I Am the Fated Villain

221 Is it the immortal brother, is the little girl willing to worship the deity as a teacher? (pleas

"My lord, in this small Beishan village, there is a powerful cultivator hidden, and he killed all the people I sent."

"According to the news that came back, there is a silver-haired old woman among them, who is deeply hidden. The cultivation base shown at that time has reached the king's realm!"

Inside the hall.

The head of the black wind bandit is talking with a cautious look, afraid of Gu Changge's blame.

After all, he lost his hand in a small village, which was entirely caused by his poor performance.

However, who would have thought that such a strong man could be hidden in a small village?

However, what surprised him was that Gu Changge didn't care, with his hands on his back, without turning his head.

Didn't say much.

This made the head of the black wind bandit even more uneasy, and his back was wet with cold sweat.

In front of this young adult, he felt a pain to say one more sentence.

The whole person's soul was trembling, as if to suffocate.

"Oh? The silver-haired old woman?"

"The strength of the king's realm?" Gu Changge smiled a little inexplicably.

"Don't worry, lord, this time the villain shot himself, and everyone in that village will be arrested."

Hearing that, the head of the family wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and assured it carefully.

He thought that Gu Changge was asking them about the big loss they suffered at the hands of a cultivator.

"No, it's none of your business, let's go."

Hearing this, Gu Changge's expression remained unchanged, he waved his hand lightly and said, let him leave.

Hearing the news, he was in a good mood.

In the lower realm, the reincarnation of the human ancestor that I was looking for finally has a clue.

In the small village, there are great masters hidden, and for some unknown reason, they cannot take action on weekdays.

At the critical moment, the real strength broke out and blocked the intruding bandits.

Gu Changge is still very familiar with this kind of routine.

A son of luck like Ren Zu, if the people around him have no background or past, he is not worthy of being a supporting role.

Presumably, the silver-haired old woman who took in Ren Zu's reincarnation could trigger a plot.

"Wait, there's something else for you to do..."

At this moment, Gu Changge suddenly thought of something, and called out the head of the black wind bandit, with a somewhat interested expression.

The mysterious baby girl he has been looking for recently should be in this small village called Beishan Village.

Moreover, under his orders, he was encountering a group of bandits who came and was in danger.

The monks in the Fenghou Realm, in such a small place, if there is no accident, they can naturally protect the peace for a while.

After all, without his intervention, even in the face of some relatively powerful bandits, Beishan Village would have a way to deal with it.

Now, he suddenly encountered a behemoth like the Black Wind Bandit.

The two are not of the same magnitude at all. FЕI9390;9379;a9385;9397;9394;.9374;9386;М Fly\u0026Mountain\u0026Chinese\u0026Wen

This is what is called an accident or variable.

"My lord, please instruct me."

Hearing Gu Changge's words, the big boss hurried back, bent over and flattered, "The villain should do it with all his strength."

"I don't want you to arrest people. I want you to send "437" people to the slaughter village. After this is completed, you will be free."

Gu Changge's smile was somewhat intriguing, "If it can't be done, then there is no need for the Black Wind Bandit to exist."

"Tu Village?"

The big boss's expression changed, but he didn't dare to ask Gu Changge the reason. In his opinion, a small village was completely unworthy of this big man's attention.

Could it be that the village hides some unknown secrets?

Slaughter village? How difficult is this?

And soon, because of Gu Changge's order, the head of the family began to gather all the black wind bandits.

In the name of being provoked and going to take revenge, he said that he was going to slaughter Beishan Village.


The terrifying black torrent rushed out from the mountain range, and with blood in the weather, it went in the direction of Beishan Village.

Many cities and villages along the way were frightened, and the terror of the black wind bandits has always been well known in the vicinity.

This time Beishan Village has offended them, even if there is a monk in the king's realm, he will not escape the fate of being slaughtered!

Many monks took pity on him.

All right, what are you doing against the black wind bandits?

After Gu Changge gave this order, he also brought his puppet servants and disappeared from the Heifeng Bandit Hall.

After all, this time is the best time for him to show up.

Isn't it fragrant for heroes to save beauty?

Although this kind of plot is very old-fashioned, if it is staged by myself, the effect should not be bad.

Gu Changge was thinking about what kind of identity he should give himself this time, so that everything would look seamless.

After all, that mysterious baby girl looks more or less related to the peach tree behind Gu Xian'er.

The matter of his coming to the Tianchen Realm from the lower realm is very secret, and he may be aware of it by then.

