Nine Heavens, Vesta Heavenly Palace, inside the Tianzun Hall.

The door of the temple, which had been closed for hundreds of years, finally opened, and a red-clothed figure walked out.

His facial features are bright and atmospheric, his temperament is handsome and dusty, and his body is full of a long-standing dignity and sacredness, like an ancient god who came across the river of time, it is Sujili.

After more than six hundred years of retreat, he successfully rerefined the pyrotechnic array map, not only the grade was higher, reaching the ultimate grade of the day after tomorrow, but also the power increased hundreds of times, more mysterious, if it is arranged in the world, he can get the blessing of immeasurable fireworks in the world, coupled with Su Jili’s many means, even if the Da Luo Golden Immortal enters the formation, he has the confidence to fight.

However, Sujili was sober-minded, and he did not have self-confidence to the point of losing his mind, he knew the horror of the Great Tribulation of the Gods, and knew that these means alone were not enough.

Thinking of this, after Su Jili briefly got out of the gate, he retreated again, this time he wanted to refine the ultimate innate spirit treasure good and evil clay pot, and also to refine the spirit treasure for the five flavor gods and Baijian, they are all the mainstay under Su Jili, and the great calamity of the gods will be opened, just in case, he will always give them some spirit treasures.

In the quiet room, he sat cross-kneeled, took out a pair of black and white clay pots, and between the surging mana, he began refining without distraction.

This is the first time that Su Jili has refined the ultimate innate spirit treasure, and in addition to refining the innate god forbidden with his heart, he is also trying to comprehend the truth of the great road contained in the spirit treasure.

He is the god of Vesta, Tianzun, and the Lord of the South Dipper, and he is also in charge of all spirits, good and evil, blessings and misfortunes.

It’s just that before the retreat, Su Jili ordered Baijian to temporarily send the human fireworks array map to Qingyang Mountain, using the power of this kitchen road ancestral court to absorb the human fireworks as much as possible, and continue to improve the power of the formation with the accumulated water grinding skills.


Time flies.

Five hundred years at the snap of a finger.

Sugili finally made it.

Thinking of this harvest, he couldn’t help but smile.

Good and evil clay pots are worthy of being the ultimate innate spiritual treasures, white pots palm good blessings, evil pots palm evil calamities, two clay pots one positive and one negative, one yin and one yang, containing the two yi avenue to reason, life and death, good and evil, blessings and disasters can be found.

This superb innate spirit treasure integrates attack and defense, and can even lay down the two yi array, mobilizing the qi of the two yi in the world to suppress the great enemy.

With the clay pot of good and evil, Sujili’s grasp of coping with the Great Tribulation of the God Sealing was a little more.

In addition, he also refined some Houtian Lingbao, and with this in mind, Sujili summoned the five flavor gods and Baijian to the main hall.

After they saluted respectfully, he didn’t talk nonsense and was straightforward.

“Now that the great calamity is about to begin, although you are waiting in the Heavenly Court, but some things have to be prevented, I will give you some spiritual treasures to protect the path today.”

Saying that, Su Jili took out five divine rings of different colors and used mana to support them and send them to the five flavor gods.

“This is the five-flavor divine ring, which is the top-grade Houtian Lingbao, which I refined with the innate five-flavor divine branch, containing the power of the five elements and five flavors, and the power is extraordinary, and it is most in line with you and other attribute avenues, and it has the effect of blessing the five-flavor array, I hope you wait for a good life to use.”

“The subordinates thank Tianzun for the treasure, and they will make good use of the spiritual treasure in the future and do their best for Tianzun.”

The five flavors of the gods were excited, and after solemnly thanking them, they put away the spirit treasure.

After that, Su Jili took out another halberd, sent it to Bai Jian, and spoke.

“This is a halberd of wind and fire, containing the power of wind and fire, and it is a spiritual treasure in the heavens after tomorrow, and it is also powerful, and it will be given to you today, hoping that you can use this halberd in the future to be invincible and successfully survive the great calamity.”

