I Am The Great Swordsman Zoro, The Strongest Shinigami In The Soul Society

Chapter 60 You Are Powerless To Draw The Sword, Hesitant To Throw The Sword, And Your Steps Are Slow

With Hitsugaya Tōshirō's current swordsmanship realm,

Quite a feat indeed.

Pretty genius.


Hitsugaya Tōshirō slashed with his sword.

Jiang Yoruichi turned sideways and avoided it casually.

Seeing this, Hitsugaya Tōshirō's pupils shrank, "What a quick reaction," he thought in his heart, and the knife in his hand didn't stop.

Another quick cut!

The connection with the previous knife is silky smooth.

It can be seen that his swordsmanship is superb.


Jiang Ye still seemed to have predicted his attack.

Get out of the way with ease.

"Hey, there is something wrong with Jiang Ye's two strikes." Kyoraku Shunsui, the captain of the 8th division, could tell at a glance that Jiang Ye's dodge was unusual.

The other captains also nodded in agreement.

in the audience.

A group of students could not understand.

They only saw Jiang Ye dodging easily.

Think Jiang Ye has the upper hand.

At the same time cheer for Jiang Ye.

Hitsugaya Tōshirō, who lives in it, does not believe in evil.

He gritted his teeth and continued to attack, one slash after another, showing all the sword skills he had learned in one breath, with countless swords and swords.

for a while.

The students in the auditorium saw it.

Hitsugaya Tōshirō's sword moves are impenetrable.

Pretty scary.

If it was replaced by any one of them on the scene.

They have already shown flaws under such heavy pressure.

But Jiang Ye at this time was different.

Like a butterfly, he danced nimbly among the sword array raised by Hitsugaya Tōshirō, avoiding every attack.

Hitsugaya Tōshirō suddenly felt the pressure.

His slash,

He didn't cut Jiang Ye with a single knife.

Even jumpsuit Kakuzu not stained.

Hitsugaya Tōshirō was shocked, and because he couldn't attack his opponent Jiang Ye for a long time, he suddenly felt eyes from all directions.

especially the gaze,

And his captain, Shiba Isshin!

He seemed to feel a mockery of him.

Although everyone in the auditorium did not have this idea.

The young Hitsugaya Tōshirō imagined such a scene with a rich imagination.

Gradually, gradually, he couldn't bear the heavy pressure coming from all directions, so he wanted to release the shame in his heart.

Hitsugaya Tōshirō yelled at Jiangye: "You guys only know how to hide!? Attack here!!!"

Seeing this, the captains in the stands were not surprised, although Hitsugaya Tōshirō has the record of young talents in Soul Society.

May Hitsugaya Tōshirō's age and experience.

is his weakness.

He is not calm enough.

This weakness cannot be quickly remedied.

Only time and all things can solve it.

Hearing this, Jiang Ye raised his eyebrows, "Oh, are you sure you want me to attack?"

Without saying a word, Hitsugaya Tōshirō slashed at Jiang Ye again, the speed at which the blade tore through the air caused buzzing.


he shouted.

"All right."

"Then as you wish.

Jiang Ye said calmly.

next moment!

The temperament of his whole body has undergone a huge change.

Last second it was a nimbly dancing butterfly, but this second it instantly turned into a beast at the top of the food chain, its aura was quite frightening.

Jiang Ye immediately drew his sword.

One move to deflect Hitsugaya Tōshirō's slash!

Hitsugaya Tōshirō was surprised!

This counterattack is so fast!

He didn't react at all!

At the same time, the team captains in the stands became interested when they saw Jiang Ye finally drew his sword, and stared intently.


Jiang Ye slashed at Hitsugaya Tōshirō again!

A powerful knife!

Cut to Hitsugaya Tōshirō.


Zanpakutō collided.

There are sparks!

Suddenly there was an explosion-like sound.

When the two swords collided, they actually set off gusts of wind pressure in all directions.


"What kind of strange power is this!"

The power from Jiang Ye Dao.

Let Hitsugaya Tōshirō have no extra strength to parry at all.

His face became uncontrollably hideous.

The team captains in the stands immediately noticed the strain on Hitsugaya Tōshirō.

"Tōshirō can't take it anymore..."

Team Eighth Team Captain Kyoraku Shunsui concluded, with a hint of surprise at Jiang Ye flashing in his eyes hidden under the bamboo hat.

Captain of Hitsugaya Tōshirō.

Shiba, the captain of the 10th Division, was astonished!

"I've never seen that kid lose a fight.

Shiba couldn't believe it.

You must know that the reason why geniuses are called geniuses by others is because their talent, strength, and potential far exceed others.

After Hitsugaya Tōshirō joined their juban team.

In the contest within the team.

At first Hitsugaya Tōshirō lost a few times because he needed to learn.

But then Hitsugaya Tōshirō quickly caught up with the veteran in the team.

Even in Shinigami with his captain level,

Can show bright spots.

And today, Hitsugaya Tōshirō encountered unprecedented difficulties in a battle with a graduate student of Spiritual Arts Academy.