"However, with my cultivation at that time, I'm afraid I don't need to consider these anymore."

Gu Changge felt that with his current breakthrough speed, when he returned to the upper realm, he might have already reached the most holy realm.

It should not be far from the Great Holy Land.


"Mother Yinhua, the black wind bandits have said that they want to slaughter us..."

"What should I do!"

"The head of the black wind bandit is a god, we can't escape, and all of us will die by then."

At the same time, in Beishan Village.

The current village head, at the door of Yaoyao's house, spoke to the silver-haired old woman with a sad face and despair.

Behind him, the rest of the villagers in Beishan Village looked equally desperate.

The group of bandits from the Heifeng Bandit came again the day before yesterday, aggressively, and wanted to take away all the girls under the age of fifteen.

All the villagers are desperate and unwilling, but who dares to resist? Don't even dare to say no.

Although Yaoyao wiped her face with mud, she was recognized by the bandits and said she would take them away!

She was so frightened at the time that she didn't see her brother coming back, and she didn't want to be eaten by the black wind bandit boss.

And at that time, no one thought that the trembling silver flower mother-in-law would suddenly burst into action when she needed someone to support her when she was walking on weekdays.

And as soon as he made a move, he showed the powerful strength of the King's Realm.

She turned out to be a monk and a master!

There was no accident, all the bandits were buried here, and no one escaped, because their strongest person was not in the Great Power Realm, and the silver flower mother-in-law who was in the King Realm was still two big realms away.

The scene shocked everyone, and the entire Beishan Village, including Yaoyao, were stunned.

So Granny Yinhua naturally became the backbone of Beishan Village.

All hope is on her!

Before this, no one would have thought that she was a master who was deeply hidden!

It's just that the surprise comes quickly, and the despair that follows is also fast.

After all, the black wind bandits are far more than that group of people, and there are even more terrifying powerhouses behind them.

I can escape the first day of the first year, but I can't escape the fifteenth.

The entire Beishan Village fell into despair again.

Looking at the desperate, but faintly hopeful people in Beishan Village in front of them.

Granny Yinhua smiled bitterly and said, "At this time, I can't do anything about it! Heifeng is the leader of the bandit, but he is a high-ranking god, and the other nine leaders are also true gods..."

"Don't say I'm just a king, even at the peak, it's impossible to stop them."

She was telling the truth, if the Heifeng bandits really planned to come to the slaughter village, even if she had feelings for the rest of the village, she wouldn't be able to care.

At that time, he would have to take Yaoyao to escape first.

The life and death of the rest of the people can't be controlled so much at all.

Silver flower mother-in-law actually didn't want to have such a day. Otherwise, she wouldn't come here to live in seclusion, or even show her cultivation, be an ordinary old woman.

Because the enemy behind her is much stronger than the black wind bandits, once the whereabouts are revealed, the pursuit and killing will be endless.

Hearing that Granny Yinhua said that, everyone in Beishan Village is truly desperate.

The last ray of hope was ruthlessly cut off.

This time, there will be no miracles!


Yaoyao grabbed Granny Silver Flower's sleeve, her big eyes like flawless gems showed worry and fear.

Also sad.

Although she is very small, she is very sensible and understands the meaning of Grandma's words.

When the black wind bandits come, everyone will die.

All they can do now is wait to die! In addition to waiting for death, running away or resisting will only make the death worse!

And even if Grandma is a cultivator, she can find a way to take her to escape, but in front of the opponent's powerhouse, the chance of escaping is still very small and slim.

"Don't worry Yaoyao, grandma will protect you!"

Feeling Yaoyao's fear, Granny Yinhua couldn't help comforting her, but she was actually desperate.

It is impossible to escape. It is impossible to resist.

At this time, she only hoped that Yaoyao's elder brother Jiang Yang would suddenly come back and bring the powerhouses of Xianlun Holy Land to slay the Heifeng bandits!

But this hope is too slim!

"Yeah, Yaoyao believes in grandma."

Yaoyao chicken nodded as if pecking at rice, unlike other children, crying out loud.

In this regard, she appears to be far more sensible and mature than her peers.

Silver Flower Mother-in-law smiled with relief, even if she fought her old bones today, the black wind bandits are not allowed to move a single hair!

"Grandma, you said brother, will he come back to save us? He went to practice in the Holy Land of Xianlun. He should be very good now, right?"

"I believe my brother will show up and kill all the bad guys in the Black Wind Bandit!"

