I Am The Great Swordsman Zoro, The Strongest Shinigami In The Soul Society

Chapter 59 Don't Enter Reincarnation, Don't Enter Six Paths, Don't Enter Six Paths, D


The power is monstrous.

The status is infinitely high!

There is Goto this Zanpakutō.

Which hot type is the strongest Zanpakutō Ryūjin Jakka, which ice type is the strongest Zanpakutō Hyōrinmaru, or Zanpakutō Kyōka Suigetsu.

All are rubbish!

Jiang Ye is very clear now.

His Zanpakutō is much more than that.

This is nothing more than his Shikai.

He hasn't mastered Bankai yet.

Just thinking about it, Jiang Ye couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart.

Fortunately, this time with his awakening Zanpakutō liberating power.

He withdraws from the world of Zanpakutō.

on the throne.

Houtu quietly watched Jiang Ye leave.

Send a meaningful look.

Jiang Ye woke up.

Although it is midnight.

But he immediately got up and went to the underground space at Sōkyoku Hill.

Shihouin Yoruichi and Urahara Kisuke left Soul Society.

He is the only one who knows about this underground space.

Just right for him to use his newly mastered Shikai.

With Jiang Ye Shunpo's speed, he soon reached the underground space below Sōkyoku Hill.

Looking at the empty field.

Jiang Ye concentrated his mind, and then solemnly read the Shikai language:

"Do not enter reincarnation, do not enter Six Paths" do not enter Six Paths, do not fall into reincarnation - Houtu!"

The moment the voice fell!

Jiang Ye's Reiatsu skyrockets!

The powerful Reiatsu moment centered on Jiang Ye,

Vent in all directions around.

Suddenly, gusts of wind blew up in the enclosed underground space.

Then, following the strong wind, it was naturally Jiang Ye Shikai's two Zanpakutō, one black and one white, as if representing life and death.

He holds double knives in both hands.

Immediately, I felt that my body was filled with infinite power.

Jiang Ye knew.

This is no hallucination!

This is the power he brought after Zanpakutō Shikai.

Each Shinigami unleashes the power of Zanpakutō.

will be greatly improved.

Reiatsu after Shikai, will usually be five to ten times as normal.

The Reiatsu after Bankai is usually five to ten times that of the initial state.

This is for Shinigami's combat power,

It is a huge improvement.

As it is, Zanpakutō liberation is the strongest power Shinigami wields!

At this time, Jiang Ye was not immersed or lost in this huge force, and he did not forget his purpose of coming here.

next moment!

He felt the power of time on the black knife.

Instantly increase the speed to ten times the limit!

Then, Jiang Ye slashed at the ground in front of him without hesitation:

"One knife style - horse ghost!"

In an instant, a lightning-like slash instantly hit the ground in front of Jiang Ye's aim, releasing a terrifying force in one breath.



After lightning.

That piece of land was blown out of a huge hole!

Jiang Ye came to the edge.

He looked down.

He could see nothing but darkness!

The power of this knife blasted the earth out of an invisible abyss!

Jiang Ye was shocked immediately.

"This power..." Jiang Ye was almost speechless.

Although he knew that he was very powerful, it was the first time he had this ultimate shocking experience for Nima to be so powerful.


"Speed ​​is power...."

Jiang Ye couldn't help but think of this famous saying.

Immediately afterwards.

Jiang Ye didn't forget the white knife that can slow down the speed.

It occurred to him that slowing down time could act on enemy attacks.

Jiang Ye cut out a few boulders, then kicked them into the distance, and then cast Shunpo to appear in front of these boulders.


He casts the power of time that slows down.

The power of time enveloped the whole body.

When the boulder approached Jiang Ye at a roaring speed.

Jiang Ye discovered that the flying speed of these boulders suddenly slowed down by several times, and the trajectory and direction of their progress could be clearly seen by ordinary people.

Jiang Ye chopped open the boulder.

Take back the power of time.

The expression is amazed.

The speeding black knife represents attack.

The slowed down white sword represents defense.

One attack and one defense.

All alive.

But at this moment.

Jiang Ye suddenly had a whim.

He is a swordsman who masters one-sword style, two-sword style, three-sword style, and even nine-sword style.

Although speeding up and slowing down seem to contradict each other.

But what if these two opposing forces could be brought together.

Jiang Ye thought about it and did it.

Part of it was that he wanted to try to create a stronger force.

Part of it is because after mastering Zoro's inheritance, I have never had the opportunity to use the dual sword style, after all, there has always been only one sword.

next moment.

Jiang Ye put the knife back into its sheath.

Hands rest left and right on the handles of the two Zanpakutō swords.

Be calm.

"Take one part of the decadent self in the world..."

"Dual Swordsmanship——Iai——"


Jiang Ye pulled out two knives at the same time,

Juhe cut.

The power of fast and slow merged at this moment.

Forming the pulling force of front and back, left and right, up and down is like pulling an object at the time level to produce tearing.

The force of tearing produced by this.

