don't be afraid, Yaoyao, no one can take you away with your grandma!"

With a trembling voice, the silver-haired old woman hugged her tightly.

There is a firm tone in his tone, as if he has some great confidence.

And just when the black wind bandits appeared in the major villages nearby and demanded their confession.

In the place where the black wind bandits are stationed, there is a dark mountain peak with a breath of fresh air.

A majestic palace stands.

Among them, the current black wind bandits are in charge.

With a humble and flattering face, he carefully bent over and pointed to a group of unconscious girls caught from below. The young man with his hands on his back and his back turned towards him reported, "Master Qi, these girls, They were all taken from nearby villages and cities according to your instructions."

"Are you satisfied?"

"It's useless, don't hurt their lives, let them go back."

Hearing this, he turned his back to the young man in charge of the black wind bandit, did not answer, but shook his head slightly.

There was an inexplicable meaning in his tone.

Hearing this, Heifeng Bandit's face was a little puzzled, and Fei was so troubled that he finally put it back.

Are you looking for someone?

But he didn't dare to ask the reason, and hurriedly replied, "Please rest assured, my lord, it won't hurt their lives."

After that, I quickly left with the girls below, not daring to stay for long.

Some time ago, this mysterious young man, out of thin air, came to the place where he practiced and asked him to do something for him.

At that time, he was in shock, and before he could react, he saw the young man beside him, and the servant looked over indifferently.

The Great Sage is crushing down!

At that time, his whole person was frightened and stupid, and he was almost scared, and his heart was almost broken.

Regarding the rumors that he is going to eat people now, the head of the black wind bandit also has a look of helplessness and bitterness.

He can't deny the rumor.

Who was this young adult who ordered it?

But now the entire Heifeng Bandit, except him, no one knows the existence of this young adult.

"Is my position guess wrong?"

In the main hall, after seeing the leader of the black wind bandit leaving.

Only then did Gu Changge frown, thinking in his heart if there was a problem.

Has he narrowed it down so much? Still haven't found the baby girl, it shouldn't be.

"You can still wait."

Gu Changge closed his eyes and fell into deep thought.

These days, the girls captured by the black wind bandits did not have the slightest bit of luck, nor did they have any surprises. .[fЕI9390;9379;an].c9386;М

But he believed his own inferences.

And soon, three days passed.

A piece of news made Gu Changge interested, and a team sent by the black wind bandits was destroyed.

"Looks like it's finally found."

Almost instantly, Gu Changge thought of

Yes, he couldn't help but smile.

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