See here.

Aizen Sōsuke, captain of the 5th Division.

He made no secret of his admiration for Jiang Ye.

"It would be great if Jiang Ye could join my fifth team."

Aizen Sōsuke said with a smile.

heard the words.

Team Captain Jūshirō Ukitake joked with Aizen Sōsuke with a smile:

"Sōsuke, I didn't expect that your charm didn't work this time."

While the captains were talking.

Jiang Ye's slash has gradually pushed Hitsugaya Tōshirō into a corner.

Each of his swords contains a powerful force.

Every blow, for Hitsugaya Tōshirō, needs to be resisted with all his strength.

Reiatsu of Hitsugaya Tōshirō suddenly consumed faster, and gradually, he felt a wheezing in his chest, and his breathing became disordered.

He took a big gulp of fresh air.

Trying to absorb all the spiritual particles in the atmosphere of the Soul Society into the body.

Replenish the consumption in the battle just now.


Jiang Ye didn't give him a chance to breathe.

at this time!

He went down with a knife!

He actually cut Hitsugaya Tōshirō's Zanpakutō with a single blow and fell out of his hand.

Hyōrinmaru twirled in the air, and with a squeak, the blade was inserted into the ground face down, and the blade trembled.

Hitsugaya Tōshirō watched Hyōrinmaru let go of his hand, and his heart was also trembling at the moment, like a crumbling building.

The next moment there will be an earth-shattering collapse.

Jiang Ye looked at Hitsugaya Tōshirō's shocked expression and said mercilessly:

"You are weak when you throw the knife, you are hesitant to drop the knife, your steps are slow, your reaction is loose, and none of your movements are decent. You are still far away."

Jiang Ye said these words.

The audience fell silent for an instant.

the stands.

All the captains looked at Jiang Ye.

It was like meeting someone again.

in the audience.

A group of students who graduated from the same class as Jiang Ye, they watched Jiang Ye teach Hitsugaya Tujiro a lesson in terms of strength and words.

As if they experienced it themselves.

There is a kind of heart-cooling refreshment!

You know, they also know Hitsugaya Tōshirō, a talented boy specially recruited into the team.

But what about the genius boys, it's not that they are not as powerful as Jiang Ye, and being in the same class as Jiang Ye makes them feel honored and honored.

Rukia and Abarai Renji saw what Jiang Ye did.

Everyone was very excited.

Abarai Renji even yelled unceremoniously.

"Brother is awesome!!!"

He even forgot how he gritted his teeth in envy of Jiang Ye before.


Hitsugaya Tōshirō looked at Jiang Ye blankly.

He felt his face flush instantly.

There is shame and anger in my heart.

Hitsugaya Tōshirō was still a teenager after all.

The ability to bear in the heart is not the same as his talent.

"What did you say!" Hitsugaya Tōshirō snapped, "I was just being careless just now, don't think you are amazing!"


Jiang Ye said noncommittally.

"Take your sword.


Jiang Ye's words fell.

Hitsugaya Tōshirō didn't hesitate at all.

Pick up your own Zanpakutō.

The next moment, Hitsugaya Tōshirō seemed to forget the defeat at the previous moment, and with a bang, he burst into full momentum and attacked Jiang Ye.


Jiang Ye at this time.

He was not given a chance to attack.

He sheathed his knife suddenly.

Then, the right hand rests on the handle of Zanpakutō.

The center of gravity of the whole person drops slightly, just like a beast will lower its height as much as possible before rushing to eat.

At this moment, the team captains in the stands saw Jiang Ye's movements, and they immediately smelled something unusual from this posture.

They watched the next scene with bated breath.

At the same time.

Hitsugaya Tōshirō saw Jiang Ye's posture.

He didn't think much of it at all.


"Take all your strength!"

Hitsugaya Tōshirō can't believe it!

He will lose to others!

at this time.

Jiang Ye moved.

one-shot flow——


in an instant.

Jiang Ye's figure passed through the advancing Hitsugaya Tōshirō like lightning.

When Jiang Ye's body stood firmly behind Hitsugaya Tōshirō.

Hitsugaya Tōshirō on the move.

It seemed to be frozen in place.

The left foot that was taken was still hanging in the air and did not fall completely.

Even the expression remained on the hideous face of the previous moment.

Time seemed to stand still on Hitsugaya Tōshirō.


Jiang Ye slowly retracted the knife into its sheath.

There was a clicking sound when the sword band collided with the scabbard.

——Lion's Dirge!"

In an instant, time returned to normal flow, and Hitsugaya Tōshirō felt as if he had been hit hard, and a huge force burst out in one breath.

The strength to bear is strong.

It even made Hitsugaya Tōshirō unable to support himself for a moment and fell to his knees!

"Tōshirō lost....."

Team 10 captain Shiba couldn't believe it!

Can't help but cover his head.

It's as if he can't find his own mind.

Same as it.

Jiang Ye's knife.

It also flashed across the hearts of the captains present like lightning.

Such a fast knife!

Such a fast sword!

"Is this the slash that killed Menos Grande..."