Far more terrifying than Jiang Ye imagined!

After a snap of the fingers.

Jiang Ye slowly withdrew his knife.



Two knives sheathed.

With the click of sheathing.

This huge underground space is located in the hills of Sōkyoku.

Two huge ravines suddenly appeared!

It's like a canyon!


Darkness grows!

At this moment, Jiang Ye looked at the power of his two swordsmanship.

Even if he is the one wielding the knife, this moment still feels unreal!

Shikai's power is far beyond his imagination!

He knew, if it wasn't for the power of fast and slow time.

His two-knife skill can't achieve this kind of terrifying effect at all.

Perhaps he poured all the Reiatsu, possibly cutting two deep ravines.

But it is impossible to reach the current depth and width!


Jiang Ye held up two knives, one black and one white, and looked at them.

I am very satisfied with my Shikai!

Follow Jiang Ye to master Shikai's power.

And gradually become more proficient.

The days passed.

Time flies.

Soon it was time for Jiang Ye and the others to graduate.

The graduation assessment is scheduled for next week.

But this graduation examination is a little different.

Rukia and Abarai Renji they will get a normal graduation assessment.

Assessments are carried out in accordance with past practice.

Jiang Ye was different.

Because of his many outstanding performances in Spiritual Arts Academy.

and his perfect grades.

Finally at Gotei 13's captain's meeting.

From the discussion of the captains, it was concluded that Jiang Ye's assessment this time is an actual combat assessment, and the Shinigami who assessed him will be the third seat of the 10th squad.

—— Hitsugaya Tōshirō!


He is Hinamori Momo's childhood friend.

But Hitsugaya Tōshirō is also a Shinigami who displays great talent.

He had a huge Reiatsu reaction because he dreamed of his own Zanpakutō Hyōrinmaru in his dreams before becoming a Shinigami.

Leading to being monitored by Seireitei.

Then discovered the great potential of Hitsugaya Tōshirō,

Special moves into Gotei 13.

That's right.

Hitsugaya Tōshirō did not enter Spiritual Arts Academy to study at all.

He became a member of the Gotei 13 Juban team.

After entering the team.

He quickly learned all the basic abilities to be a Shinigami.

Cut the fist and walk away with all kinds of ghosts Grandmaster.

Especially not long after.

He just went with the flow and mastered Zanpakutō's Shikai!

Beat Soul Society's record for fastest Shikai ever mastered.

Hitsugaya Tōshirō is undoubtedly a legendary genius Shinigami!

With Jiang Ye's current strength, who will evaluate his performance is a question.


If these captains are allowed to go up in person,

He bullied Jiang Ye too much.

So a suitable candidate must be found.

at last.

Recommended by Matsumoto Rangiku of the Juban.

Hitsugaya Tōshirō, who is also talented Shinigami, is a good candidate.

Just let the two Shinigami of the same generation compete with each other.

Get acquainted in advance.

Speaking of Matsumoto Rangiku,

Because Jiang Ye rescued Matsumoto Rangiku during the soul burial practice, and later on Matsumoto Rangiku's initiative, they became good friends.

The reason Jiang Ye and Matsumoto Rangiku became friends.

It's because they both like to drink.

It is also rare for Jiang Ye to find a drinking friend in Seireitei.


Jiang Ye is definitely not because of Matsumoto Rangiku,

That broad mind and became friends with her.

A blink of an eye.

The day of the graduation examination has arrived.

Rukia and Abarai Renji quickly completed all the assessment items.

They think they are doing very well.

Hope to get a very (cgdj) good result.

In this way, they will have a better chance to be taken seriously after joining the fan team.

at last.

It was Jiang Ye's turn to conduct the graduation assessment.

At this time, there was a sudden commotion outside the examination room of Spiritual Arts Academy.

"It's actually Mr. Byakuya Kuchiki, the captain of Division 6! Mr. Byakuya Kuchiki is so cold, but he is also so handsome!"

"Look, that's Unohana Retsu Tenjin, the captain of the 4th squad!"

"Look behind that is the captain of the Eighth Division!"

"Captain of Division 13!"

"Captain of the 10th Division!"

"Maybe all the captains of Gotei 13 are here!"

A group of graduate students who have just completed the assessment.

See the captains in person.

Immediately there were excited discussions.

Seeing so many captains appearing at the same time.

It's no less than seeing an idol you admire appear in front of you!

Among the Seireitei, the captain-level Shinigami are literally objects of worship!

At this time, Abarai Renji looked at Jiang Ye, who was the only one who hadn't passed the graduation assessment, and suddenly came to his senses, with an extremely jealous look on his face.

Damn it!

So many captains came.

It turned out to be for Jiang Ye!

He couldn't think of any other reasons why the captains appeared in today's graduation examination room.

Although Abarai Renji has long been convinced by Jiang Ye.

But at this time, I still couldn't help being envious and jealous.

Abarai Renji gritted his teeth with envy!


Rukia with Hinamori Momo, Kira Iziru,

I am also happy for Jiang Ye.