Yaoyao's little face was full of fantasy, thinking of the scene when she met a poisonous snake before and her brother drove her away.

Now that her life is in danger, her brother should come to save her, right?

A bitter smile appeared on Granny Silver Flower's face.

What would she say at this time? Could it be that she told Yaoyao that even if her brother was talented, he would be in the Holy Master realm at most.

It is impossible for one person to save them.

Today unless a miracle happens.

"It's really at the end, even if I burn the blood of my life, I will sacrifice that secret treasure and move Yaoyao to a safe place. The black wind bandits,

Can't find her! "

She looked at the innocent face and said secretly in her heart.

"Beishan Village, who dares to provoke me, the Black Wind Bandit, will let you watch today and provoke my end."

At this time, a rumbling voice suddenly came from the horizon, and a large number of fierce bandits in Wuyangyang were rushing here!

The bandit headed by him, dressed in black with a terrifying aura, sat on the body of a black flood dragon.

It is the head of a black wind bandit, who is a true god.

He stared at Beishan Village below, and he spoke coldly, wondering why the big boss would send him to bring people to Tu Village.

In a Beishan village, even if there are hidden king-level masters, it is impossible for him to take action in person.

It's just an order from the head of the family, and he does it!

Tu Village, it doesn't take much time at all!

"Heifeng bandits are here! They really came to Tu Village, and it's over, no one of us can escape..."

At this time, everyone in Beishan Village was desperate! It's one thing to hear the news, it's another thing to see it now.


Yaoyao bit her lip in fright, her small body was trembling behind Granny Yinhua.

At this time, I was not scared to cry, I was already very brave.

"Don't be afraid of Yaoyao, grandma is here."

While comforting Yaoyao, Granny Yinhua stared at the front with a solemn expression.

Above the sky, the black wind bandits are mighty, covering the sky and the sun, like a large black cloud, covering it.

In addition to the leader of the True God Realm cultivator, the strength of the others is also extremely powerful, and they are the elites of the Black Wind Bandits.

This time, for the sake of Tu Village, they actually sent so many people here.

Granny Yinhua was even more desperate in her heart, but she did not regret it. If the Heifeng bandits wanted to capture Yaoyao last time, she would definitely live in endless regrets and guilt in the future.

"It's just you, the old guy who killed us, it's damned, making the boss so angry. After going down today, learn how to grow eyes for a while, we black wind bandits are not the ones you can offend!"

The ninth head of the black wind bandit stands high in the sky.

He sneered and stared at Granny Silver Flower.

Having said that, he personally took action, because the head of the family has explained that this time the village slaughter must be completed, otherwise he will come to see you!

hum! !

The coercion of the True God Realm instantly rolled down.


The mountains shook, as if the sky was falling apart!

It was like a large mountain range fell down from the sky.

The villagers in the entire Beishan Village were desperate, terrified, and horrified.

Under this breath, they are no different from ants.


Silver flower mother-in-law's expression changed greatly, her whole body glowed, the runes were bright, and she burst out with all her strength, and she had to take this palm.

But the next moment, with a puff, her body was covered in blood, and she flew upside down, and half of her body almost exploded.

The gap between the two is too big, she can't be this person's opponent.

Everyone in Beishan Village looked at all this in despair and horror, and shrank in place.

What's more, he was already slumped to the ground.

"You actually resisted my blow with physical strength. It seems that you were also a strong man back then."

The nine masters froze for a moment, then reacted and sneered.

The strength of Granny Silver Flower surprised him a bit.

But he still couldn't let him care, he felt that with one more palm, he could be wiped out!

"There's no need to mention what happened back then. Now I'm just an old woman who wants to protect her granddaughter."

Half of Granny Yinhua's body was covered in blood, and blood poured out of her mouth, looking extremely pale and miserable.


This scene made Yaoyao's face turn pale, she shouted with extreme worry, her little hands clenched the corner of her clothes.

The strength of the black wind bandits is too strong, even if Granny Yinhua resists, there is no second possibility.

She hoped in her heart that her brother would show up to save her and her mother-in-law, but no one came!

She couldn't help but despair.

"I don't know if I live or die. Wouldn't it be better to wait to die honestly? Why do you still have to resist?"

Seeing that the silver-haired old woman dared to take action, the nine masters sneered again, ready to wipe it out!

With such a strong gap, can resistance be useful?

He also didn't understand why the big boss would give this order to slaughter the village.

Maybe it happened to be in a bad mood when I met the big boss!


