The next day, the sun rose and the light shone brightly.

Next to the ancient tomb of Xuanyuan, the three demons woke up one after another, all of them were elated, and with the help of the pot of beef soup, in just one night, their path increased greatly, and their cultivation advanced by leaps and bounds.

The fox essence directly entered the realm of refining gods and returning to the void, and the foundation was extremely solid, without the slightest sense of vanity; The pheasant essence and the jade pipa essence entered the refining and gasification god realm at the same time, and it only took some time to refine the horizontal bones and spit out words.

Especially after feeling that there was an additional practice method in the sea spirit platform followed by many common sense, the three demons were excited, grateful to Sujili, bowed to the firmament above, and bowed and bowed.

“Little demon, thank you Vesta God Tianzun for mercy!”

“Great grace in preaching, don’t dare to forget!”

The law is not lightly preached, and the Tao is not lightly taught.

Su Jili’s status in the hearts of the three demons at this moment was extremely high.

Before returning to the cave mansion, the three demons put away the bowls and chopsticks left by Su Jili, since it is a thing of Vesta God Tianzun, even if it is just a pair of bowls and chopsticks, it may be a good thing, even if they guess wrong, they have witnessed their creation today and are worth collecting.

In fact, the pots and chopsticks are indeed extraordinary, although they are not Lingbao, but they are also made of 10,000-year-old Lingyu, if they are slightly refined, they can become a few fairly good Lingbao in the world, enough for them to survive the Immortal Tribulation.

This is also Su 05 Geely deliberately done.

Although the three demons of Xuanyuan are important supporting characters in the Great Tribulation and have the blessing of luck, they are not afraid of 10,000 in case, and it is more secure to give them some guarantees.


Nine Heavens, Vesta Heavenly Palace.

After Sugili’s return, he went into retreat again.

In the quiet room, there are a large number of stoves, each of which is extremely ancient, exuding the atmosphere of vicissitudes of time, ranging from thousands of years to ten thousand years.

These stoves are all made of special materials, bathed in human fireworks for many years, and have long been reborn and become culinary treasures.

Sujili wants to use these materials to refine the human fireworks array, in addition to these special stoves, there are also nine thousand stoves enshrined by the earthly stove kings, each of which has been infected with pyrotechnics for decades, some from noble mansions, some from the people’s house, some from the Great Shang Dynasty, and some from the eight hundred princes.

When everything was ready, Sujili cleared his mind, and between the operation of mana, he sacrificed his own life stove and burned the stove, and under his exquisite control, one by one the stove was refined into liquid, but it kept the pyrotechnic gas just right.

This is a delicate job that requires a lot of energy, even Sujili took more than a hundred years to complete, and then he took out the original pyrotechnic array map and began refining, returning to the furnace to create liquid again.

After three hundred years of retreat, Sujili finally finished refining all the treasures, and under the traction of his Yuan God and the guidance of mana, many materials began to fuse with pyrotechnic gas as the line, and with the passage of time, gradually condensed into a formation outline, on which the spiritual light flickered, surrounded by endless pyrotechnic qi.


Just when Su Jili was refining the fireworks array, the robbery qi in the flood and famine became more and more dense and turbulent, and some ancient great powers closed the cave mansion as early as after participating in the Peach Meeting, closed the door, for fear of being affected by the catastrophe, and even some Da Luo Jinxian had already opened the mountain protection array when the flood desolation calamity just appeared, and made up their minds not to go out of the mountain and be nosy.

They are all existences who have lived for endless years, and they know the horror and weirdness of the catastrophe, once the calamity is in their hearts, they are as strong as the ancestral dragon, and the top powers such as Donghuang Taiyi and Zuwu are difficult to avoid and fall, not to mention them.

Even the newborn Golden Immortal and the Taiyi Golden Immortal felt that something was wrong, and there was a sense of impending calamity, so they quickly returned to the dojo and tried not to walk outside.

Some ancient clans were even more uneasy and alert.