"With this kind of strength, no wonder he can easily crush Menos Grande."

"Student Jiang Ye really makes me like him more and more..."

...... Ask for flowers.

The captains couldn't help arguing.


As the former First Generation Kenpachi, known as the master

The current leader of the 4th division who masters Soul Society 8,000 kendo styles - Unohana Retsu.

She suddenly saw a brand new school of kendo.

It's no less than seeing a meteor fall in front of your eyes.

Unohana Retsu's eyes lit up.

The desire to fight, which had been dusty for a long time, began to sprout in her heart.

She couldn't help but think of that boy in Rukongai back then, and the fear and joy of fighting that boy brought her.

Unohana Retsu couldn't help asking herself, Jiang Ye boy could bring her the same fear of fighting and joy of fighting, and even surpass that.

in the audience.

Rukia and Abarai Renji are all dumbfounded!

This knife.

If you let them go up to pick up the knife.

They can't stand it either!

After a while.

There was an instant commotion in the auditorium!


Hitsugaya Tōshirō got up at this moment.

He gasped for breath, staring fixedly at Jiang Ye who was also looking at him at the moment.

"I haven't lost yet!" Hitsugaya Tōshirō said stubbornly, he didn't accept the result, he didn't think it was the final victory.

Jiang Ye was not surprised.

after all.

He cut that knife just now with the back of the knife.

Leave it to Hitsugaya Tōshirō.

Otherwise, how can Hitsugaya Tōshirō stand up now.

The most important thing is that Jiang Ye didn't forget the task issued by the system, anyway, it is also 1% of the inheritance experience value.

With the continuous improvement of his inheritance experience value, even every 0.01% of his inheritance experience value is quite precious.


Everyone present was also touched by Hitsugaya Tōshirō's tenacious and never giving up spirit.

In the stands, Shiba, the captain of the 10th squad, couldn't help cheering for Hitsugaya Tōshirō.


The other captains couldn't help but nod their heads.

Losing is not terrible.

It is not terrible to be inferior to the enemy.

The fear is that I think I have lost.

Hitsugaya Tōshirō, at such a young age, is worthy of their praise for having such a tenacious determination to not give up.

at this time.

Hitsugaya Tōshirō read out loudly:

"Beast bones dotted around, spiers, red crystals, steel wheels..."

"Moving is the wind, stopping is empty, the sound of spears striking each other fills the empty city..."

"Hadō No. 63 - Fiery Lightning Howl!!!"

With the full chant of Hitsugaya Tōshirō!

A gigantic thunder beam converged, and immediately with a deafening bang, it struck Jiang Ye's direction like lightning.

this moment!

Captain in the stands.

Graduates in the audience.

They met Hitsugaya Tōshirō,

It was so easy to cast Hadō with a serial number above sixty.

Everyone looked shocked!

You should know that every Spiritual Arts Academy has learned Kidō with forty serial numbers at most during their study period.

If they go any further, they will not be able to cover them with their current abilities.

Generally, high-level Kidō learn from seniors who are good at Kidō in their respective teams, and it takes a lot of time.


At the age of Hitsugaya Tōshirō.

Take the time he needs to spend.

Able to cast Hadō with serial numbers above sixty.

It's quite surprising!

Even the captains can't help but envy Shiba, the captain of the 10th squad.

With the talent shown by Hitsugaya Tōshirō, it is estimated that it will take less than a few decades to become the solid right arm of Captain Shiba Yixin.

Shiba stared intently at the envy of his colleagues.

He made a very fart look.

Hey hey hey!

My Tōshirō is amazing!


It is also between the lightning and flint.

"Kidō..." Jiang Ye said softly, and then unexpectedly released the same Hadō as Hitsugaya Tōshirō at this time.

Moreover, by giving up the high-level release technique of chant,

unleash it!

"Hadō No. 63 - Fiery Lightning Howl!"

Same Thunder.

Same Reiatsu.

same power.

As soon as Jiang Ye's Fiery Lightning Howl came out.

Immediately, the jaws dropped in shock from everyone present!

Little did they expect, to face Hadō of Hitsugaya Tōshirō.

Jiang Ye showed no weakness, no, it should be said that Kidō talent surpassed Hitsugaya Tōshirō.

In the same form of Hadō, return the attack of Hitsugaya Tōshirō at this moment.

Hitsugaya Tōshirō sees this same Hadō.

He was surprised too!

"How can it be!!!"

Hitsugaya Tōshirō pupils startled!


Fiery Lightning Howl collide with each other.

The collision produces a violent Reiatsu explosion.

Immediately, a turbulent flow of sharp spiritual particles swept out towards the surroundings.

Seeing that this turbulent flow of spiritual particles was about to attack the courtyard students in the auditorium.

Fortunately, the captain in the stands made a move.

A team leader immediately cast Kidō, applying a layer of space enchantment on the edge of the battle field, and the power of the explosion was immediately restrained within.

Thank you 1821xxxx for your reminder!

Thank you zyc558, ybb23, 880xxxx, dai19 for your monthly votes!

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