Terran Holy Mountain, Xuanyuan Ancient Tomb.

A fiery red light fell on the sea of clouds above the firmament, it was Sujili.

Today, there are nearly 10,000 Nether Stove Monarchs, mainly distributed throughout the Terran Kyushu, including 300 You Yi Stove Monarchs, each of whom patrols an area and is responsible for supervising all Stove Monarchs and evaluating their merits.

One of them, You Yizaojun, was arranged by Sujili near the Xuanyuan Ancient Tomb, and in addition to being responsible for inspecting the performance of duties by the Emperor of the 100,000 li under the mountain, he was also responsible for monitoring the Xuanyuan Ancient Tomb, nominally taking care of the ruins of the Emperor

Because You Yi Zao Jun is a heavenly court deity, protected by the heavenly way, and is from the human race, so he was not suppressed by the human emperor’s qi, and after entering and leaving this sacred mountain several times, he finally found the existence of three demons.

Because they are in the same mountain, they are sisters compatible, among them, the fox tribe is spiritual, cultivation is “three three seven” and wisdom is the highest, and they are the eldest sister; Pheasant essence is second, the second oldest; The jade pipa essence ranked last, the third oldest.

They moved the cave mansion to the Xuanyuan Ancient Tomb, which is the center of this mountain range, rich in spiritual energy, and with the help of the residual human emperor, it can make his cultivation twice as effective.

Sujili came to the Nether after receiving the news, and it was for them that she came.

Throughout the future God Sealing Tribulation, the three demons of Xuanyuan Tomb are the key, and he must lay out in advance and bury the chess pieces.

As for Nuwa Niangniang will not blame after knowing it, after all, the heavenly machine is chaotic in the catastrophe, even the saints can’t completely sort it out, Sujili is even more impossible, he has no ability to predict the prophet, those who don’t know are not guilty, and the relationship with the three demons is completely because they are geniuses.

What’s more, everything pays attention to first come, first come, even if Nuwa Niangniang Future Three Demons confuses King Shu, she can’t blame him for this.


Su Jili did not hide his existence, full of immeasurable golden light, slowly descended into the mountain, this scene was naturally noticed by the three demons, the fox was smart, his eyes turned with a touch of cunning, after hesitating for a moment, with the pheasant essence, and rolled up the jade pipa essence with his tail, carefully out of Xuanyuan Tomb.

At this time, Sujili was cooking on a fire, and looking at the approaching three demons, he was busy with his own care until the three demons came forward and bowed their heads and bowed.

“Little demon Hu Ji has seen Daxian.”

The vixen spoke.

She has already refined the Qi Transformation God cultivation, not long ago, she just refined the horizontal bone, she can spit out words, and she is the boss of the three demons, so she naturally speaks by her.

Su Jili then glanced at the three demons and said with a smile.

“This mountain is sheltered by the qi of the emperor, ordinary demon races are difficult to approach, since ancient times, no birds and beasts have opened their spiritual intelligence, you three demons can actually get the qi of the human emperor, it is interesting to channel the spirit in this mountain and embark on the road of cultivation.”

As he spoke, his voice changed.

“It’s just that I’m hungry in my belly, and if you show up rashly, I’m not afraid that the poor road will disembowew you and fill your stomach?”

A look of fear appeared on the fox spirit’s face, but then it was suppressed by it and replied carefully.

“The Great Immortal is a Dao Immortal True and has great powers, how can he not know that the three sisters of the little demon exist? If you really want to eat a little demon, how can I wait for my life now?” ”

“Great immortals have mercy and will not kill innocents.”

Sujili laughed loudly, looking at the fox spirit with a touch of appreciation.

“You little demon, you are smart!”

“Don’t wait to show up, but have something to ask for?”

The fox spirit’s face showed human joy and fawned.

“The eyes of the great immortal are like a torch, and the little demon does not dare to hide it.”

“Although I have obtained the creation and embarked on the road of cultivation, but I lack the practice exercises, but with the sporadic inheritance in the bloodline, I have explored the practice, swallowed the spiritual energy and the essence of the sun and the moon in the mountain, and begged the great immortals to have mercy, it is not easy to practice with me, and give one or two simple methods, and the three sisters I and the other will remember the great grace and never forget it.”

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The fox spirit was crawling on the ground, its body trembling slightly, both nervous and scared.

Take out a piece of beef with abundant spiritual energy, and Sujili will process it again, and it will be full of flavor.

“You fox demon is bold!”

“Aren’t you afraid that I will kill you in a fit of rage?”

The vixen said in a trembling tone.

“Although my sisters and I are shallow in cultivation, they are determined to be on the avenue, and they don’t want to be just mountain spirits and wild monsters.”

“If you die for the sake of the road, you will also die where you want, without complaint or regret.”

Sujili suddenly smiled, and the laughter was hearty.

He did not answer immediately, but waited for the beef soup to be cooked, and invited the three demons to eat together.

“When you meet, you have a fate0…..”

“Since you meet here, you will taste the craftsmanship of the poor road later.”

The rich aroma surrounded the mountains, and the wild beasts and birds in the forest were all ready to move, but no one dared to approach due to Sujili’s coercion.

The three demons of Xuanyuan were the closest, and their saliva that had long been tormented by the aroma flowed, but now that they were allowed, they immediately bowed their heads in thanks and stepped forward.

Su Jili took out three sets of bowls and chopsticks, filled some beef soup, and handed it to the three demons, who couldn’t wait to swallow it, took a bite of soup and meat into his stomach, and suddenly refreshed, and when the pot bottomed out, the three demons all fell into the mysterious realm.

Seeing this, Sujili smiled with satisfaction.

This beef is the most essential part of the body of a Heavenly Immortal Cow Demon, and it has been cooked by him, adding some crushed pieces of Wudao tea leaves, which is the foundation for the three demons who have not yet become immortals.

The cultivation speed of the demon race is slower, especially the mountain and wild monsters, Xuanyuan three demons are like this, in the thousand-year later God Sealing Tribulation, they are cultivating to the peak of the Void Harmony Dao, and they have never become immortals, because of this, the jade pipa essence will be beaten back to its original form by Jiang Ziya with three ambiguous true fire, if the three demons have to become immortals before entering the world to confuse Yin, things will definitely become interesting.

Before leaving, he tapped his finger on the forehead of the three demons and taught them a Xuanmen cultivation method.

Su Jili is not only a disciple of the third generation of the Sect, but also the Vesta God Tianzun, after ten thousand years, in addition to the Shangqing Immortal Method, he also collected some 4.1 other cultivation methods, all of which are quite good methods in the Xuanmen, and some are naturally passed on to the three demons.

In addition, Sujili also passed on the importance of karmic cause and effect and merit to the three demons, and passed on to them the story of some human emperors falling in love with banshees, and the banshees committed evil, and finally did not end well.

At the same time, tell the three demons of their origin and identity, he is not a person who does good deeds without leaving a name, moreover, if he wants the future of the three demons for him to drive, the sooner the identity is displayed, the better, in the future, the trickle down of kindness accumulates, enough to make them die and be loyal to him.

“I hope you don’t let me down!”

Looking at the three demons with great meaning, Su Jili turned around and left, broke through the sky, and returned to the Heavenly Court, which is really a place to stay for a long time for a disciple like him.

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