Bai Jian was excited, and after bowing and saluting, he immediately picked up the halberd and admired it.

When the mood of the immortals eased a little, Su Jili opened his mouth and asked about the Five Flavors God Heavenly Court, the Vesta God Heavenly Palace, especially the recent situation of the Terrans, the heavenly machine was chaotic in the great calamity, even he could not deduce anything, he could only know some news from the mouth of the Five Flavors God.

The Heavenly Court has not changed much, but after the Peach Conference, many scattered immortals have turned to the Heavenly Court, and Su Jili is not surprised by this.

These scattered immortals were either really attracted by the rich treatment of the Heavenly Court, or to avoid the great calamity, but either way, they were all powerful in the Heavenly Court.

Vesta Heavenly Palace has changed a lot, today, there are more than 12,000 Nether Stove Monarchs, spread throughout the large and small cities of half of the Terran Race, which is convenient for Vesta God Heavenly Palace to collect Nether information; The five thousand Fire Head Dao soldiers also greatly increased their combat strength, and hundreds of true immortals and several Xuan immortals were born.

And the Terrans are getting closer and closer to Sujili’s impression, although the Great Shang Dynasty still sits on the world and has strong strength, but it has declined, and the four princes of the southeast, southwest and northwest are rising rapidly, and now, the Great Shang Dynasty is Yin Shou’s grandfather reigning, Wen Zhong has emerged in the Great Shang Dynasty, becoming a young and promising general, valued by the Shang Emperor.

The lord of Xiqi is Ji Chang’s grandfather Ji Ling, who loves the people like a son, diligently cultivates morality and politics, cares about farming and the people’s food, not only farms himself, but also specially went to Qingyang Mountain to learn art for three years.

What’s more interesting is that after he returned to Xiqi, he not only vigorously promoted the skills he had learned, enriched the people’s tables, and planted many new foods that had never appeared in Xiqi before, but also vigorously sacrificed to the god of Vesta, and even built a shrine dedicated to the god of Vesta.

And not long ago, the three demons of Xuanyuan have successfully crossed the calamity to become immortals, knowing that they have been terrifying karma, they have devoted themselves to cultivation for thousands of years, and have never killed innocents indiscriminately, and after becoming immortals, they occasionally enter the world to practice, and they also wander around nearby towns, saving people with free consultations, accumulating merit and luck, and exuding a clear fairy aura all over their bodies.

Two of the demons also further bloodline atavism, the fox essence evolved into a nine-tailed fox, and the pheasant essence was promoted to a nine-headed pheasant essence, and the mana power was considered powerful in the same rank.

Vesta God Heavenly Palace, after understanding the specific news, Su Jili retreated the five flavors of the gods and Baijian, slowly digested the results, and after he could sort out his head, his heart moved, and a wisp of divine thought fell to the Xiqi Stove Temple Zhongxian (Li Hao Zhao) Sheng, the entire Xiqi City suddenly bloomed, grain and grain ripened overnight, and the five animals prospered.

To tell the truth, the Lord of Xiqi would worship him, and Sujili was not surprised, after all, even the lords of successive great merchants would hold a sacrifice to the god of Vesta, praying for the stability of the stove fire and the arrival of blessings, not to mention a lord of the princely state.

But what made him feel interesting was that Xiqi’s belief in Vesta was second only to that of Dashang, which was intriguing, no matter what the purpose, it was an undoubted fact that Xiqi’s subjects believed in Vesta, even so, he naturally had to make good use of it to show holy blessings, maybe this idle move would play a role in the future.

What’s more, Su Jili was clearly positioned, knowing that he was the god of heaven and earth, the king of all souls, not the god of the great merchant stove, and blessed Xiqi, which was his reward for the pious thinking of the people here.

After doing all this, thinking that the Great Tribulation of the Sealing God would begin in less than a hundred years, Sujili flew towards the thirty-three heavens with steps.

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