Under this powerful atmosphere, without any accident, the silver-haired old woman spurted out a mouthful of blood again and fell from the air.

Seeing this, Yaoyao hurriedly ran over, intending to help her up, her little face was full of tears.

"Yaoyao, leave me alone..."

Granny Yinhua coughed up blood and was seriously injured. At her peak, she was also close to the realm of the gods.

It took two hits and he still didn't die.

But it's amazing enough.

"Don't hurt your mother-in-law!"

Yaoyao opened her hand and stopped in front of the silver-haired old woman, stubbornly looking at the ninth master in the sky, trying to stop him.

"Yaoyao come back soon..."

This scene made Granny Yinhua's expression change drastically, and she was about to pull her back.

"A little girl, she really doesn't know whether to live or die."

But at this time, Jiu Dang's expression turned cold.

, has already shot again, the terrifying palm is extremely amazing, falling from the air!

To shoot this ignorant little girl to death.

Unexpectedly, even a four- or five-year-old girl would dare to stop him.

This made him feel that his power was being provoked, and his expression was even colder.


The villagers in Beishan Village also shouted.

Some people are even more angry and unwilling, they dare not watch this scene, and turn their heads away.

He felt that under this palm, Yaoyao would definitely die.

hum! !

But the next moment, the picture that everyone thought did not appear.

With a slightly helpless sigh.

Heaven and earth seemed to be quiet, with an inexplicable and mysterious aura flowing in the void.

Time and space, time, reincarnation... all kinds of rules seem to be stagnant

"The deity still wants to continue to watch the show, but such a beautiful little girl is willing to start."

A voice that sounded like a man reverberated between heaven and earth, making it impossible to tell the age.

seems very young.

But in the words there is a kind of vicissitudes of sitting and watching the rush of eternity.

The world unfolds like a picture scroll.

A figure of a man with a blurred face and a fairy-like meaning came out of it.

In the deep eyes, it seems to reflect many terrifying scenes such as the collapse of the universe and the collapse of the universe.

Just looking at each other is enough to make people's minds explode, and they die!

It was Gu Changge who had come to Beishan Village long ago, but had been watching the play in secret, waiting for the right time to show up.

At this moment, Jiu Dang's whole person was dumbfounded, trembling.

The skull seems to be opened, and ice water is poured into it!

Boneless cold!

This person suddenly appeared, although he had never seen it before.

But it is definitely the kind that is unfathomably powerful, otherwise there would be absolutely no such means of interfering with the rules of heaven and earth.

Faintly, he thought of the recent news from Xuanyu.

Could it be... the mysterious and unpredictable High Immortal?

"Are you an immortal... brother?"

Yaoyao was a little stunned when she saw the man in white who suddenly appeared in front of her.

In response, those big, pure and clean eyes were full of confusion and curiosity, and then asked timidly.

"Brother fairy?"

The figure walking out of the heavens and the earth seemed to be stunned when he heard the words, and then let out a chuckle.

"It's a strange name."

"Little girl, are you willing to worship this deity as your teacher?"

Then, his deep eyes suddenly fell.

The voice was filled with a terrifying aura that made many rules and orders tremble.

Everyone watched this scene in shock and amazement.

Especially the bandits of the Black Wind Bandit, they were all cold.

The soul seems to be frozen, and it is difficult to move even if it moves, as small as an ant!

The mighty momentum turned deadly, causing the villagers in Beishan Village to be horrified and unable to believe their eyes.

At this time, Yaoyao didn't seem to realize what happened.

On the other hand, the silver flower mother-in-law behind her had a drastic change in her complexion, first she was shocked, she couldn't believe it, and now she was ecstatic.

Supporting the terrifying injury, he said to Yaoyao with a trembling voice, "Yaoyao, promise this immortal, this is your best chance! Don't miss it!"

Although Beishan Village is located in a desolate place, she also heard that during this period of time, an extremely mysterious Shangxian appeared in Xuanyu.

The most powerful Taixu Sect in the Profound Realm, with the help of this Shangxian's words, instantly unified the Profound Realm and achieved more than 100,000 years of war.

The man in white in front of him, his means and temperament, his identity... It is simply not necessary to say more.

At this moment, Granny Yinhua's heart jumped into her throat, and she was extremely anxious for Yaoyao.

"It's really a rare piece of immortal material. No one has discovered it for so many years. I didn't expect to pass through this domain today, but the deity will be cheaper."

"If it was any slower, it would be ruined by others. That would be a sin."