In the deepest part of the East China Sea, dozens of majestic palaces stretch into pieces, standing in endless darkness, countless brilliant pearls illuminate this place, here is the dragon holy land Longyuan, which lives hundreds of thousands of ancient dragon races, although due to karma, can not appear above the flood at any time, but it is still the strength of the four seas dragon race.

At this time, in the most brilliant and magnificent Ancestral Dragon Palace, the two ancient beings woke up one after another, opened their eyes, and the dragon eyes saw through the void and felt the rich calamity within the flood.

“The great calamity is about to begin, and I don’t know what the result will be this time?”

Candle Dragon couldn’t help but sigh.

No one knows better than him the horror of the catastrophe. [ Read more novels for free on our website: ]

Hundreds of millions of dragons, phoenixes, and unicorns fell, and countless scaled armor tribes, bird tribes and beast races bled blood, and the entire heaven and earth were bloody.

Now that I think of it, the tragic scene of the Great Tribulation of the Ancient Three Races is still vividly remembered, which is chilling.

Another Mixed Yuan Golden Immortal-level Dragon Clan Great Dragon Mother spoke, and said in an indifferent tone.

“No matter what the catastrophe is outside, as long as the dragon clan is not implicated, nothing matters.”

The dragon clan has suffered greatly from the great calamity, and has not yet got rid of the influence of karma, hindering its own path, and the dragon clan has always respected the great calamity, and does not dare to provoke it easily.

Flood desert south, undead volcano.

With the order of the Phoenix Mother, the pure-blood phoenix clan began to return to avoid the catastrophe.

Inside the endless volcano, looking at Kong Xuan, who had a resolute face, the Phoenix Mother sitting on a magma fire lotus was full of helplessness.

“You’ve already decided?”

“Yes! The Heavenly Destiny Xuan Bird, descended to give birth to Shang, because the Terran Great Shang Dynasty listed the phoenix as the first totem, my Phoenix tribe has benefited a lot over the years, alleviating the suffering of deep karma, some people can practice normally, and the children have taken the opportunity to break through the realm and achieve quasi-sainthood. ”

“This dooms my Feng Clan to not be completely out of the matter, unable to watch the Great Shang Dynasty fall in this catastrophe, and always have to contribute part of its strength to break the cause and effect and break the involvement.”

“The child is the prince of the Feng clan, it is fitting that I will go; If the child can take advantage of this catastrophe, let 810 rage maliciously in his heart, successfully cut out the evil corpse or turn the tide, and protect the Great Shang Dynasty, it will also be a good thing for my Feng Clan. ”

“Besides, my Phoenix Clan has been silent for too long, it’s time to regain my prestige, so as not to let the Dragon Clan be exclusively beautiful.”

“As for the future alliance with the next Terran Dynasty, please let the mother god suffer.”

A moment later, seeing Kong Xuan’s departing figure, Mother Phoenix’s heart was mixed, both worried and relieved.

Many ancient races such as the Qilin Clan, the Ancient Demon Clan, the Wu Clan, and the Feather Race have taken action to restrain the clansmen and try to protect themselves.

The changes in the flood and desolation naturally could not be concealed from the Six Saints of the Heavenly Dao.

Shouyang Mountain, Bajing Palace, Taiqing Sage sighed, those who should come will come eventually.

Kunlun Mountain, Jade Void Palace, Yuan Shi Tianzun’s eyes pierced through the void, looking at the East Sea, the Tongtian Sect Lord also had a feeling, turned his head to look at Kunlun Mountain, the two eyes collided, and smiled in unison.

The former brought down the three treasure jade ruyi, and the latter touched the Qingping sword, they all knew that the time to verify the avenue was coming.

Mount Meru, Elysium, looked at the races and creatures that had become fierce and fierce due to the influence of calamity, and his face became more distressed, and his expression was more compassionate.

Chaos, splendid days.

Looking at the frequent chaos, Nuwa’s eyes were pitying, silent, and the entire palace became extremely silent.

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