This shows that Jiang Ye is in the hearts of the captains of Gotei 13.

Extremely respected!

Jiang Ye was fine.

It seems that today's graduation assessment will become very special.


Being special is exactly his privilege as a time traveler!

Soon, a group of captains entered the graduation examination room, sat in the seats prepared for them, and waited for the next assessment by Jiang Ye.

Jiang Ye's special graduation assessment this time.

Hosted by the dean of Spiritual Arts Academy.

He is also proud of Jiang Yoruichi Lulai's outstanding performance.


"Student Jiang Ye."

"Because of your special reasons, your graduation assessment will be different from others, I hope you will not have any opinions.

Hearing this, Jiang Ye shook his head.

With his current strength.

Complete the graduation assessment conducted by Rukia and the others just now.

It's a bit too boring indeed.

He was looking forward to what kind of graduation exam Gotei 13 would arrange for him.

Seeing Jiang Ye's response, Spiritual Arts Academy continued: "You have only one item in today's graduation assessment, and that is actual combat."

"The actual opponent is the third seat of the Gotei 13 Juban team—Hitsugaya Tōshirō."

Speaking of which.

With the height of a schoolboy,

A head of soaring white hair.

Hitsugaya Tōshirō, affectionately called Xiaobai by fans,

A Shunpo appears on the field.

He frowned and looked at Jiang Ye.

He didn't think Jiang Ye had the strength to defeat him.

At this moment, because bystanders are not prohibited, the auditorium is full of graduate students who have just completed the graduation assessment.

Among them, Rukia, Hinamori Momo and others are naturally included.

At this time, Hinamori Momo saw that the examiner was Xiaobai.

She couldn't help being surprised!

"It's Xiaobai!"

Hinamori Momo couldn't help being surprised.

Seeing this, Rukia and Abarai Renji on the side also knew that Shinigami on the field was the genius Xiaobai that Hinamori Momo said.

The talent it showed.

Even better than Big Brother Jiang Ye!

Didn't even get into Spiritual Arts Academy.

He was recruited into the team by Gotei 13.

Rukia couldn't help worrying about Jiang Ye's coming.

The dean of Spiritual Arts Academy continued: "The assessment results will be scored by the captains present based on the real-time performance in the battle."

"Student Jiang Ye."

"Please go on stage and start the assessment."

The words fell.

Jiang Ye nodded.

He didn't care because the opponent in the test was Hitsugaya Tōshirō.

Jiang Ye walked forward with a calm expression on his face.

Stand across from Hitsugaya Tōshirō.

At this moment, when Hitsugaya Tōshirō saw Jiang Ye approaching, he couldn't help looking Jiang Ye up and down, feeling a little jealous in his heart.

This jealousy comes from Hinamori Momo.

His childhood friend Hinamori Momo spent time with him.

Jiang Ye's name often came out of his mouth.

His words were full of admiration for Jiang Ye.

This makes Hitsugaya Tōshirō emotionally jealous.

As in the original Shinigami novel, Aizen Sōsuke's influence on Hinamori Momo caused Hitsugaya Tōshirō to suffer emotionally and suffer for a while.

Variations of Hinamori Momo.

Will reflect the emotion of Hitsugaya Tōshirō.

Especially Hitsugaya Tōshirō in this period.

He is the most legendary genius boy.

He is admired and admired everywhere he goes.

Even with a calm personality, under such constant influence, it will be affected to a certain extent.

Hitsugaya Tōshirō's spirit is very high at the moment.

Has never been beaten.

Hasn't turned into the calm and calm Captain Shinigami in the original book.


When Hitsugaya Tōshirō received the opportunity to beat Jiang Yoruichiton hard.

He agreed without hesitation.

Jiang Ye didn't know what Hitsugaya Tōshirō thought about him.

at this time.

The system in his mind suddenly released a random task:


"Detected the current situation of Host!"

"Release the task immediately!"

"Defeat Hitsugaya Tōshirō from the three aspects of swordsmanship, Kidō, and Zanpakutō!"

"Mission reward: 1%!"

Jiang Ye looked at the rewards given for this mission.

Although only 1%.

But he doesn't think there is too little mosquito meat!

Defeat Hitsugaya Tōshirō in front of you.

That's not even handy!

Jiang Ye thought so in his heart.

So I don't plan to save any face for Hitsugaya Tōshirō.


Under the eyes of everyone's expectation.

Dean of Spiritual Arts Academy,

It is announced that Jiang Ye's graduation practical assessment will begin immediately!


Hitsugaya Tōshirō let out a loud cry.

When he came up, he chose to strike first, taking advantage of Jiang Ye's inaction, he drew his sword and attacked Jiang Ye, hoping to defeat Jiang Ye as soon as possible.

Hitsugaya Tōshirō is imposing.

The pace is extremely fast.

Tread Tread!

They stomped on the ground again and again.

At this moment, all the captains in the stands looked like they were watching the show.

They wanted to see how Jiang Ye would respond.

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