At this moment, the man in white in front of him spoke again, with a slight smile in his voice, and said to Yaoyao.

Yaoyao opened her eyes and felt a warmth and tranquility on the man in front of her.

It's a breath and a feeling.

As if the sky were falling, they would not be afraid.

Just when she was about to be beaten to death by the bad guys of the Black Wind Bandit, it was this immortal who suddenly appeared, rescued her, and said that she wanted to accept her as a disciple.

You said she was a fairy?

On the contrary, the brother she had been looking forward to did not come.

Without this immortal, she, her mother-in-law, and all the villagers would have died here today.

"Thank you Shangxian for your help. The old woman is very grateful!"

At this time, with ecstasy and deep gratitude, Granny Yinhua knelt down and thanked Gu Changge.

Listen to this.

She was completely horrified.

Just passing by this domain?

How many domains are there in the entire Tianchen Realm?

Doesn't that mean that the immortal in front of him can cross hundreds of millions of distances at will, shrinking into an inch, easily.

This method, it just smells

Unheard of.

Gu Changge nodded slightly and made him stand up, but he obviously didn't mean to talk to him.

Silver flower mother-in-law was not surprised, she felt normal.

It was a great honor to see him as a fairy, so how could he possibly talk to him?

In her opinion, Yaoyao's identity should not be simple.

When she was adopted, no beasts approached within a thousand miles.

It's just that I haven't figured it out since.

The immortal from the upper realm in front of him is very knowledgeable and must know a lot of things.

It should be no problem to understand Yaoyao's extraordinary mystery.

"Is Shangxian really going to accept Yaoyao as a disciple?"

0.8 "They all said that I couldn't cultivate, I was just an ordinary person. The cultivator who took my brother away last time also said that I went, just dragging the oil bottle..."

Yaoyao spoke in a low voice, she looked like she was only four or five years old, but it was obvious that she knew more than many people.

It's not that she doesn't want to be a teacher.

But I feel that a little girl with a humble identity like herself has a strange disease that doesn't grow up.

She is not worthy of worshiping the immortal in front of her as her teacher.

Moreover, before, she actually felt that it was fine not to practice.

You can accompany your grandma by your side, wait for your brother to return after completing his studies, and protect them.

But today, after witnessing the cruelty of this world with her own eyes, she suddenly felt that cultivation became very important.

Only when you are strong can you protect your loved ones around you!

"It's just that they are blind and short-sighted. How can the real immortal material be seen by ordinary people?"

Gu Changge shook his head slightly, speaking with a bit of disdain.

The expression in his eyes seemed to be more and more appreciated the more he looked.

Of course, when he was hiding in the void before, he had already observed Yaoyao all over.

It is indeed the daughter of luck, and the number of luck points on her body is extremely astonishing, reaching tens of thousands.

This made him firm up his previous guess, and it really had something to do with the mysterious peach tree, not the template of the Ruthless Empress that he was familiar with in his previous life.

There is a hint of a prototype, but it is not exactly the same.

However, the plan remains the same, how it should be done.

Without any means, as the daughter of luck, she probably wouldn't agree easily.

Gu Changge will not go to great lengths to arrange such a drama of a hero saving beauty.

"Yaoyao is willing to worship an immortal as a teacher!"

Hearing what Gu Changge said, Yaoyao's eyes were full of determination, crisp and authentic.

She looked very well-behaved, and her little face was stained with tears.

"It's nice and obedient."

"These troubles, this deity... oh no, I'll help you solve it as a teacher, and they almost destroyed such a piece of immortal jade."

"This sin is really not an exaggeration."

Gu Changge smiled slightly, and said with a flash of deep meaning on his face, and then waved his sleeve directly.


It's like the whole world and the world are turning!

The terrifying and vast power, like a sea, turned into a melting pot of heaven and earth, covering it down.

Puff puff……

The group of black wind bandits who were still aggressive and covered the sky just now disappeared from the sky in an instant, as if they were instantly wiped away by an invisible and terrifying big hand!

As if their appearance before was an illusion! w9394;9394;.9377;ЕΙ9390;9379;9372;9385;9397;9394;.C9386;М

This scene made all the villagers in Beishan Village widen their eyes and stunned.

In their opinion, this method is no different from the rumored real immortal.

"It's so powerful that it seems to transcend the shackles of heaven and earth..."

Granny Yinhua shuddered, and was shocked by this scene for a long time, but she couldn't come back to her senses.

Then comes ecstasy. Because this High Immortal actually accepted Yaoyao as a disciple!

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